aws / aws-cdk

The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
Apache License 2.0
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aws-cdk build is failing #6406

Closed robertd closed 4 years ago

robertd commented 4 years ago

For the past few weeks, I haven't been able to build aws-cdk on my Mac or with Docker. I ended up using lerna build and lerna test on individual packages, but I can't perform full build. Has anyone experienced this behavior?

aws-cdk: Applying project template app for csharp
aws-cdk: /bin/sh: dotnet: command not found
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts (6.063s)
aws-cdk:   ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk:     Could not add project AwsCdkTest7UAnDb.csproj to solution AwsCdkTest7UAnDb.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk:       at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-test7uAnDB/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/vpcs.test.ts (7.793s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker.test.ts (8.053s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/asymmetric-vpcs.test.ts (8.485s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/account-cache.test.ts (10.8s)
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/amis.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/stacks.test.ts (10.993s)
aws-cdk: some-name:some-tag: image already exists, skipping build and push
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker-new.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/version.test.ts (11.524s)
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: PASS test/archive.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/diff.test.ts (6.279s)
aws-cdk: Context value foo reset. It will be refreshed on next synthesis
aws-cdk: PASS test/commands/context-command.test.ts
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: PASS test/context.test.ts
aws-cdk:   ● Console
aws-cdk:     console.log test/context.test.ts:15
aws-cdk:       Temporary working directory: /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testH3v7F7
aws-cdk:     console.log test/context.test.ts:22
aws-cdk:       Switching back to /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk cleaning up /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testH3v7F7
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/deploy-stack.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/generic.test.ts
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...


aws-cdk: Summary of all failing tests
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts (5.862s)
aws-cdk:   ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk:     Could not add project AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.csproj to solution AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk:       at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testJoNE0F/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)

Full log below...



Error Log

➜  aws-cdk git:(master) yarn build
yarn run v1.22.0
$ ./
[1/5] 🔍  Resolving packages...
[2/5] 🔍  Auditing packages...
[3/5] 🚚  Fetching packages...
[4/5] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
warning " > @aws-cdk/assert@1.25.0" has unmet peer dependency "jest@^24.9.0".
warning "workspace-aggregator-5d26e1a8-c458-4fd7-b3f0-5e44f31c104d > aws-cdk > ts-jest@25.2.1" has incorrect peer dependency "jest@>=25 <26".
warning "workspace-aggregator-5d26e1a8-c458-4fd7-b3f0-5e44f31c104d > @aws-cdk/assets > ts-mock-imports@1.2.6" has incorrect peer dependency "sinon@>= 4.1.2 < 7.4".
[5/5] 🔨  Building fresh packages...

0 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 1471866
git-secrets scan ok
lerna notice cli v3.20.2
lerna info Executing command in 153 packages: "yarn run build+test"
cdk-dasm: $ npm run build && npm test
dns_validated_certificate_handler: $ npm run build && npm test
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: $ npm run build && npm test
awslint: $ npm run build && npm test
pkglint: $ npm run build
cdk-dasm: > cdk-dasm@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/cdk-dasm
cdk-dasm: > tsc -b && chmod +x bin/cdk-dasm
dns_validated_certificate_handler: > dns_validated_certificate_handler@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager/lambda-packages/dns_validated_certificate_handler
dns_validated_certificate_handler: > echo No build
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: > aws-global-lambda-coordinator@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb-global/lambda-packages/aws-global-table-coordinator
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: > echo No build
awslint: > awslint@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/awslint
awslint: > tsc -b && chmod +x bin/awslint
dns_validated_certificate_handler: No build
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: No build
pkglint: > pkglint@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/pkglint
pkglint: > tsc -b && tslint -p . && chmod +x bin/pkglint
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: > aws-global-lambda-coordinator@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb-global/lambda-packages/aws-global-table-coordinator
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: > jest
dns_validated_certificate_handler: > dns_validated_certificate_handler@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager/lambda-packages/dns_validated_certificate_handler
dns_validated_certificate_handler: > jest
cdk-dasm: > cdk-dasm@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/cdk-dasm
cdk-dasm: > jest
awslint: > awslint@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/awslint
awslint: > echo ok
awslint: ok
cdk-dasm: PASS test/dasm.test.js
cdk-dasm:   ✓ basic test (7ms)
cdk-dasm:   ✓ no props (1ms)
cdk-dasm:   ✓ multiple of same type (2ms)
cdk-dasm:   ✓ bucket-and-key (5ms)
cdk-dasm: Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
cdk-dasm: Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
cdk-dasm: Snapshots:   4 passed, 4 total
cdk-dasm: Time:        0.554s, estimated 1s
cdk-dasm: Ran all test suites.
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: PASS test/test.lambda.handler.js
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:   Global DynamoDB Handler
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:     ✓ Fails if the event payload is empty (11ms)
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:     ✓ Fails if the request type is bogus (1ms)
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:     ✓ Call createGlobalTable if RequestType is Create (12ms)
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:     ✓ Call describeGlobalTable and updateGlobalTable if RequestType is Update (6ms)
aws-global-lambda-coordinator:     ✓ Do nothing if RequestType is Delete (1ms)
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: Tests:       5 passed, 5 total
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: Snapshots:   0 total
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: Time:        1.305s, estimated 2s
aws-global-lambda-coordinator: Ran all test suites.
dns_validated_certificate_handler: PASS test/handler.test.js
dns_validated_certificate_handler:   DNS Validated Certificate Handler
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Empty event payload fails (13ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Bogus operation fails (1ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Create operation requests a certificate (17ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Create operation fails after more than 60s if certificate has no DomainValidationOptions (3ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Create operation fails within 360s and 10 attempts if certificate has no DomainValidationOptions (4ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Create operation with a maximum of 1 attempts describes the certificate once (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation deletes the certificate (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation is idempotent (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation succeeds if certificate becomes not-in-use (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation fails within 360s and 10 attempts if certificate is in-use (3ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation fails if some other error is encountered during describe (1ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation fails if some other error is encountered during delete (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler:     ✓ Delete operation with a maximum of 1 attempts describes the certificate once (2ms)
dns_validated_certificate_handler: Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
dns_validated_certificate_handler: Tests:       13 passed, 13 total
dns_validated_certificate_handler: Snapshots:   0 total
dns_validated_certificate_handler: Time:        1.332s, estimated 2s
dns_validated_certificate_handler: Ran all test suites.
