aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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EC2 fails when importing cdk #31724

Open matsui20 opened 1 week ago

matsui20 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

When creating an EC2 in the AWS Management Console and importing it into the cdk using the cdk import command, the following error occurs and prevents importing

❌ ec2-1 failed: Error [ValidationError]: Template error: Mapping named 'MyInstancerestoreAmiMapA3AA9468' is not present in the 'Mappings' section of template.        
    at Request.extractError (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:46692)
    at Request.callListeners (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:91385)
    at Request.emit (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:90833)
    at Request.emit (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:199229)
    at Request.transition (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:192781)
    at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:157653)
    at C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:157983
    at Request.callListeners (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:91553) {
  code: 'ValidationError',.
  time: 2024-10-09T06:27:13.516Z,.

Template error: Mapping named 'MyInstancerestoreAmiMapA3AA9468' is not present in the 'Mappings' section of the template.

Regression Issue

Last Known Working CDK Version

No response

Expected Behavior

When executing the cdk import command, you will be prompted for the EC2 instanceID, and if you enter it, the EC2 instance will be imported into the CDK code.

Current Behavior

The following error is output

❌ ec2-1 failed: error [ValidationError]: template error: the mapping named 'MyInstancerestoreAmiMapA3AA9468' does not exist in the 'Mappings' section of the template.       
    at Request.extractError (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\ new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:46692)
    at Request.callListeners (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:91385)
    at Request.emit (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:90833)
    at Request.emit (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:199229)
    at Request.transition (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:192781)
    at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (C:◆Users61-202111-3263-user;Desktop;node_modules;aws-cdk;libindex.js:373:157653).
    at C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\New folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:157983
    at Request.callListeners (C:\Users\61-202111-3263-user\Desktop\new folder\node_modules\aws-cdk\lib\index.js:373:91553) {
  code: ValidationError',
  time: 2024-10-09T06:27:13.516Z,.

Template error: the mapping named 'MyInstancerestoreAmiMapA3AA9468' does not exist in the 'Mappings' section of the template.

Reproduction Steps

I created the following typescript in the CDK lib folder and tried to import a service with a definition of “MyInstance_restor”

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as route53 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-route53'
import * as cloudwatch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch'
import * as elasticloadbalancingv2targets from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targets'
import { aws_elasticloadbalancingv2 as elbv2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { StringParameter } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm';
import { aws_iam as iam } from 'aws-cdk-lib'

import { CfnMapping } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import * as sqs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sqs';

interface Props extends StackProps {
  vpc: ec2.Vpc

export class EC2_1 extends cdk.Stack {

  public testtg1: elbv2.ApplicationTargetGroup

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: Props) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const SSMPolicy = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(
  const CloudWatchPolicy = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(

  const rlJcWebap = new iam.Role(this, "webap", {
      roleName: "webap", // ロール名
      description: 'webap', //説明
      assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(''), // サービス
      path: '/', //パス(default:/)
      managedPolicies: [SSMPolicy, CloudWatchPolicy], // マネージドポリシー
      maxSessionDuration: cdk.Duration.hours(1), //ロールに設定する最大セッション期間(default:1時間)
      // externalIds:, //ロールの引き渡しに関する外部IDの設定
      // permissionsBoundary:, // 権限の境界設定
      // inlinePolicies:, //インラインポリシー

  const instanceProfileWebap = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'instanceProfileWebap', {
      roles: [rlJcWebap.roleName],
      instanceProfileName: rlJcWebap.roleName,

  const securityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'MySecurityGroup', {
    vpc: props.vpc,
    description: 'Allow ssh access to ec2 instances',
    securityGroupName: 'MySecurityGroupEC2'

    const instance = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance', {
      vpc: props.vpc,
      instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('t2.micro'),  // インスタンスタイプ
      machineImage: new ec2.GenericWindowsImage({
        'ap-northeast-1': "ami-0f36f4f3d34a4df19",
    }), // マシンイメージ
      vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC },  // パブリックサブネットにデプロイ
      securityGroup: securityGroup,
      role: rlJcWebap
  cdk.Tags.of(instance).add("test", "tag1") // タグ
  cdk.Tags.of(instance).add("names", "tag500000") // タグ

  const jcWebap1Profile = instance.node.defaultChild as ec2.CfnInstance
        jcWebap1Profile.addPropertyOverride('IamInstanceProfile', instanceProfileWebap.ref)

