aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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codedeploy: cannot configure blue/green deployment for ServerDeploymentGroup #30555

Open daTobiGit opened 3 weeks ago

daTobiGit commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

There are no options in CDK to set the deployment type from inplace to blue/green deployment. On the console, you can easily switch

Expected Behavior

i expected some configuration options in the class ServerDeploymentGroup, but there are none.

Current Behavior

only inplace deployments are possible

Reproduction Steps

this is all that can be configured:

`const vpc = new Vpc(this, "connect4-vpc-ec2", { vpcName: "connect4-vpc-ec2", maxAzs: 2, subnetConfiguration: [ { cidrMask: 24, name: 'ingress', subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC, }] })

    const asgC4Backend = new AutoScalingGroup(this, "asg", {
        instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE2, InstanceSize.MICRO),
        machineImage: MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023(),
        desiredCapacity: 2,
        minCapacity: 1,
        maxCapacity: 3
    Tags.of(asgC4Backend).add("id", "backend-server")

    const nlb = new NetworkLoadBalancer(this, 'C4-NLB', {
        internetFacing: true,

    const listener = nlb.addListener('Listener', {
        port: 8001,

    // Add the Auto Scaling Group as a target
    const nlbTargetGroup = listener.addTargets('Targets', {
        port: 8001,
        targets: [asgC4Backend],

    const serverApplication = new ServerApplication(this, "serverApplication", {
        applicationName: "connect4-server-application-ec2"

    const deploymentGroup = new ServerDeploymentGroup(this, 'deploymentGroupC4Backend', {
        application: serverApplication,
        deploymentGroupName: 'deploymentGroupC4Backend',
        autoScalingGroups: [asgC4Backend],
        installAgent: true,
        deploymentConfig: ServerDeploymentConfig.ALL_AT_ONCE,
        loadBalancers: [
        // auto-rollback configuration
        autoRollback: {
            failedDeployment: true, // default: true

Possible Solution

include configuration options for blue/green deployment to the ServerDeploymentGroup

Additional Information/Context

No response

CDK CLI Version

2.144.0 (build 5fb15bc)

Framework Version

No response

Node.js Version



amazon linux 2023



Language Version

Typescript (5.4.5)

Other information

No response

daTobiGit commented 3 weeks ago

it seems the aws cli does support those parameters:

aws deploy create-deployment-group \ --application-name MyCodeDeployApp \ --deployment-group-name MyDeploymentGroup \ --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce \ --auto-scaling-groups MyAutoScalingGroup \ --service-role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/CodeDeployRole \ --deployment-style deploymentType=BLUE_GREEN,deploymentOption=WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL \ --blue-green-deployment-configuration file://blue-green-deployment-config.json \ --load-balancer-info elbInfoList=[{name=MyLoadBalancer}]

khushail commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @daTobiGit , thanks for reaching out.

I see that cloudformation supports this blue/green deployment , can be seen here in L1 Construct -

Is this what you are looking for ??

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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daTobiGit commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @khushail , thank you for your response.

i already tried it out with the cfn class, but unfortunately it also doesnt work

   `// const roleC4DeploymentApp = new Role(this, "roleC4DeploymentApp", {
    //     assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal(''),
    //     managedPolicies: [
    //         ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('AdministratorAccess'),
    //     ],
    // });
    // const serverApplication2 = new ServerApplication(this, "serverApplicationEC2Deploy", {
    //     applicationName: "c4ec2deploymentApp"
    // })
    // const dg2 = new CfnDeploymentGroup( this, "dg2",{
    //     applicationName: serverApplication2.applicationName,
    //     deploymentGroupName: 'C4BackendDeployment',
    //     // deploymentConfigName: 'deploymentConfigName',
    //     serviceRoleArn: roleC4DeploymentApp.roleArn,

    //     autoRollbackConfiguration: {
    //         enabled: true,
    //         events: ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE'],
    //     },
    //     autoScalingGroups: [asgC4Backend.autoScalingGroupName],
    //     blueGreenDeploymentConfiguration: {
    //         deploymentReadyOption: {
    //             actionOnTimeout: 'CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT',
    //             waitTimeInMinutes: 0, // Immediate switch
    //         },
    //         greenFleetProvisioningOption: {
    //             action: 'COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP',
    //         },
    //         terminateBlueInstancesOnDeploymentSuccess: {
    //             action: 'TERMINATE',
    //             terminationWaitTimeInMinutes: 1,
    //         },
    //     },

    //     // loadBalancerInfo: {
    //     //     targetGroupPairInfoList: [{
    //     //         targetGroups: [{ name: nlbTargetGroup.targetGroupName }],
    //     //         prodTrafficRoute: {
    //     //             listenerArns: [listener.listenerArn],
    //     //         },
    //     //         testTrafficRoute: {
    //     //             listenerArns: [listener.listenerArn],
    //     //         },
    //     //     }],
    //     // },

    //     deploymentStyle: {
    //         deploymentOption: 'WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL',
    //         deploymentType: 'BLUE_GREEN',
    //     }
    // })
    // const deploymentGroup2 = ServerDeploymentGroup.fromServerDeploymentGroupAttributes( this, 'ExistingCodeDeployDeploymentGroup', {
    //     application : serverApplication2,
    //     deploymentGroupName: dg2.ref,
    // });`

when i configure the "deploymentStyle" attribute, i must not specify the AutoScalingGroups , LoadBalancerInfo , or Deployment properties. But CDK says: "one ASG has to be configured". This problem seems to be known: aws repost

khushail commented 2 weeks ago

My Bad, thanks for sharing the article. I see the CDK Docs also mention about this -

Amazon ECS blue/green deployments through CodeDeploy do not use the AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup resource. To perform Amazon ECS blue/green deployments, use the AWS::CodeDeploy::BlueGreen hook. See [Perform Amazon ECS blue/green deployments through CodeDeploy using AWS CloudFormation]( for more information.

In that case, you could file a FR with Cloudformation team ,by adding this on their Cloudformation coverage roadmap. .

let me know if you need any other help! Thanks!

daTobiGit commented 2 weeks ago