aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
Apache License 2.0
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fix(ec2): cannot set removal policy on VpcEndpointService #30640

Closed slunk closed 4 days ago

slunk commented 4 days ago
    ### Issue # (if applicable)

    Closes #30639.

    ### Reason for this change

    Cannot set removal policy on VpcEndpointService. defaultChild is not set.

    ### Description of changes

    Sets defaultChild of VpcEndpointService objects.

Issue # (if applicable)

Closes #30639.

Reason for this change

Cannot set removal policy on VpcEndpointService. defaultChild is not set.

Description of changes

Sets defaultChild of VpcEndpointService objects.

Description of how you validated changes

Tested in my cdk project.


By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

Your pull request must be based off of a branch in a personal account (not an organization owned account, and not the main branch). You must also have the setting enabled that allows the CDK team to push changes to your branch (this setting is enabled by default for personal accounts, and cannot be enabled for organization owned accounts). The reason for this is that our automation needs to synchronize your branch with our main after it has been approved, and we cannot do that if we cannot push to your branch.

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

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aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

Your pull request must be based off of a branch in a personal account (not an organization owned account, and not the main branch). You must also have the setting enabled that allows the CDK team to push changes to your branch (this setting is enabled by default for personal accounts, and cannot be enabled for organization owned accounts). The reason for this is that our automation needs to synchronize your branch with our main after it has been approved, and we cannot do that if we cannot push to your branch.

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

Your pull request must be based off of a branch in a personal account (not an organization owned account, and not the main branch). You must also have the setting enabled that allows the CDK team to push changes to your branch (this setting is enabled by default for personal accounts, and cannot be enabled for organization owned accounts). The reason for this is that our automation needs to synchronize your branch with our main after it has been approved, and we cannot do that if we cannot push to your branch.

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

The pull request linter fails with the following errors:

❌ Fixes must contain a change to a test file.
❌ Fixes must contain a change to an integration test file and the resulting snapshot.
❌ Pull requests from `main` branch of a fork cannot be accepted. Please reopen this contribution from another branch on your fork. For more information, see

PRs must pass status checks before we can provide a meaningful review.

If you would like to request an exemption from the status checks or clarification on feedback, please leave a comment on this PR containing Exemption Request and/or Clarification Request.

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

Your pull request must be based off of a branch in a personal account (not an organization owned account, and not the main branch). You must also have the setting enabled that allows the CDK team to push changes to your branch (this setting is enabled by default for personal accounts, and cannot be enabled for organization owned accounts). The reason for this is that our automation needs to synchronize your branch with our main after it has been approved, and we cannot do that if we cannot push to your branch.