aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
Apache License 2.0
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feat(ssm): support cross-account sharing #30646

Open pahud opened 4 days ago

pahud commented 4 days ago

Still WIP.

AWS introduced SSM Parameter Store cross-account sharing in Feb 2024. Under the hood, the sharing account has to create an AWS RAM ResourceShare for the principal of the consuming account and the consuming account has to accept the sharing invite. The only approach to access that sharing parameter is through CfnParameter. Dynamic Reference is NOT supported.

This PR adds a new sharingAccount prop from StringParameterAttributes so we can use the API like

StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(scope, id, {
   parameterName: sharingParameterName,
   sharingAccount: '123456789012',

Issue # (if applicable)

Closes #29292

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aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

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aws-cdk-automation commented 4 days ago

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