cdk-build-tools: $ npm run build
cdk-build-tools: > cdk-build-tools@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/cdk-build-tools
cdk-build-tools: > tsc -b && tslint -p . && chmod +x bin/cdk-build && chmod +x bin/cdk-test && chmod +x bin/cdk-watch && chmod +x bin/cdk-awslint && pkglint
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/cx-api: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/region-info: $ npm run build && npm test
pkgtools: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: > @aws-cdk/cfnspec@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: > cdk-build && node build-tools/build
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: > @aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/cx-api: > @aws-cdk/cx-api@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cx-api
@aws-cdk/cx-api: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/region-info: > @aws-cdk/region-info@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/region-info
@aws-cdk/region-info: > cdk-build
pkgtools: > pkgtools@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/pkgtools
pkgtools: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/region-info: > @aws-cdk/region-info@1.25.0 gen /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/region-info
@aws-cdk/region-info: > bash build-tools/
@aws-cdk/region-info: ⏳ Compiling static data generator...
pkgtools: > pkgtools@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/pkgtools
pkgtools: > cdk-test
pkgtools: Tests successful. Total time (0.0s)
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Add DeploymentPreference for SAM
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Add the deployment preference for SAM Resource
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Permission scrutiny
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: SNS: These are not IAM policies
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: SQS: Not an IAM policy
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: SecurityGroup: Mark ingress/egress rules
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: SecurityGroupIngress: Mark ingress rules
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: SecurityGroupEgress: Mark egress rules
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: make the use of RoleMappings more type safe
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Set type of AWS::IoT1Click::Project.PlacementTemplate.DeviceTemplates to AWS::IoT1Click::Project.DeviceTemplate
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch:
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Sets AWS::Serverless::Api.Auth#Authorizers to Json
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Renames PrimitiveType in AWS::Serverless::Application#Location to PrimitiveTypes
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Sets AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Event.Events#UpdateType to Immutable
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Sets AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Location#Version.Required to false, per ttps://
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: remove the deprecated attribute DomainArn, as the new preferred attribute Arn maps to the same name in the generated code
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Applying patch: Treat Map primitive type as Json
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.AllQueryArguments] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.AllowAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.BlockAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.Body] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.CountAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.Method] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.QueryString] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup.UriPath] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.AllQueryArguments] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.AllowAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.BlockAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.Body] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.CountAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.Method] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.NoneAction] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.QueryString] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: [AWS::WAFv2::WebACL.UriPath] Incomplete type, adding empty "Properties" field
@aws-cdk/region-info: ⌛️ Generating the static data...
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/cx-api: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/region-info: 🍻 Pre-Build Complete!
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: > @aws-cdk/cfnspec@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cfnspec
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: test.augmentation.js
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ Validate augmentation schema for AWS::EC2::VPNConnection
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ Validate augmentation schema for AWS::Lambda::Function
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ Validate augmentation schema for AWS::RDS::DBInstance
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ Validate augmentation schema for AWS::SNS::Topic
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ Validate augmentation schema for AWS::SQS::Queue
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: test.filtered-specification.js
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification(/^AWS::S3::.*/)
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification(s => s.startsWith("AWS::S3::")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AccessAnalyzer::Analyzer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AmazonMQ::ConfigurationAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Amplify::App")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Amplify::Branch")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Amplify::Domain")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Account")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Method")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Model")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Resource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::Stage")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Authorizer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Deployment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::DomainName")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::IntegrationResponse")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Model")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::RouteResponse")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppConfig::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppConfig::ConfigurationProfile")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppConfig::Deployment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppConfig::DeploymentStrategy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppConfig::Environment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppMesh::Mesh")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppMesh::Route")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppMesh::VirtualNode")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppMesh::VirtualRouter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppMesh::VirtualService")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::DirectoryConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::Fleet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::ImageBuilder")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::Stack")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::StackFleetAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::StackUserAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppStream::User")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::ApiCache")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::ApiKey")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::DataSource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AppSync::Resolver")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Athena::NamedQuery")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Backup::BackupPlan")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Backup::BackupSelection")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Backup::BackupVault")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Batch::JobDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Batch::JobQueue")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Budgets::Budget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFormation::Macro")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFormation::Stack")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFront::Distribution")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudTrail::Trail")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudWatch::AnomalyDetector")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CloudWatch::InsightRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeBuild::Project")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeBuild::ReportGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeBuild::SourceCredential")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeCommit::Repository")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeDeploy::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodePipeline::Webhook")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeStar::GitHubRepository")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::CodeStarNotifications::NotificationRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPool")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolIdentityProvider")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUICustomizationAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::AggregationAuthorization")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::ConfigRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::ConformancePack")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::OrganizationConfigRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::OrganizationConformancePack")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Config::RemediationConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DAX::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DAX::ParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DAX::SubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DLM::LifecyclePolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::Certificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::Endpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::EventSubscription")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DocDB::DBCluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DocDB::DBClusterParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DocDB::DBInstance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DocDB::DBSubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::DynamoDB::Table")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::ClientVpnAuthorizationRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::ClientVpnEndpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::ClientVpnRoute")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::ClientVpnTargetNetworkAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::EC2Fleet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::EIP")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::FlowLog")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::GatewayRouteTableAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::Host")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::Instance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::InternetGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRoute")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::LocalGatewayRouteTableVPCAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NatGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::Route")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::RouteTable")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SpotFleet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::Subnet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorFilterRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorSession")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TrafficMirrorTarget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRoute")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTable")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPC")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointConnectionNotification")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointService")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPNConnection")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPNGateway")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::Volume")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECR::Repository")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECS::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECS::PrimaryTaskSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECS::Service")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ECS::TaskSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EFS::FileSystem")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EFS::MountTarget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EKS::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EKS::Nodegroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EMR::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EMR::Step")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EventSchemas::Discoverer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EventSchemas::Registry")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::EventSchemas::Schema")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Events::EventBus")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Events::Rule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::FMS::NotificationChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::FMS::Policy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::FSx::FileSystem")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::Alias")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::Build")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::Fleet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::GameSessionQueue")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingRuleSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GameLift::Script")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Classifier")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Connection")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Crawler")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::DataCatalogEncryptionSettings")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Database")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Job")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::MLTransform")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Partition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::SecurityConfiguration")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Table")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Trigger")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Glue::Workflow")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::ConnectorDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::CoreDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::DeviceDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::FunctionDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::Group")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::GroupVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::LoggerDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::ResourceDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Greengrass::SubscriptionDefinitionVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::Detector")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::Filter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::IPSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::Master")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::Member")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::GuardDuty::ThreatIntelSