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chore(elasticloadbalancingv2): specific 5XX CloudWatch metrics for ALB #30659

Open sakurai-ryo opened 3 days ago

sakurai-ryo commented 3 days ago

Reason for this change

ALB supports metrics for specific load balancer generated 5XX level error metrics.

However, they are currently not included in HttpCodeElb, so the metrics.httpCodeElb method is not available and metrics.custom must be used.

let alb: IApplicationLoadBalancer;
alb.metrics.httpCodeElb(HttpCodeElb.ELB_5XX_COUNT); // we can do this
alb.metrics.httpCodeElb(HttpCodeElb.ELB_500_COUNT); // currently we cannot do this

Adding the metric names to HttpCodeElb makes it easier to understand as it can be configured in the same way as HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count.

Description of changes

Add metrics names to HttpCodeElb.

Description of how you validated changes


By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license

aws-cdk-automation commented 3 days ago

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