Open JuanCarlosGonzalez opened 5 years ago
Thank you for your interest in AppSync! I will bring your feature request in the team. I'm leaving this issue here open, to see if the rest if the community is interested in this as well.
Very interested in this feature. Thanks
also very interested in this feature
We recently use AppSync heavily in our service, it will be great if this feature is enabled.
+1, we would love to use gzip
@joemastersemison you can already use gzip with AWS AppSync if you setup CloudFront yourself.
Here is a CloudFormation stack example of how I did it:
Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
Enabled : true
IPV6Enabled : true
HttpVersion : http
# Specific to GraphQL API
- PathPattern: /graphql*
TargetOriginId: ApiAppSyncGraphQL
MinTTL: 0
MaxTTL: 0
DefaultTTL: 0
# Automatic gzip
Compress: true
ViewerProtocolPolicy: https-only
# Specifies how CloudFront handles query strings or cookies
QueryString: true
# Custom "Authorization" and "Host" should NOT be forwarded!
- Origin
- Referer
Any news about AppSync support for compression?
@Vlaaaaaaad - why the thumbs down on the last few responses from people? Do you know a better way to do this or is this request misguided in some other way? From my perspective, compression on the AppSync graphql responses would be a big deal.
@yvele - would you mind posting some more details on your cloudformation example? There hasn't been any movement on this in years so I think it may be that your cloudformation example is the best (only?) way to do it. I tried parsing your eaxmple but I'm not sure I 100% understand. And when I tried the serverless-appsync-cloudfront plugin that indicates it would set it up for you, it didn't seem to work.
@Vlaaaaaaad - why the thumbs down on the last few responses from people? Do you know a better way to do this or is this request misguided in some other way? From my perspective, compression on the AppSync graphql responses would be a big deal.
Because +1 comments don't help at all: they don't push the discussion further and they don't count as votes (reactions on the top comment count, not comments on the issues). The only thing those comments add is spam, hence the thumbs down.
Not sure if thumbs up or down really do much on here to be honest.
Been going around in circles on this one and still can't get anything working. There are a few cut and paste samples but none I can get working sadly.
I dug into it tonight and got it working. Here's the CloudFormation setup I'm using. I ordered the properties in the same order you'd find them on the console GUI if you were setting it up that way:
Thank you to @yvele, this is essentially his set up with a few added details.
Note 1: The ForwardedValues property is deprecated and it seems that eventually we'll have to change to a CachePolicy and OriginRequestPolicy. I tried a few different setups but unfortunately I couldn't get it to work using those.
Note 2: After you get the CloudFront Distribution up and running, don't forget to change your app to switch to the new endpoint! i.e. fetching from ->
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
### Your description here ###
Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
Enabled: true
HttpVersion: http2
- Id: AppSyncGraphQLApi
DomainName: ### Your GraphQL endpoint here (no "https://" prefix and no "/graphql" postfix) ###
OriginProtocolPolicy: https-only
HTTPSPort: 443
- TLSv1
TargetOriginId: AppSyncGraphQLApi
Compress: true
ViewerProtocolPolicy: https-only
- Origin
- Referer
QueryString: true
MinTTL: 0
MaxTTL: 0
DefaultTTL: 0
PriceClass: PriceClass_100
- Key: Application
Value: !Ref AWS::StackName
Value: !GetAtt CloudFrontDistribution.DomainName
Name: CloudFront-CloudFrontDistributionDomain
@mperone thanks for sharing. Can I ask you to explain how you are deploying this? I've been working all day on trying to get my own version of this up and running via Amplify following this but getting a nasty error thats blocked me for now.
I'm guessing you are manually deploying this via the console or similar? I've only come to AWS via Amplify so that parts still all a bit new to me. Any pointers would be great to get this up and running and ticked off my list.
Many thanks.
I'm deploying the AppSync GraphQL API using the serverless-appsync-plugin.
I'm deploying the CloudFront Distribution from the command line:
aws s3api put-object --bucket
<s3 bucket name>
--key<relative s3 path>
/<new s3 yaml file name>
--body<local yaml file path>
--storage-class STANDARD_IA
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name
<new stack name>
--template-url https://<new s3 yaml file url>
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
In the Appsync Caching and compression page they mentioned below statement.
Compression is available on all new APIs created after June 1st, 2020.
But still, we're getting the uncompressed response, which takes more time (2x) when compared to traditional API Gateway response with the same request and response payload.
we're using lambda as a data source.
any fix for this? @vlekakis
@DilLip-Chowdary-Codes it took me a while today to figure out that responses are only compressed if they are above 1kb, as it is pointed out in the Cloudfront documentation: (Size of objects that CloudFront compresses: CloudFront compresses objects that are between 1,000 bytes and 10,000,000 bytes in size.).
So if you add the header Accept-Encoding: gzip
it works for me with "pure" AppSync (without additional Cloudfront distribution).
I'm using Apollo GraphQL client. It automatically adds this header
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
The answer doesn't have the Content-Encoding
nor it's compressed (and size of the call is 14 kb , so above the min 1kb ).
Does this means that only if exactly gzip
is set, the compression is enabled, and it's not able to parse the Accept-Encoding
Update: what I found super strange is that the first calls within my react app do not have gzip, the following one yes. The picture above is the screenshot of my browser console. All the calls are made by a polling, every 5 seconds. All the calls (event the first ones) have the Accept-Encoding
header set the same as the others.
The request and the JSON returned in the response is always exactly the same. As you can see,this first two doesn't have compression (14kb), the others yes.
Can someone explain me what's the logic behind?
I am seeing similar behavior to @70nyIT . Some requests are being returned compressed and others are not. Disappointingly one that is not is close to 1mb in size is not compressed.
It would be great that AppSync services support content encoding negotiation as API Gateway does. In order to accomplish it, AppSync services should honor Accept-Encoding header a provide compressed responses according to accepted compressions.
We've moved some of our backend services from Api Gateway + AWS Lambda pattern to AWS AppSync and we miss this feature.
Best regards,
Juan Carlos González