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::AccessKey")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::Group")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::Policy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::Role")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::User")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Inspector::ResourceGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT1Click::Device")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT1Click::Placement")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT1Click::Project")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::Certificate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::Policy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::Thing")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoT::TopicRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTAnalytics::Channel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTAnalytics::Dataset")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTAnalytics::Datastore")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTAnalytics::Pipeline")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTEvents::DetectorModel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTEvents::Input")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::IoTThingsGraph::FlowTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KMS::Alias")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KMS::Key")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Kinesis::Stream")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Kinesis::StreamConsumer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationOutput")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::ApplicationReferenceDataSource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::LakeFormation::DataLakeSettings")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::LakeFormation::Permissions")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::LakeFormation::Resource")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::Alias")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::Function")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::Permission")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Lambda::Version")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Logs::Destination")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Logs::LogGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Logs::LogStream")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Logs::MetricFilter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MSK::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Member")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ManagedBlockchain::Node")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaConvert::JobTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaConvert::Preset")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaConvert::Queue")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaLive::Channel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaLive::Input")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaLive::InputSecurityGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::MediaStore::Container")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Neptune::DBCluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Neptune::DBInstance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Neptune::DBSubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::App")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::Instance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::Layer")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::Stack")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorks::Volume")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::OpsWorksCM::Server")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::ADMChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::APNSChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::APNSSandboxChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::APNSVoipSandboxChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::App")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::ApplicationSettings")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::BaiduChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::Campaign")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::EmailChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::EmailTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::EventStream")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::GCMChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::PushTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::SMSChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::Segment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::SmsTemplate")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Pinpoint::VoiceChannel")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::PinpointEmail::ConfigurationSetEventDestination")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::PinpointEmail::DedicatedIpPool")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::PinpointEmail::Identity")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::QLDB::Ledger")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RAM::ResourceShare")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBCluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBInstance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::EventSubscription")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RDS::OptionGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Redshift::Cluster")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::Fleet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::Robot")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplication")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplicationVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplication")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplicationVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53::HealthCheck")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53::HostedZone")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53::RecordSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverEndpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Route53Resolver::ResolverRuleAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::S3::AccessPoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::S3::Bucket")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::S3::BucketPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SDB::Domain")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::ReceiptRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SES::Template")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SNS::Subscription")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SNS::Topic")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SQS::Queue")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::Association")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::Document")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindow")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTarget")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::Parameter")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SSM::ResourceDataSync")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::CodeRepository")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::Model")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SageMaker::Workteam")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SecretsManager::Secret")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::SecurityHub::Hub")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Serverless::Api")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Serverless::Application")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Serverless::Function")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::AcceptedPortfolioShare")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchNotificationConstraint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchTemplateConstraint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioShare")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::ResourceUpdateConstraint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::StackSetConstraint")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOption")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOptionAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceDiscovery::HttpNamespace")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::StepFunctions::Activity")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Transfer::Server")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::Transfer::User")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::IPSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::Rule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::WebACL")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::GeoMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::RateBasedRule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::RegexPatternSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::Rule")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::WebACLAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFv2::IPSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFv2::RegexPatternSet")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFv2::RuleGroup")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFv2::WebACL")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ filteredSpecification("Alexa::ASK::Skill")
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: test.namespaces.js
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ namespaces() includes some namespaces
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: test.scrutiny.js
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ spot-check IAM identity tags
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ IAM AssumeRolePolicy
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ spot-check IAM resource tags
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ spot-check resource policy resources
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ spot-check no misclassified tags
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ check Lambda permission resource scrutiny
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ check role managedpolicyarns
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ check securityGroup scrutinies
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ✔ check securityGroupRule scrutinies
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: OK: 35227 assertions (1106ms)
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Statements   : 76.92% ( 130/169 )
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Branches     : 51.06% ( 48/94 )
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Functions    : 76.6% ( 36/47 )
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Lines        : 76.69% ( 125/163 )
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/cfnspec: Tests successful. Total time (2.8s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/nyc/bin/nyc.js (2.8s)
cfn2ts: $ npm run build && npm test
cfn2ts: > cfn2ts@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/cfn2ts
cfn2ts: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: > @aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.CloudArtifact.assembly] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.CloudArtifact.findMetadataByType] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.CloudAssembly.stacks] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.CloudFormationStackArtifact] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.EnvironmentUtils] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.EnvironmentUtils.format] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.EnvironmentUtils.parse] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.TreeCloudArtifact] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.TreeCloudArtifact.file] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ArtifactManifest.dependencies] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ArtifactManifest.environment] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ArtifactManifest.metadata] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AssemblyBuildOptions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AssemblyManifest.artifacts] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AssemblyManifest.missing] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AssemblyManifest.runtime] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AvailabilityZonesContextQuery.account] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AvailabilityZonesContextQuery.region] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.AwsCloudFormationStackProperties.parameters] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ContainerImageAssetMetadataEntry] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.FileAssetMetadataEntry] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.HostedZoneContextQuery.account] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.HostedZoneContextQuery.privateZone] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.HostedZoneContextQuery.region] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.HostedZoneContextQuery.vpcId] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.MetadataEntry.trace] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.MetadataEntryResult] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SSMParameterContextQuery.account] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SSMParameterContextQuery.parameterName] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SSMParameterContextQuery.region] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessage] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessage.entry] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessage.level] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextQuery.account] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextQuery.region] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.isolatedSubnetIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.isolatedSubnetNames] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.isolatedSubnetRouteTableIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.privateSubnetIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.privateSubnetNames] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.privateSubnetRouteTableIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.publicSubnetIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.publicSubnetNames] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.publicSubnetRouteTableIds] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/cx-api.VpcContextResponse.vpnGatewayId] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.ArtifactType.NONE] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessageLevel] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessageLevel.INFO] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessageLevel.WARNING] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/cx-api.SynthesisMessageLevel.ERROR] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/cx-api: > @aws-cdk/cx-api@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cx-api
@aws-cdk/cx-api: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: PASS test/validate.test.js
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema:   ✓ Correctly validate Docker image asset (4ms)
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema:   ✓ Throw on invalid Docker image asset (19ms)
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema:   ✓ Correctly validate File asset
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema:   ✓ Throw on invalid file asset (1ms)
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Statements   : 88.37% ( 76/86 )
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Branches     : 73.08% ( 19/26 )
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Functions    : 94.44% ( 17/18 )
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Lines        : 91.46% ( 75/82 )
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Snapshots:   0 total
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Time:        1.078s
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Ran all test suites.
