aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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[Route53] cdk-route53 Cross account records. #15213

Open mrpackethead opened 3 years ago

mrpackethead commented 3 years ago

Extend Cross Acount Records to be more than Just Zone Delegations. It would be great if out of the box, we could do any kind of record in a zone that was not in the account that the stack is in.

Use Case

many times, we want to be able to add records for external things... eg

Proposed Solution


This is a :rocket: Feature Request

njlynch commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feature request!

Creating general-purpose cross-account constructs is typically a good bit more work than a specific use case. However, in this case, we're talking about effectively proxying Route53's ChangeResourceRecordSets API. That's plausible, certainly.

I am marking this issue as p2, which means that we are unable to work on this immediately.

We use +1s to help prioritize our work, and are happy to revaluate this issue based on community feedback. You can reach out to the community on Slack to solicit support for reprioritization.

jnawk commented 3 years ago


pcolmer commented 3 years ago

This also potentially affects ACM when using DNS validation. ACM can now create DNS validation records for you automatically - but that only works if the DNS zone is under the same account as ACM.

We're currently working on Custom Resources to creating cross-account Route53 records and, from that, extending ACM to work cross-account.

But it would be oh so much better if supported directly by AWS.

jamiepeloquin commented 2 years ago


jweilhammer commented 2 years ago

+1 on this

Noting that cross account validation of ACM certifications works easily with a CNAME record

Was also able to get a cross account A record to an ALB using the IP address instead of the DNS name, but using the IP address is unreliable as it can change. Creating manually for now then

IainCole commented 2 years ago

The DnsValidatedCertificate CustomResource is separate to whatever the cross account record resource would be. I've built a cross account record resource and my own version of DnsValidatedCertificate that accepts a role to assume when creating the DNS records, I'm happy to contribute this back if we think it's worth having.

carolkelly25 commented 1 year ago


We need to be able to create route 53 alias records cross account and a bit disappointed that having done everything else in cdk that we can't do this, and the it's documentation to find in the documentation that this isn't supported. Seems like a very standard setup that people have with regard to route 53 in a separate account so a very reasonable request to get wider aws-cdk adoption.

scottbisker commented 1 year ago


johnf commented 1 year ago

I've created a construct library to help solve this issue. I'd love any feedback

liamor commented 1 year ago


mfittko commented 1 year ago


fjelliott commented 1 year ago


Mainly interested in the ability to validate ACM certificates cross-account.

brcourt commented 1 year ago


angeldima commented 11 months ago


gperego-pirelli commented 11 months ago


EdwardEdy commented 11 months ago


KurtMar commented 11 months ago

@johnf I found that you had done excellent work to implement this for ACM DNS validation, but that the construct was deprecated and the merge request closed ( :(

Do you have any plans to recreate your work in the newer CertificateValidation construct?

This is a sorely missed feature when working with top level domains in a separate AWS account and I am assuming that there is no real workaround for this.

dguisinger commented 11 months ago

+1 Similarly, I would like to create NS records pointing to subdomains which are hosted in separate accounts automatically from CDK

brcourt commented 11 months ago

+1 Also would like to add cross-partition capabilities, specifically Govcloud, since Route53 records need to be deployed to the commercial partition when working in Govcloud. Being able to deploy records across partitions easily would certainly improve dev experience.

github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

This issue has received a significant amount of attention so we are automatically upgrading its priority. A member of the community will see the re-prioritization and provide an update on the issue.

KevinFaro commented 8 months ago


Finaktiva commented 8 months ago


jsun1590 commented 8 months ago


jtobin321 commented 7 months ago


cwensel commented 7 months ago


torgejensen commented 6 months ago


meskander-ss commented 4 months ago


DanielBickler commented 2 months ago


schisne commented 4 weeks ago


hcapitaine commented 1 week ago
