Closed mickog closed 2 months ago
For reference, the fix may be similar
Apparently there is some kind of what-was-first-chicken-or-egg situation and topic's stack can't leave without the bucket's Custom::S3BucketNotifications resource for some reason. Does anyone know any obvious workaround (except for placing both the bucket and the notification target in the same node) for this or any estimate on a fix (if it is even possible)?
I'm adding my issue to this to bump awareness.
I create all of my buckets in a single class, and made each of the buckets an attribute of the class. I imported the MyBuckets class into my main stack, which passed the necessary buckets to the sub stacks. In one of the stacks, I need to add an S3 event trigger onto a Lambda, and that's where I'm getting the cyclic reference. Is there a workaround? I also get the cyclic reference error if I attempt to add the S3 bucket as an event source to the lambda function.
What's odd is I followed the same process for an SQS queue and did not have an issue (create the queue in its own class, pass the object to the constructs/stacks that need it, use it as event source on a Lambda)
self.bucket1 = s3.Bucket(self, "Bucket1") self.bucket2 = s3.Bucket(self, "Bucket2")
import MyBuckets
buckets = MyBuckets(...)
subStack = Stack(self, "SubStack", a_bucket=buckets.bucket1)
def init(..., a_bucket: Bucket)
myLambda = lambda.Function(....) a_bucket.add_event_notification(...) or myLambda.add_event_source(S3EventSource(abucket, .....)) `
I'm also hitting this when using SNS as an event destination, any workaround or movement on this issue?
So thought I’d share the workaround I’ve put in place as it may help someone else who comes across this thread.
In my situation I was configuring a basic fan-out pattern across stacks as shown below but essentially to fix it I had to create the resources that resulted in a cyclic reference within the same stack.
This works but clouds the separations of concerns for each of the stacks in question in my case.
@SomayaB Do you think this issue is worthy of bumping to a P1 given it’s Lambda counterpart was also a P1?
Same issue, a fix would be great!
Low effort fix: rather than accept the IBucket
as a property, accept the bucket name and use Bucket.fromBucketName
in the stack requiring the S3 notification. This breaks the cycle.
This issue is due to the fact that addObjectCreatedNotification
is trying to modify the policy document of the destination to allow access. Ideally, it would accept a parameter that allows me to explicitly say I do NOT want the policy updated. Since that is not possible currently, you can do this to trick it:
// SQS stack
const sqsQueue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'Queue', {
retentionPeriod: Duration.days(14),
receiveMessageWaitTime: Duration.seconds(20),
visibilityTimeout: Duration.hours(1),
sqsQueue.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ['sqs:SendMessage'],
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
principals: [new ServicePrincipal('')],
resources: [sqsQueue.queueArn],
conditions: {
StringEquals: {
"aws:SourceAccount": this.account,
ArnLike: {
// Allows all buckets to send notifications since we haven't created the bucket yet.
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:s3:*:*:*"
sqsQueue.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ['sqs:SendMessage'],
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
principals: [new ServicePrincipal('')],
resources: [sqsQueue.queueArn],
conditions: {
ArnLike: {
// Allows all sns topics to send notifications since we haven't created the topic yet.
"aws:SourceArn": `arn:aws:sns:*:${this.account}:*`
// S3 stack
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'Bucket', {
versioned: true,
// Importing the queue tricks the dependency validator and causes it to not try and modify the policy.
const queue = sqs.Queue.fromQueueArn(this, `Queue`, props.beanstalkPrepStack.sqsQueue.queueArn)
bucket.addObjectCreatedNotification(new s3n.SqsDestination(queue))
This should provide adequate security for most use cases since it is scoped to the account level but it's not perfect.
Other possible workaround is to use AwsCustomResource. You basically specify an AWS SDK call to be executed onCreate, onUpdate or onDelete - internally this creates a Lambda that will do the real work:
Note: This replaces the existing notification configuration with the configuration you include in the parameter. Check:
// bucket created in stack1
// queue and notification in stack2
queue.addPermission(`AllowS3Invocation`, {
action: 'sqs:SendMessage',
principal: new ServicePrincipal(''),
sourceArn: bucket.bucketArn
const notificationResource = new AwsCustomResource(this, `NotificationCustomResource`, {
logRetention: RetentionDays.THREE_DAYS,
policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromStatements([
new PolicyStatement({
effect: Effect.ALLOW,
actions: ['s3:PutBucketNotification'],
resources: [bucket.bucketArn, `${ bucket.bucketArn }/*`],
onCreate: {
service: 'S3',
action: 'putBucketNotificationConfiguration',
parameters: {
Bucket: bucket.bucketName,
NotificationConfiguration: {
QueueConfigurations: [
QueueArn: queue.queueArn,
physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of(`${ id + }`),
+1 to this, as issue 5760 has been erroneously closed.