@aws-cdk/cdk-assets-schema: Tests successful. Total time (2.1s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (2.0s)
cdk-assets: $ npm run build && npm test
cdk-assets: > cdk-assets@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/cdk-assets
cdk-assets: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/cx-api: PASS test/environment.test.js
@aws-cdk/cx-api: PASS test/cloud-assembly-builder.test.js
@aws-cdk/cx-api: PASS test/cloud-assembly.test.js
@aws-cdk/cx-api: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Statements   : 96.7% ( 264/273 )
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Branches     : 86.61% ( 97/112 )
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Functions    : 100% ( 47/47 )
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Lines        : 96.48% ( 247/256 )
@aws-cdk/cx-api: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Test Suites: 3 passed, 3 total
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Tests:       26 passed, 26 total
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Snapshots:   6 passed, 6 total
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Time:        1.819s, estimated 2s
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Ran all test suites.
@aws-cdk/cx-api: Tests successful. Total time (2.9s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (2.8s)
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: > @aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: > cdk-build
cfn2ts: > cfn2ts@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/tools/cfn2ts
cfn2ts: > cdk-test
cfn2ts: Tests successful. Total time (0.0s)
@aws-cdk/core: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/core: > @aws-cdk/core@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/core
@aws-cdk/core: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/region-info: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/region-info.Fact.regions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/region-info: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/region-info.RegionInfo.regions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/region-info: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/region-info: > @aws-cdk/region-info@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/region-info
@aws-cdk/region-info: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/region-info: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
@aws-cdk/region-info: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
@aws-cdk/region-info: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
@aws-cdk/region-info: PASS test/fact.test.ts (6.622s)
@aws-cdk/region-info: PASS test/default.test.ts (6.71s)
@aws-cdk/region-info: PASS test/region-info.test.ts (6.7s)
@aws-cdk/region-info: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/region-info: Statements   : 98.93% ( 371/375 )
@aws-cdk/region-info: Branches     : 84.62% ( 22/26 )
@aws-cdk/region-info: Functions    : 80% ( 16/20 )
@aws-cdk/region-info: Lines        : 98.93% ( 371/375 )
@aws-cdk/region-info: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/region-info: Test Suites: 3 passed, 3 total
@aws-cdk/region-info: Tests:       41 passed, 41 total
@aws-cdk/region-info: Snapshots:   1 passed, 1 total
@aws-cdk/region-info: Time:        7.402s, estimated 8s
@aws-cdk/region-info: Ran all test suites.
@aws-cdk/region-info: Tests successful. Total time (8.4s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (8.3s)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring FunctionDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring VariableDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
@aws-cdk/core: JSII: Ignoring TypeAliasDeclaration node (it cannot be represented in the jsii type model)
cdk-assets: > cdk-assets@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/cdk-assets
cdk-assets: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: > @aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: > cdk-test
cdk-assets: PASS test/manifest.test.js
cdk-assets: PASS test/zipping.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/render-intrinsics.test.js
cdk-assets: PASS test/files.test.js
cdk-assets: PASS test/docker-images.test.js
cdk-assets: PASS test/progress.test.js
cdk-assets: PASS test/placeholders.test.js (5.004s)
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/network/rule.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/diff-template.test.js
cdk-assets: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
cdk-assets: Statements   : 89.84% ( 389/433 )
cdk-assets: Branches     : 71.51% ( 128/179 )
cdk-assets: Functions    : 89% ( 89/100 )
cdk-assets: Lines        : 92.75% ( 371/400 )
cdk-assets: ================================================================================
cdk-assets: Test Suites: 6 passed, 6 total
cdk-assets: Tests:       20 passed, 20 total
cdk-assets: Snapshots:   0 total
cdk-assets: Time:        5.903s
cdk-assets: Ran all test suites.
cdk-assets: Tests successful. Total time (6.7s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (6.7s)
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/network/detect-changes.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/iam/broadening.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/iam/detect-changes.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: PASS test/iam/statement.test.js
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Statements   : 61.65% ( 611/991 )
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Branches     : 56.16% ( 319/568 )
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Functions    : 60.91% ( 148/243 )
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Lines        : 63.04% ( 556/882 )
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Test Suites: 7 passed, 7 total
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Tests:       54 passed, 54 total
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Snapshots:   0 total
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Time:        4.553s
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Ran all test suites.
