aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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(opensearch): Not able to deploy the stack over pipeline #20499

Open shindeja opened 2 years ago

shindeja commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

When we try to deploy the OpenSearch stack as part of Pipeline, stack is getting failing due to missing asset parameters.

Action execution failed Parameters: [AssetParameters9d784cf317cead201dfe56ed0404d6d23eba6d499ca7354138230c2267f2fe90S3BucketB21FB59F, AssetParameters9d784cf317cead201dfe56ed0404d6d23eba6d499ca7354138230c2267f2fe90ArtifactHashC00C7285, AssetParameters9d784cf317cead201dfe56ed0404d6d23eba6d499ca7354138230c2267f2fe90S3VersionKey73D4F058] must have values (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: c6ae6178-62de-42a5-b8e1-23f975401e97; Proxy: null)

Expected Behavior

Pipeline should failed due to asset parameter missing error.

Current Behavior

It should not fail as it creates nested stacks which needs s3 buckets to create Lambdas.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a opensearch stack as part of stage in pipeline.
export class AppiInfraStage extends Stage {

    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: pEnvPros) {
        super(scope, id, props);

        const vpcStack = new iVPCStack(this, `avpcStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,

        const kmsStack = new ikmsStack(this, `ikmsStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,

        const iopenSearchStack = new openSearchStack(this, `iopenSearchStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,
            vpc: vpcStack.iVPC,
            privateSB: vpcStack.privateSN,
            publicSB: vpcStack.publicSN,

deploy the stack, you will get the error for opensearch stack deployment.

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

No response

CDK CLI Version


Framework Version

CDK v1.

Node.js Version






Language Version

typescript 4.4.0

Other information

No response

kaizencc commented 2 years ago

Hi @shindeja! Do you have a minimally reproducible stack that I can test on? I don't know what openSearchStack or the other stacks in your stage are. Do you know if those stacks deploy correctly on their own, outside of the pipeline?

shindeja commented 2 years ago

Hi @kaizencc this is my opensearch stack and all the stacks works well as part of pipeline expect opensearch.

import { CfnResource, Construct, Stack, CfnParameter } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { Domain, EngineVersion, IDomain } from '@aws-cdk/aws-opensearchservice';
import { SubnetType } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';

import { opensearchProps } from '../interfaces/iconfig'

export class openSearchStack extends Stack {
    public readonly openSearchCluster: IDomain;
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: opensearchProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);
        const devDomain = new Domain(this, `opensearchdomain${props.wEnv}`, {
            version: EngineVersion.OPENSEARCH_1_1,
            enableVersionUpgrade: true,
            vpc: props.vpc,
            vpcSubnets:[ props.vpc.selectSubnets({
                subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT,
                onePerAz: true
            removalPolicy: props.config.os.removalPolicy,
            // encryptionAtRest: {
            //     enabled: true,
            // },
            //nodeToNodeEncryption: true,
            ebs: {
                volumeSize: props.config.os.ebsVolume,
                volumeType: props.config.os.volumeType
            zoneAwareness: {
                availabilityZoneCount: props.config.os.azCount
            nodeToNodeEncryption: false,
            domainName: `${props.config.os.domainName}${props.wEnv}`,
            logging: {
                slowSearchLogEnabled: props.config.os.slowSearchLogEnabled,
                appLogEnabled: props.config.os.appLogEnabled,
                slowIndexLogEnabled: props.config.os.slowIndexLogEnabled,
            capacity: {
                dataNodes: props.config.os.dataNodes,
                dataNodeInstanceType: props.config.os.instanceType,
               // masterNodes:
               // masterNodeInstanceType:
            enforceHttps: true,
            // accessPolicies: {
            // },
            fineGrainedAccessControl: {
                // masterUserArn:
                // masterUserName: '',
                // masterUserPassword: '',

        const serviceLinkedRole = new CfnResource(this, `es-service-linked-role${props.wEnv}`, {
            type: 'AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole',
            properties: {
                AWSServiceName: '',
                Description: 'Role for ES to access resources in VPC'

        this.openSearchCluster = devDomain;

This is my pipeline code

export class AppiPipeline extends Stack {

    public readonly iPipeline: CodePipeline;
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);

        const repoName = Repository.fromRepositoryName(this, 'APIRepos', devConfig.repoName);

        const infraPipeline = new CodePipeline(this, `ApiRepos${devConfig.wEnv}`, {
            pipelineName: 'NonProd',
            crossAccountKeys: false,
            selfMutation: false,
            publishAssetsInParallel: false,
            cliVersion: devConfig.CDK_CLI_VERSION,
            synth: new ShellStep('Synth', {
                input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(repoName, devConfig.branchName),
                installCommands: [
                    `npm i -g aws-cdk@${devConfig.CDK_CLI_VERSION}`
                commands: [
                    'npm ci',
                    'npm run build',
                    'npx cdk synth',
                    'npx cdk ',


        infraPipeline.addStage(new AppiInfraStage(this, `deployDevStacks${devConfig.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: devConfig.wEnv,
            config: devConfig
        }), {
            post: [],
            pre: [],


        this.iPipeline = infraPipeline;

This is my stage code

export class AppiInfraStage extends Stage {

    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: pEnvPros) {
        super(scope, id, props);

        const vpcStack = new iVPCStack(this, `avpcStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,

        const kmsStack = new ikmsStack(this, `ikmsStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,

        const iopenSearchStack = new openSearchStack(this, `iopenSearchStack${props.wEnv}`, {
            wEnv: props.wEnv,
            config: props.config,
            vpc: vpcStack.iVPC,
            privateSB: vpcStack.privateSN,
            publicSB: vpcStack.publicSN,

This is the screenshot for the pipeline

Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 9 06 44 PM image

So as pipeline stack gets failed, but getting deployed individually correctly. This is done any extra just simple plain configurations, but its getting failed as part of pipeline.

pahud commented 3 months ago


Are you able to just deploy one single stack that has opensearch, kms and vpc via the pipeline?

Does it just fail when you separate them into three stacks?

As CDK v1 is end-of-support now. Can you help verify is this issue still relevant in CDK v2?

jayeshinde commented 3 months ago

Its failes for seperate stacks