aws / apprunner-roadmap

This is the public roadmap for AWS App Runner.
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Is this project going to be worked on anymore? #234

Open TreyWW opened 4 months ago

TreyWW commented 4 months ago

Community Note

Tell us about your request


This hasn't had activity in like 3 months, with most issues being years old!

I've been using AppRunner for production for around a month now and it has been fine, but I'm attempting to deploy a new app there and it's just a rubbish experience. A single build has been "In Progress" for over 20 minutes, even though it failed 16 minutes ago, so it's just sat "Updating" not letting me do anything. This is unacceptable for any sort of "production" environment. image

It's a shame because the whole concept is amazing, easy to navigate (apart from logs), really simple setup, and it just works. But things like slow build times, lack of logs, the logging feature fully breaks (turns off) if there's too many deployments, and it's just a mess honestly.

I'd like to know whether it's still worth me even attempting to stay here, or if this is just a feature that'll be killed off soon. If there will be some active development and feature reworks on here I'd love to stay, but it just doesn't seem to be that way

Describe alternatives you've considered The thing is I can't find any alternatives that are this easy and cheap for docker (on aws). There's fargate, but the way app runner handles builds and auto pulling from ECR, etc, is just too good to lose for a solo developer like myself that doesn't have much time to be doing this manual stuff.

If anyone has any suggestions of what i can use to speed this up, or any alternative solutions like this on aws let me know!

dhavaln commented 4 months ago

please share some more context about your app and configuration, might be helpful to pinpoint the specific issues or tweaks to fix your issues.

we have been using Apprunner since 2022 and though it has a set of issues, it's still a very efficient way to run containers for moderate capacity, we are using Apprunner as our pre-prod environment, our prod set is using ECS+Fargate with MEAN-stack and DocumentDB.

TreyWW commented 4 months ago

On app runner i'm running the container version with a docker file. Environment variables are from ssm param store. Database is RDS. Can't think of any more config then that to be fair. Its the same issues on all of our apps on AR. I might attempt to deploy on Fargate aswell, it depends if it also has rollback ability etc.

Ill provide more config a little later.

neidiom commented 1 month ago

Development is slow. Last 6 months - runtime updates image

TreyWW commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the update @neidiom, I completely missed that section! It's nice that they're updating runtimes, it would be nice if they could respond to the real issues with the service too - but I must say app runner is getting faster. My build times are a few minutes now rather than 20 minutes. Big improvement!

RichiCoder1 commented 1 month ago

Development is slow. Last 6 months - runtime updates image

To be fair, all that states is that AppRunner is at least in maintenance mode. Doesn't say anything about current or future feature development.

neidiom commented 1 month ago

Latest update 3 weeks ago


neidiom commented 3 weeks ago

Roadmap is closed now

neidiom commented 3 weeks ago


TreyWW commented 2 weeks ago

Roadmap is closed now

πŸ˜” that's a shame. Now we can only see updates, not planned updates (unless there is a section on "todo"/"in progress", please do let me know!).

App runner has so much potential, and already is showing this, so I do hope Amazon decide to put in that extra work needed to boost up our experience. Feature requests like #9 make complete sense to not be added, as I appreciate AWS focuses on the enterprise, but I do feel a little better user experience would help all business levels. The issue ("idea/feature request" really) count is growing quite a lot, so I appreciate the majority of these requests are more wants over needs, but maybe more resources need to be given to the App Runner team to help?

Anyways, enough fanboying, it's a great product and I hope to see it grow and hopefully improve on its way. Thank you for the replies @neidiom!