@aws-cdk/cloudformation-diff: Tests successful. Total time (5.9s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (5.8s)
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:construct-ctor:@aws-cdk/core.App.<initializer>] signature of all construct constructors should be "scope, id, props"  (expected="2",actual="1")
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-no-cfn-types:@aws-cdk/core.CfnOutputProps.condition] props must not expose L1 types (types which start with "Cfn")
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-no-any:@aws-cdk/core.CfnParameterProps.default] props must not use Typescript "any" type
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-no-cfn-types:@aws-cdk/core.CfnRuleProps.assertions] props must not expose L1 types (types which start with "Cfn")
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:construct-ctor:@aws-cdk/core.Stack.<initializer>.params[1]] signature of all construct constructors should be "scope, id, props"  (expected="id",actual="id")
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Arn] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.ACCOUNT_ID] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.NO_VALUE] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.NOTIFICATION_ARNS] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.PARTITION] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.REGION] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.STACK_ID] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.STACK_NAME] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Aws.URL_SUFFIX] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode.root] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ContextProvider.getKey] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ContextProvider.getValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.days] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.hours] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.millis] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.minutes] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.seconds] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toDays] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toHours] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toISOString] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toMilliseconds] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toMinutes] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Duration.toSeconds] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Lazy.anyValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Lazy.listValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Lazy.numberValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Lazy.stringValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Reference.displayName] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.accountId] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.notificationArns] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.partition] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.region] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.stackId] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.stackName] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ScopedAws.urlSuffix] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Stack.addDockerImageAsset] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.Stack.addFileAsset] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.firstValue] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.length] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.firstToken] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.addIntrinsic] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.addLiteral] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TokenizedStringFragments.addToken] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResult.errorMessage] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResult.isSuccess] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResult.results] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResults.isSuccess] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResults.results] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResults.collect] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ValidationResults.errorTreeList] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ArnComponents] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/core.ArnComponents.resourceName] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.DockerImageAssetSource] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/core.EncodingOptions.displayHint] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextKeyOptions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextKeyOptions.props] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextKeyResult] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextKeyResult.key] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextKeyResult.props] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextValueOptions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextValueResult] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextValueResult.value] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:props-default-doc:@aws-cdk/core.GetContextValueResult.value] Optional property must have @default documentation
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.ICfnResourceOptions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicyOptions] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.StackProps] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType.STANDARD] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType.AUTOSCALING_GROUP] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType.MAP] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType.KEY_VALUE] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: skipped: [awslint:docs-public-apis:@aws-cdk/core.TagType.NOT_TAGGABLE] Public API element must have a docstring
@aws-cdk/core: > @aws-cdk/core@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/core
@aws-cdk/core: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/core: test.physical-name-generator.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - generates correct physical names
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - generates different names in different accounts
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - generates different names in different regions
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - fails when the region is an unresolved token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - fails when the region is not provided
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - fails when the account is an unresolved token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ generatePhysicalName - fails when the account is not provided
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ GeneratedWhenNeededMarker - is correctly recognized
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ GeneratedWhenNeededMarker - throws when resolved
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ isGeneratedWhenNeededMarker - correctly response for other tokens
@aws-cdk/core: test.tree-metadata.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tree metadata is generated as expected
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tree metadata for a Cfn resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ token resolution & cfn parameter
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack tokens
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ failing nodes
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ synthesizes all stacks and returns synthesis result
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ context can be passed through CDK_CONTEXT
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ context passed through CDK_CONTEXT has precedence
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ context from the command line can be used when creating the stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ setContext(k,v) can be used to set context programmatically
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ setContext(k,v) cannot be called after stacks have been added because stacks may use the context
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ app.synth() performs validation first and if there are errors, it returns the errors
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ app.synthesizeStack(stack) will return a list of missing contextual information
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ runtime library versions disabled
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ runtime library versions
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ jsii-runtime version loaded from JSII_AGENT
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ version reporting includes only @aws-cdk, aws-cdk and jsii libraries
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ deep stack is shown and synthesized properly
@aws-cdk/core: test.arn.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ create from components with defaults
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ create from components with specific values for the various components
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ allow empty string in components
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resourcePathSep can be set to ":" instead of the default "/"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resourcePathSep can be set to "" instead of the default "/"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ fails if resourcePathSep is neither ":" nor "/"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - fails - if doesn't start with "arn:"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - fails - if the ARN doesnt have enough components
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - fails - if "service" is not specified
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - fails - if "resource" is not specified
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - various successful parses
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - a Token with : separator
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - a Token with / separator
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Arn.parse(s) - returns empty string ARN components
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can use a fully specified ARN from a different stack without incurring an import
@aws-cdk/core: test.aspect.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Aspects are invoked only once
@aws-cdk/core: test.assets.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addFileAsset correctly sets metadata and creates S3 parameters
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addDockerImageAsset correctly sets metadata
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addDockerImageAsset uses the default repository name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addDockerImageAsset supports overriding repository name through a context key as a workaround until we have API for that
@aws-cdk/core: test.cfn-resource.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ._toCloudFormation - does not call renderProperties with an undefined value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ applyRemovalPolicy default includes Update policy
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can switch off updating Update policy
@aws-cdk/core: test.cloudformation-json.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ string tokens can be JSONified and JSONification can be reversed
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ string tokens can be embedded while being JSONified
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ constant string has correct amount of quotes applied
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ integer Tokens behave correctly in stringification and JSONification
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens in strings survive additional TokenJSON.stringification()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ intrinsic Tokens embed correctly in JSONification
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ fake intrinsics are serialized to objects
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ embedded string literals in intrinsics are escaped when calling TokenJSON.stringify()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Tokens in Tokens are handled correctly
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Doubly nested strings evaluate correctly in JSON context
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Doubly nested intrinsics evaluate correctly in JSON context
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Quoted strings in embedded JSON context are escaped
