aws / aws-cdk

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feat: update L1 CloudFormation resource definitions #30642

Closed aws-cdk-automation closed 4 days ago

aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

Updates the L1 CloudFormation resource definitions with the latest changes from @aws-cdk/aws-service-spec

L1 CloudFormation resource definition changes:

├[+] service aws-apptest
│ ├  capitalized: AppTest
│ │  cloudFormationNamespace: AWS::AppTest
│ │  name: aws-apptest
│ │  shortName: apptest
│ └ resources
│    └resource AWS::AppTest::TestCase
│     ├  name: TestCase
│     │  cloudFormationType: AWS::AppTest::TestCase
│     │  documentation: Represents a Test Case that can be captured and executed
│     │  tagInformation: {"tagPropertyName":"Tags","variant":"map"}
│     ├ properties
│     │  ├Description: string
│     │  ├Name: string (required, immutable)
│     │  ├Steps: Array<Step> (required)
│     │  └Tags: Map<string, string>
│     ├ attributes
│     │  ├CreationTime: string
│     │  ├LastUpdateTime: string
│     │  ├LatestVersion: TestCaseLatestVersion
│     │  ├Status: string
│     │  ├TestCaseArn: string
│     │  ├TestCaseId: string
│     │  └TestCaseVersion: number
│     └ types
│        ├type TestCaseLatestVersion
│        │├  name: TestCaseLatestVersion
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Version: number (required)
│        │   └Status: string (required)
│        ├type Step
│        │├  name: Step
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Name: string (required)
│        │   ├Description: string
│        │   └Action: StepAction (required)
│        ├type StepAction
│        │├  name: StepAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├ResourceAction: ResourceAction
│        │   ├MainframeAction: MainframeAction
│        │   └CompareAction: CompareAction
│        ├type ResourceAction
│        │├  name: ResourceAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├M2ManagedApplicationAction: M2ManagedApplicationAction
│        │   ├M2NonManagedApplicationAction: M2NonManagedApplicationAction
│        │   └CloudFormationAction: CloudFormationAction
│        ├type M2ManagedApplicationAction
│        │├  name: M2ManagedApplicationAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Resource: string (required)
│        │   ├ActionType: string (required)
│        │   └Properties: M2ManagedActionProperties
│        ├type M2ManagedActionProperties
│        │├  name: M2ManagedActionProperties
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├ForceStop: boolean
│        │   └ImportDataSetLocation: string
│        ├type M2NonManagedApplicationAction
│        │├  name: M2NonManagedApplicationAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Resource: string (required)
│        │   └ActionType: string (required)
│        ├type CloudFormationAction
│        │├  name: CloudFormationAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Resource: string (required)
│        │   └ActionType: string
│        ├type MainframeAction
│        │├  name: MainframeAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Resource: string (required)
│        │   ├ActionType: MainframeActionType (required)
│        │   └Properties: MainframeActionProperties
│        ├type MainframeActionType
│        │├  name: MainframeActionType
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Batch: Batch
│        │   └Tn3270: TN3270
│        ├type Batch
│        │├  name: Batch
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├BatchJobName: string (required)
│        │   ├BatchJobParameters: Map<string, string>
│        │   └ExportDataSetNames: Array<string>
│        ├type TN3270
│        │├  name: TN3270
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Script: Script (required)
│        │   └ExportDataSetNames: Array<string>
│        ├type Script
│        │├  name: Script
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├ScriptLocation: string (required)
│        │   └Type: string (required)
│        ├type MainframeActionProperties
│        │├  name: MainframeActionProperties
│        │└ properties
│        │   └DmsTaskArn: string
│        ├type CompareAction
│        │├  name: CompareAction
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Input: Input (required)
│        │   └Output: Output
│        ├type Input
│        │├  name: Input
│        │└ properties
│        │   └File: InputFile (required)
│        ├type InputFile
│        │├  name: InputFile
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├SourceLocation: string (required)
│        │   ├TargetLocation: string (required)
│        │   └FileMetadata: FileMetadata (required)
│        ├type FileMetadata
│        │├  name: FileMetadata
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├DataSets: Array<DataSet>
│        │   └DatabaseCDC: DatabaseCDC
│        ├type DataSet
│        │├  name: DataSet
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Type: string (required)
│        │   ├Name: string (required)
│        │   ├Ccsid: string (required)
│        │   ├Format: string (required)
│        │   └Length: number (required)
│        ├type DatabaseCDC
│        │├  name: DatabaseCDC
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├SourceMetadata: SourceDatabaseMetadata (required)
│        │   └TargetMetadata: TargetDatabaseMetadata (required)
│        ├type SourceDatabaseMetadata
│        │├  name: SourceDatabaseMetadata
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Type: string (required)
│        │   └CaptureTool: string (required)
│        ├type TargetDatabaseMetadata
│        │├  name: TargetDatabaseMetadata
│        │└ properties
│        │   ├Type: string (required)
│        │   └CaptureTool: string (required)
│        ├type Output
│        │├  name: Output
│        │└ properties
│        │   └File: OutputFile (required)
│        └type OutputFile
│         ├  name: OutputFile
│         └ properties
│            └FileLocation: string
├[~] service aws-batch
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::Batch::JobDefinition
│      └ types
│         └[~] type NodeRangeProperty
│           └ properties
│              └[-] EksProperties: EksProperties
├[~] service aws-kinesisfirehose
│ └ resources
│    └[~] resource AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream
│      └ types
│         ├[~] type HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    └[+] SecretsManagerConfiguration: SecretsManagerConfiguration
│         ├[~] type RedshiftDestinationConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├ Password: - string (required)
│         │    │           + string
│         │    ├[+] SecretsManagerConfiguration: SecretsManagerConfiguration
│         │    └ Username: - string (required)
│         │                + string
│         ├[+] type SecretsManagerConfiguration
│         │ ├  name: SecretsManagerConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├Enabled: boolean (required)
│         │    ├RoleARN: string
│         │    └SecretARN: string
│         ├[~] type SnowflakeDestinationConfiguration
│         │ └ properties
│         │    ├ PrivateKey: - string (required)
│         │    │             + string
│         │    ├[+] SecretsManagerConfiguration: SecretsManagerConfiguration
│         │    └ User: - string (required)
│         │            + string
│         └[~] type SplunkDestinationConfiguration
│           └ properties
│              ├ HECToken: - string (required)
│              │           + string
│              └[+] SecretsManagerConfiguration: SecretsManagerConfiguration
└[~] service aws-mediapackagev2
  └ resources
     ├[~] resource AWS::MediaPackageV2::Channel
     │ └ attributes
     │    └[+] IngestEndpointUrls: Array<string>
     └[~] resource AWS::MediaPackageV2::OriginEndpoint
       └ attributes
          ├[+] DashManifestUrls: Array<string>
          ├[+] HlsManifestUrls: Array<string>
          └[+] LowLatencyHlsManifestUrls: Array<string>
aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

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mergify[bot] commented 4 days ago

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