Any update on this? It's still an issue in the latest CDK version.
This issue has received a significant amount of attention so we are automatically upgrading its priority. A member of the community will see the re-prioritization and provide an update on the issue.
The usual way to deal with the cross Stack cyclic references issue is to use the "export attribute and import resources" mechanism (see CloudFormation Output
and Fn::ImportValue
). For now the L2 constructs of Bucket, Topic and so on, don't support this cross Stack setup.
So as a workaround, and to extend the comment from @owengage, here is what I would recommend for now:
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import * as sns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as s3n from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-notifications';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
class BucketStack extends cdk.Stack {
private readonly bucket: s3.Bucket;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
this.bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'my-bucket');
* @param scope Construct which will interact with the bucket. If the scope's Stack is not the same as the BucketStack,
* a cross stack reference will be created using the `Stack.exportValue()` method.
* @returns the bucket that was created with this stack.
public getBucket(scope?: Construct): s3.IBucket {
// return this.bucket; // --> does not support cross stacks scenario
if (scope === undefined || cdk.Stack.of(scope) === this) {
return this.bucket;
} else {
const exportedBucketName = this.exportValue(this.bucket.bucketName);
return s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(scope, 'my-imported-bucket', exportedBucketName);
class TopicStack extends cdk.Stack {
private readonly topic: sns.Topic;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
this.topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'my-topic');
* @param scope Construct which will interact with the topic. If the scope's Stack is not the same as the TopicStack,
* a cross stack reference will be created using the `Stack.exportValue()` method.
* @returns the topic that was created with this stack.
public getTopic(scope?: Construct): sns.ITopic {
// return this.topic; // --> does not support cross stack scenario
if (scope === undefined || cdk.Stack.of(scope) === this) {
return this.topic;
} else {
const exportedTopicArn = this.exportValue(this.topic.topicArn);
return sns.Topic.fromTopicArn(scope, 'my-imported-topic', exportedTopicArn);
export class S3EventNotifications {
private readonly bucket: s3.IBucket;
private readonly topic: sns.ITopic;
constructor(app: cdk.App) {
const bucketStack = new BucketStack(app, 'MyBucketStack');
const topicStack = new TopicStack(app, 'MyTopicStack');
this.bucket = bucketStack.getBucket(topicStack);
this.topic = topicStack.getTopic();
this.bucket.addEventNotification(s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED_PUT, new s3n.SnsDestination(this.topic));
In this example the responsibility of creating an export/import resource is handled by the stack which own the resource.
Another option would be to move this logic into the S3EventNotifications
(from my example) as you may want to keep the control of which resource attribute is exported and independently decide of its usage (with a <RESOURCE>.from<ATTRIBUTE>(...)
method). Which will make your code easier to change in the case of a future architecture change/migration (see this discussion for more context:
Here is the result of the 2 stacks synthesize:
cdk synth MyBucketStack
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain
DeletionPolicy: Retain
Ref: mybucket15E130AF
Name: MyBucketStack:ExportsOutputRefmybucket15E130AFA0000000
cdk synth MyTopicStack
Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
Type: AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy
- Action: sns:Publish
- ""
- - "arn:"
- Ref: AWS::Partition
- ":s3:::"
- Fn::ImportValue: MyBucketStack:ExportsOutputRefmybucket15E130AFA0000000
Effect: Allow
Ref: mytopicA51900AA
Sid: "0"
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Ref: mytopicA51900AA
Type: Custom::S3BucketNotifications
- BucketNotificationsHandler000a0087b7544547bf325f094a3db8347ECC3691
- Arn
Fn::ImportValue: MyBucketStack:ExportsOutputRefmybucket15E130AFA0000000
- Events:
- s3:ObjectCreated:Put
Ref: mytopicA51900AA
Managed: false
- mytopicPolicy0AEB5F49
- mytopicA51900AA
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
- Action: sts:AssumeRole
Effect: Allow
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Fn::Join:
- ""
- - "arn:"
- Ref: AWS::Partition
- :iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- Action:
- s3:GetBucketNotification
- s3:PutBucketNotification
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
Version: "2012-10-17"
PolicyName: BucketNotificationsHandler000a0087b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleDefaultPolicy2CF63D36
- Ref: BucketNotificationsHandler000a0087b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleB6FB88EC
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Description: AWS CloudFormation handler for "Custom::S3BucketNotifications" resources (@aws-cdk/aws-s3)
Code: ...
Tested with cdk deploy MyBucketStack MyTopicStack
which successfully created the 2 stacks with the associated resources.
This being said, I am interested in cases where this kind of workaround is not possible. Please, feel free to share some examples.
Comments on closed issues and PRs are hard for our team to see. If you need help, please open a new issue that references this one.
Reproduction Steps
What actually happened?