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack references are also properly converted by toJsonString()
@aws-cdk/core: test.condition.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ chain conditions
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ condition expressions can be embedded as strings
@aws-cdk/core: test.construct.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ the "Root" construct is a special construct which can be used as the root of the tree
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ constructs cannot be created with an empty name unless they are root
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ returns the name of the construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct id can use any character except the path separator
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if construct id contains path seperators, they will be replaced by double-dash
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if "undefined" is forcefully used as an "id", it will be treated as an empty string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ dont allow unresolved tokens to be used in construct IDs
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.uniqueId returns a tree-unique alphanumeric id of this construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cannot calculate uniqueId if the construct path is ["Default"]
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.getChildren() returns an array of all children
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.findChild(name) can be used to retrieve a child from a parent
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.getChild(name) can be used to retrieve a child from a parent
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can remove children from the tree using tryRemoveChild()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.toString() and construct.toTreeString() can be used for diagnostics
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.getContext(key) can be used to read a value from context defined at the root level
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.setContext(k,v) sets context at some level and construct.getContext(key) will return the lowermost value defined in the stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.setContext(key, value) can only be called before adding any children
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ fails if context key contains unresolved tokens
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.pathParts returns an array of strings of all names from root to node
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if a root construct has a name, it should be included in the path
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct can not be created with the name of a sibling
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addMetadata(type, data) can be used to attach metadata to constructs FIND_ME
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addMetadata(type, undefined/null) is ignored
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addWarning(message) can be used to add a "WARNING" message entry to the construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addError(message) can be used to add a "ERROR" message entry to the construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addInfo(message) can be used to add an "INFO" message entry to the construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ multiple children of the same type, with explicit names are welcome
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.validate() can be implemented to perform validation, ConstructNode.validate(construct.node) will return all errors from the subtree (DFS)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ construct.lock() protects against adding children anywhere under this construct (direct or indirect)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ findAll returns a list of all children in either DFS or BFS
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ancestors returns a list of parents up to root
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ "root" returns the root construct
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ defaultChild - returns the child with id "Resource"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ defaultChild - returns the child with id "Default"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ defaultChild - can override defaultChild
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ defaultChild - returns "undefined" if there is no default
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ defaultChild - fails if there are both "Resource" and "Default"
@aws-cdk/core: test.context.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ AvailabilityZoneProvider returns a list with dummy values if the context is not available
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ AvailabilityZoneProvider will return context list if available
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ AvailabilityZoneProvider will complain if not given a list
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ContextProvider consistently generates a key
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Key generation can contain arbitrarily deep structures
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Keys with undefined values are not serialized
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ context provider errors are attached to tree
@aws-cdk/core: test.cross-environment-token.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ CrossEnvironmentToken - can reference an ARN with a fixed physical name directly in a different account
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ CrossEnvironmentToken - can reference a fixed physical name directly in a different account
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ CrossEnvironmentToken - can reference an ARN with an assigned physical name directly in a different account
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ CrossEnvironmentToken - can reference an assigned physical name directly in a different account
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cannot reference a deploy-time physical name across environments
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross environment when stack is a substack
@aws-cdk/core: test.duration.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ negative amount
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ unresolved amount
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Duration in seconds
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Duration in minutes
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Duration in hours
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ seconds to milliseconds
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Duration in days
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ toISOString
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ parse
@aws-cdk/core: test.dynamic-reference.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can create dynamic references with service and key with colons
@aws-cdk/core: test.environment.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ By default, environment region and account are not defined and resolve to intrinsics
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ If only `env.region` or `env.account` are specified, Refs will be used for the other
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ environment defaults - if "env" is not specified, it implies account/region agnostic
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ environment defaults - only region is set
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ environment defaults - both "region" and "account" are set
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ environment defaults - token-account and token-region
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ environment defaults - token-account explicit region
@aws-cdk/core: test.fn.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ eager resolution for non-tokens -
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ eager resolution for non-tokens - Fn.split
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - rejects empty list of arguments to join
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - collapse nested FnJoins even if they contain tokens
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - resolves to the value if only one value is joined
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - pre-concatenates string literals
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - pre-concatenates around tokens
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - flattens joins nested under joins with same delimiter
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - does not flatten joins nested under joins with different delimiter
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - Fn::EachMemberIn
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ FnJoin - cross-stack FnJoin elements are properly resolved
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Ref - returns a reference given a logical name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ nested Fn::Join with list token
@aws-cdk/core: test.include.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ the Include construct can be used to embed an existing template as-is into a stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ included templates can co-exist with elements created programmatically
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ exception is thrown in construction if an entity from an included template has the same id as a programmatic entity
@aws-cdk/core: test.logical-id.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if the naming scheme uniquifies with a hash we can have the same concatenated identifier
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ special case: if the resource is top-level, a hash is not added
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Logical IDs can be renamed at the stack level
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Renames for objects that don't exist fail
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ID Renames that collide with existing IDs should fail
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ hashed naming scheme filters constructs named "Resource" from the human portion
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can transparently wrap constructs using "Default" id
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ non-alphanumeric characters are removed from the human part of the logical ID
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ non-alphanumeric characters are removed even if the ID has only one component
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ empty identifiers are not allowed
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ too large identifiers are truncated yet still remain unique
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Refs and dependencies will correctly reflect renames done at the stack level
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ customize logical id allocation behavior by overriding `Stack.allocateLogicalId`
@aws-cdk/core: test.mappings.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ mappings can be added as another type of entity, and mapping.findInMap can be used to get a token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ allow using unresolved tokens in find-in-map
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ no validation if first key is token and second is a static string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ validate first key if it is a string and second is a token
@aws-cdk/core: test.output.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ outputs can be added to the stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ No export is created by default
@aws-cdk/core: test.parameter.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ parameters can be used and referenced using param.ref
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ parameters are tokens, so they can be assigned without .ref and their Ref will be taken
@aws-cdk/core: test.resource.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ all resources derive from Resource, which derives from Entity
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resources must reside within a Stack and fail upon creation if not
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ all entities have a logical ID calculated based on their full path in the tree
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resource.props can only be accessed by derived classes
