aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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aws-cdk-lib/aws-location: L2 constructs #21844

Open dreamorosi opened 1 year ago

dreamorosi commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature

At the moment CDK supports only L1 constructs for Amazon Location Service. While this works OK for creating the resources, granting permissions to other resources/roles still requires a lot of boilerplate code. Same for retrieving resource attributes.

It would be great if CDK supported L2 constructs for this service.

Use Case

Work with Amazon Location Service and provision resources via CDK. The Cfn* L1 constructs work, but require a lot of repetitive boilerplate code.

Proposed Solution

At the moment the Cfn resources supported by the service are not many.

The L2 constructs should have a:

Each one of these constructs has some unique props and basic attributes like name, description, pricingPlan. These all map to existing structs like CfnMapProps.

Of those L2 constructs, the only non-standard prop/method would be what currently is CfnTrackerConsumer, which essentially allows to set a GeofenceCollection consumer to a Tracker. Ideally in the L2 construct this association would be abstracted away and require only passing a prop to Tracker or calling a method like Tracker.addConsumer(GeofenceCollection).

Finally, each one of these L2 constructs should have methods related to permission like .grant, grantFullAccess, grantReadData, grantReadWrite (with some variations/different combinations depending on the resource).

Other Information

No response


CDK version used


Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)


peterwoodworth commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the request, all new L2 constructs will need an approved RFC before implementation. If you'd like to see this come to fruition, I would recommend opening an issue in the RFC repo as a first step