Open kpapagno opened 1 year ago
The updatedBy should be a json object
findingFieldsUpdate: {
note: {
text: "Company XYZ Exception Approved Exception August 2023",
updatedBy: {'name': 'pahud'},
When you do it as an object, then the cloudformation chokes on it saying it expects string.
`12:24:31 PM | UPDATE_FAILED | AWS::SecurityHub::AutomationRule | SampleRule Properties validation failed for resource SampleRule with message:
We're consuming the model that CloudFormation offers - since we match CloudFormation (both want an object here), we need CloudFormation/SecurityHub to update their model. You can report an issue at the CloudFormation Coverage Roadmap if one doesn't already exist
If it's expecting a string at deploy time, what happens if you use an escape hatch to override the UpdatedBy
value to a string? Does it work? Or is this just completely broken
Thanks @peterwoodworth you helped me along. I had no clue about these escape hatches! Luckily this workaround was simple, and because it was already a L1 construct i didn't have to do what most of the examples did!
I was able to just add a property override, which I had no idea that you could do (Architect, not day to day "programmer"). Still a bit unclear on where/what to say the issue is, but the cdk workaround is easy enough!
const samplerule = new securityhub.CfnAutomationRule(this, "SampleRule", {
description: "This is a sample rule",
isTerminal: true,
ruleName: 'Sample Rule',
ruleOrder: 100,
ruleStatus: "ENABLED",
actions: [{
findingFieldsUpdate: {
note: {
text: "Company XYZ Exception Approved Exception August 2023",
updatedBy: {'name': 'pahud'},
workflow: { status: 'SUPPRESSED', },
criteria: {
productName: [{comparison: 'EQUALS', value: 'Security Hub', }],
complianceStatus: [{comparison: 'EQUALS', value: 'FAILED', }],
workflowStatus: [{comparison: 'EQUALS', value: 'NEW', }],
recordState: [{comparison: 'EQUALS', value: 'ACTIVE', }],
generatorId: [{comparison: 'EQUALS', value: 'aws-foundational-security-best-practices/v/1.0.0/Athena.1', }],
samplerule.addPropertyOverride('Actions.0.FindingFieldsUpdate.Note.UpdatedBy', 'Securityhub Automation Rule')
Describe the bug
When creating a securityhub automation rule; the rule will not accept a properly formatted note to be updated in the finding. Specifically, the cdk expects the "updatedBy" to be an object and fails synth. A standard cloudformation script with the updatedBy as a string works just fine.
Example cdk that will work; un-comment the note action and it will fail.
Expected Behavior
The provided code should work, with just a string passed in as the updatedBy text.
Current Behavior
Error on deploy is:
CfnSynthesisError: Resolution error: Supplied properties not correct for "CfnAutomationRuleProps" actions: element 0: supplied properties not correct for "AutomationRulesActionProperty" findingFieldsUpdate: supplied properties not correct for "AutomationRulesFindingFieldsUpdateProperty" note: supplied properties not correct for "NoteUpdateProperty" updatedBy: "SecurityHub Automation" should be an 'object'. at ValidationResult.assertSuccess (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/runtime.js:1:2643) at convertCfnAutomationRulePropsToCloudFormation (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/aws-securityhub/lib/securityhub.generated.js:1:45129) at CfnAutomationRule.renderProperties (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/aws-securityhub/lib/securityhub.generated.js:1:2556) at PostResolveToken.Resources (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/cfn-resource.js:1:7030) at PostResolveToken.postProcess (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/util.js:1:1565) at Object.postProcess (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/private/resolve.js:1:1018) at DefaultTokenResolver.resolveToken (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/resolvable.js:1:1320) at resolve (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/private/resolve.js:1:2510) at Object.resolve (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/private/resolve.js:1:892) at resolve (/Users/ken/codecnxc/security/ruleexample/node_modules/aws-cdk-lib/core/lib/private/resolve.js:1:2787) { type: 'CfnSynthesisError' }
Reproduction Steps
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
CDK CLI Version
2.91.0 (build eea12ea)
Framework Version
No response
Node.js Version
Language Version
ts-node v10.9.1
Other information
No response