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resource attributes can be retrieved using getAtt(s) or attribute properties
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ARN-type resource attributes have some common functionality
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resource.addDependency(e) can be used to add a DependsOn on another resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if addDependency is called multiple times with the same resource, it will only appear once
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ conditions can be attached to a resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ creation/update/updateReplace/deletion policies can be set on a resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ update policies UseOnlineResharding flag
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ metadata can be set on a resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ the "type" property is required when creating a resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ removal policy is a high level abstraction of deletion policy used by l2
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ addDependency adds all dependencyElements of dependent constructs
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resource.ref returns the {Ref} token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addOverride(p, v) allows assigning arbitrary values to synthesized resource definitions
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addOverride(p, null) will assign an "null" value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addOverride(p, undefined) can be used to delete a value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addOverride(p, undefined) will not create empty trees
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addDeletionOverride(p) and addPropertyDeletionOverride(pp) are sugar `undefined`
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addOverride(p, v) will overwrite any non-objects along the path
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - addPropertyOverride(pp, v) is a sugar for overriding properties
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - overrides are applied after render
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - using mutable properties - can be used by derived classes to specify overrides before render()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - using mutable properties - "properties" is undefined
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrides - using mutable properties - "properties" is empty
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ "aws:cdk:path" metadata is added if "aws:cdk:path-metadata" context is set to true
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack construct dependencies are not rendered but turned into stack dependencies
@aws-cdk/core: test.rule.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Rule can be used to create rules
@aws-cdk/core: test.secret-value.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ plainText
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ secretsManager
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ secretsManager with defaults
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ secretsManager with an empty ID
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ssmSecure
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cfnDynamicReference
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cfnParameter (with NoEcho)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ fails if cfnParameter does not have NoEcho
@aws-cdk/core: test.stack.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ a stack can be serialized into a CloudFormation template, initially it's empty
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack objects have some template-level propeties, such as Description, Version, Transform
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack.isStack indicates that a construct is a stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ is not included in the logical identities of resources within it
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack.templateOptions can be used to set template-level options
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack.templateOptions.transforms removes duplicate values
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack.addTransform() adds a transform
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Overriding `Stack._toCloudFormation` allows arbitrary post-processing of the generated template during synthesis
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack.getByPath can be used to find any CloudFormation element (Parameter, Output, etc)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack names can have hyphens in them
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stacks can have a description given to them
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack descriptions have a limited length
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Include should support non-hash top-level template elements like "Description"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Pseudo values attached to one stack can be referenced in another stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Cross-stack references are detected in resource properties
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack references in lazy tokens work
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Cross-stack use of Region and account returns nonscoped intrinsic because the two stacks must be in the same region anyway
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack references in strings work
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross stack references and dependencies work within child stacks (non-nested)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ CfnSynthesisError is ignored when preparing cross references
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stacks can be children of other stacks (substack) and they will be synthesized separately
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack reference (substack references parent stack)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cross-stack reference (parent stack references substack)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cannot create cyclic reference between stacks
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stacks know about their dependencies
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ cannot create references to stacks in other regions/accounts
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ urlSuffix does not imply a stack dependency
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack with region supplied via props returns literal value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ overrideLogicalId(id) can be used to override the logical ID of a resource
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack name can be overridden via properties
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack name is inherited from App name if available
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack construct id does not go through stack name validation if there is an explicit stack name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack validation is performed on explicit stack name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack.of(stack) returns the correct stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack.of() throws when there is no parent Stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Stack.of() works for substacks
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack.availabilityZones falls back to Fn::GetAZ[0],[2] if region is not specified
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack.templateFile is the name of the template file emitted to the cloud assembly (default is to use the stack name)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when feature flag is enabled we will use the artifact id as the template name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ @aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates - disabled (default) - artifactId and templateFile use the stack name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ @aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates - enabled - allows using the same stack name for two stacks (i.e. in different regions)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ @aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates - enabled - artifactId and templateFile use the unique id and not the stack name
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ metadata is collected at the stack boundary
@aws-cdk/core: test.synthesis.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ synthesis with an empty app
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ synthesis respects disabling tree metadata
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ single empty stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ some random construct implements "synthesize"
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ it should be possible to synthesize without an app
@aws-cdk/core: test.tag-aspect.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Tag visit all children of the applied node
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ The last aspect applied takes precedence
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ RemoveTag will remove a tag if it exists
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ add will add a tag and remove will remove a tag if it exists
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ the #visit function is idempotent
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ removeTag Aspects by default will override child Tag Aspects
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ removeTag Aspects with priority 0 will not override child Tag Aspects
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Aspects are merged with tags created by L1 Constructor
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when invalid tag properties are passed from L1s - map passed instead of array it raises
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when invalid tag properties are passed from L1s - if array is passed instead of map it raises
@aws-cdk/core: test.tag-manager.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ TagManagerOptions can set tagPropertyName
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ #setTag() supports setting a tag regardless of Type
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when a tag does not exist - #removeTag() does not throw an error
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when a tag does not exist - #setTag() creates the tag
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when a tag does exist - #removeTag() deletes the tag
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when a tag does exist - #setTag() overwrites the tag
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when there are no tags - #renderTags() returns undefined
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when there are no tags - #hasTags() returns false
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ #renderTags() handles standard, map, keyValue, and ASG tag formats
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ when there are tags it hasTags returns true
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tags with higher or equal priority always take precedence
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ excludeResourceTypes only tags resources that do not match
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ includeResourceTypes only tags resources that match
@aws-cdk/core: test.tokens.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resolve a plain old object should just return the object
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if a value is an object with a token value, it will be evaluated
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens are evaluated anywhere in the object tree
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens are evaluated recursively
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ empty arrays or objects are kept
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if an object has a "resolve" property that is not a function, it is not considered a token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ if a resolvable object inherits from a class that is also resolvable, the "constructor" function will not get in the way (uses Object.keys instead of "for in")
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ isToken(obj) can be used to determine if an object is a token