  const instance_restore = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance_restore', {
    vpc: props.vpc,
    instanceType: new ec2.InstanceType('t2.micro'),  // インスタンスタイプ
    machineImage: new ec2.GenericWindowsImage({
      'ap-northeast-1': "ami-005dc502f025ac443"
  }), // マシンイメージ
    vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC },  // パブリックサブネットにデプロイ
    securityGroup: securityGroup,
    role: rlJcWebap
cdk.Tags.of(instance_restore).add("test", "tag1") // タグ
cdk.Tags.of(instance_restore).add("names", "tag500000") // タグ

const jcWebapResotreProfile = instance_restore.node.defaultChild as ec2.CfnInstance
        jcWebapResotreProfile.addPropertyOverride('IamInstanceProfile', instanceProfileWebap.ref)

  const testtg1 = new elbv2.ApplicationTargetGroup(
                targetGroupName: "tg1", // ターゲットグループ名
                vpc: props.vpc, //VPC
                protocol: elbv2.ApplicationProtocol.HTTP, // プロトコル
                protocolVersion: elbv2.ApplicationProtocolVersion.HTTP1, // プロトコルのバージョン
                port: 80, // ポート
                healthCheck: {
                    enabled: true,
                    protocol: elbv2.Protocol.HTTP, // プロトコル
                    path: '/', // パス (default: /)
                    port: 'traffic-port', // ポート (default: traffic-port)
                    healthyThresholdCount: 5, //連続成功回数の閾値 (default:5)
                    unhealthyThresholdCount: 2, //連続ヘルスチェック失敗の回数(default: 2)
                    timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(6), // タイムアウト時間
                    interval: cdk.Duration.seconds(30), // インターバル
                    healthyHttpCodes: '200,302', // HTTP成功時の応答コード
                    // healthyGrpcCodes:, // grpc成功時の応答コード
                }, // ヘルスチェック
                targetType: elbv2.TargetType.INSTANCE, // ターゲットのタイプ
                targets: [new elasticloadbalancingv2targets.InstanceTarget(instance)], //ターゲット
                deregistrationDelay: cdk.Duration.seconds(300), // ターゲットの解除後,実際に解除するまでの待機時間(default:300秒)
                loadBalancingAlgorithmType: elbv2.TargetGroupLoadBalancingAlgorithmType.ROUND_ROBIN, // 負荷分散アルゴリズム(default: ROUND_ROBIN)
                slowStart: cdk.Duration.seconds(30), // スロースタート設定(default: 30)
                stickinessCookieDuration: cdk.Duration.days(1), //スティッキーセッションの有効期間 (default: 1日)
                //stickinessCookieName:'', //スティッキーセッションのクッキー名
        cdk.Tags.of(testtg1).add("Names", "test110") // タグ
        cdk.Tags.of(testtg1).add("test", "tag1") // タグ

        const cwalJcCpuutilizationJob2Error = new cloudwatch.Alarm(
              alarmName: `cpuutilization`, // アラーム名
              alarmDescription: `cpuutilization`, // 説明
              metric: new cloudwatch.Metric({
                  namespace: 'AWS/EC2',
                  metricName: 'CPUUtilization',
                  dimensionsMap: {
                      InstanceId: instance.instanceId,
                  statistic: 'Average', // 例: Average, Sum, Min, Max など
                  period: cdk.Duration.minutes(5), // 監視する期間
              comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD, //比較演算子 (default: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold)
              threshold: 90, // 閾値
              evaluationPeriods: 2, // : アラームが異常と判断するまでの連続する期間の数です
              datapointsToAlarm: 2, // トリガーとなるデータポイントの数
              treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.IGNORE, // 欠落データの処理方法 (default: TreatMissingData.Missing)
              actionsEnabled: false, // アクションの有効化 (default: true)
              // evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile:, // データポイントが不足しているときの評価方法。パーセンタイルの時のみ

    this. testtg1 = testtg1


Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

No response

CDK CLI Version


Framework Version

No response

Node.js Version






Language Version

TypeScript 5.5.3

Other information

No response

ashishdhingra commented 1 week ago

Unsure if fix implemented for would mitigate this issue. Let's wait for new CDK version containing this fix to be released before we reproduce this issue.

ashishdhingra commented 5 days ago

@matsui20 Good morning. Could you please test it using the latest CDK version 2.162.1 (build 10aa526) and see if the issue goes away? Somehow, I'm unable to get to the same error as reported in this issue.

Thanks, Ashish

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

This issue has not received a response in a while. If you want to keep this issue open, please leave a comment below and auto-close will be canceled.

matsui20 commented 2 days ago

@ashishdhingra Thanks for confirming. I updated the cdk version to 2.162.1 and tried again, same error.

スクリーンショット 2024-10-18 193955