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Token can be used to create tokens that contain a constant value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ resolving leaves a Date object in working order
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens can be stringified and evaluated to conceptual value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens stringification can be reversed
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Tokens stringification and reversing of CloudFormation Tokens is implemented using Fn::Join
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ Doubly nested strings evaluate correctly in scalar context
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ integer Tokens can be stringified and evaluate to conceptual value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ intrinsic Tokens can be stringified and evaluate to conceptual value
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens resolve properly in initial position
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ side-by-side Tokens resolve correctly
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens can be used in hash keys but must resolve to a string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens can be nested in hash keys
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ tokens can be nested and concatenated in hash keys
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ can find nested tokens in hash keys
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ fails if token in a hash key resolves to a non-string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - can encode Token to string and resolve the encoding
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - cannot add to encoded list
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - cannot add to strings in encoded list
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - can pass encoded lists to FnSelect
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - can pass encoded lists to FnJoin
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ list encoding - can pass encoded lists to FnJoin, even if join is stringified
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ number encoding - basic integer encoding works
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ number encoding - arbitrary integers can be encoded, stringified, and recovered
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ number encoding - arbitrary numbers are correctly detected as not being tokens
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ number encoding - can number-encode and resolve Token objects
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stack trace is captured at token creation
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ newError returns an error with the creation stack trace
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<string>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<list>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<number>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<string>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<list>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<number>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<string>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<list>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - a string<number>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<string>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<list>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<number>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<string>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<list>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<number>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<string>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<list>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1234<number>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<string>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<list>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<number>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<string>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<list>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<number>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<string>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<list>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - [object Object]<number>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<string>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<list>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<number>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<string>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<list>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<number>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<string>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<list>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - 1,2,3<number>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<string>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<list>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<number>.toNumber()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<string>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<list>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<number>.toString()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<string>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<list>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ type coercion - false<number>.toList()
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ creation stack is attached to errors emitted during resolve
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - converts number to string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - converts tokenized number to string
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - string remains the same
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - Ref remains the same
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - lazy Ref remains the same
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ stringifyNumber - tokenized Ref remains the same
@aws-cdk/core: test.util.js
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ capitalizeResourceProperties capitalizes all keys of an object (recursively) from camelCase to PascalCase
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - []
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - {}
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - undefined/null
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - primitives
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - non-empty arrays/objects
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ ignoreEmpty - resolve first
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ filterUnderined - is null-safe (aka treats null and undefined the same)
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ filterUnderined - removes undefined, but leaves the rest
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ pathToTopLevelStack returns the array of stacks that lead to a stack
@aws-cdk/core: ✔ findCommonStack returns the lowest common stack between two stacks or undefined
@aws-cdk/core: OK: 772 assertions (2240ms)
@aws-cdk/core: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/core: Statements   : 85.49% ( 1732/2026 )
@aws-cdk/core: Branches     : 76.8% ( 798/1039 )
@aws-cdk/core: Functions    : 81.04% ( 436/538 )
@aws-cdk/core: Lines        : 86.96% ( 1680/1932 )
@aws-cdk/core: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/core: Tests successful. Total time (5.2s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/nyc/bin/nyc.js (5.2s)
@aws-cdk/assert: $ npm run build && npm test
aws-cdk: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/assert: > @aws-cdk/assert@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/assert
@aws-cdk/assert: > cdk-build
aws-cdk: > aws-cdk@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk
aws-cdk: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/assert: > @aws-cdk/assert@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/assert
@aws-cdk/assert: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/assert: PASS test/have-resource.test.js
@aws-cdk/assert: PASS test/synth-utils.test.js
@aws-cdk/assert: PASS test/have-output.test.js
@aws-cdk/assert: Resources
@aws-cdk/assert: [~] Test::Resource TestResource
@aws-cdk/assert:  └─ [-] DependsOn
@aws-cdk/assert:      └─ ["Something"]
@aws-cdk/assert: Resources
@aws-cdk/assert: [~] Test::Resource TestResource replace
@aws-cdk/assert: Resources
@aws-cdk/assert: [+] AWS::S3::Bucket NewResource
@aws-cdk/assert: [~] Test::Resource TestResourceB
@aws-cdk/assert:  └─ [~] Foo
@aws-cdk/assert:      ├─ [-] Baz
@aws-cdk/assert:      └─ [+] Bar
@aws-cdk/assert: Parameters
@aws-cdk/assert: [~] Parameter TestParameter: {"Type":"AWS::S3::Bucket"} to {"Type":"Test::Parameter"}
@aws-cdk/assert: Parameters
@aws-cdk/assert: [+] Parameter NewParameter: {"Type":"AWS::S3::Bucket"}
@aws-cdk/assert: [~] Parameter TestParameterB: {"Type":"Test::Parameter","Default":{"Foo":"Baz"}} to {"Type":"Test::Parameter","Default":{"Foo":"Bar"}}
@aws-cdk/assert: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@aws-cdk/assert: {
@aws-cdk/assert:   "Resources": {
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestResource": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Resource"
@aws-cdk/assert:     }
@aws-cdk/assert:   }
@aws-cdk/assert: }
@aws-cdk/assert: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@aws-cdk/assert: {
@aws-cdk/assert:   "Resources": {
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestResource": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Resource"
@aws-cdk/assert:     }
@aws-cdk/assert:   }
@aws-cdk/assert: }
@aws-cdk/assert: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@aws-cdk/assert: {
@aws-cdk/assert:   "Resources": {
@aws-cdk/assert:     "NewResource": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket"
@aws-cdk/assert:     },
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestResourceA": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Resource"
@aws-cdk/assert:     },
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestResourceB": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Resource",
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Properties": {
@aws-cdk/assert:         "Foo": "Bar"
@aws-cdk/assert:       }
@aws-cdk/assert:     }
@aws-cdk/assert:   }
@aws-cdk/assert: }
@aws-cdk/assert: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@aws-cdk/assert: {
@aws-cdk/assert:   "Parameters": {
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestParameter": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Parameter"
@aws-cdk/assert:     }
@aws-cdk/assert:   }
@aws-cdk/assert: }
@aws-cdk/assert: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@aws-cdk/assert: {
@aws-cdk/assert:   "Parameters": {
@aws-cdk/assert:     "NewParameter": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket"
@aws-cdk/assert:     },
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestParameterA": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Parameter"
@aws-cdk/assert:     },
@aws-cdk/assert:     "TestParameterB": {
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Type": "Test::Parameter",
@aws-cdk/assert:       "Default": {
@aws-cdk/assert:         "Foo": "Bar"
@aws-cdk/assert:       }
@aws-cdk/assert:     }
@aws-cdk/assert:   }
@aws-cdk/assert: }
@aws-cdk/assert: PASS test/assertions.test.js
@aws-cdk/assert: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
@aws-cdk/assert: Statements   : 77.14% ( 270/350 )
@aws-cdk/assert: Branches     : 68.51% ( 124/181 )
@aws-cdk/assert: Functions    : 71.43% ( 55/77 )
@aws-cdk/assert: Lines        : 78.18% ( 258/330 )
@aws-cdk/assert: ================================================================================
@aws-cdk/assert: Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
@aws-cdk/assert: Tests:       51 passed, 51 total
@aws-cdk/assert: Snapshots:   0 total
@aws-cdk/assert: Time:        2.413s, estimated 4s
@aws-cdk/assert: Ran all test suites.
@aws-cdk/assert: Tests successful. Total time (3.2s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (3.1s)
@aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/aws-appconfig: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/alexa-ask: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca: $ npm run build && npm test
aws-cdk: > aws-cdk@1.25.0 test /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk
aws-cdk: > cdk-test
@aws-cdk/aws-amplify: $ npm run build && npm test
@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca: > @aws-cdk/aws-acmpca@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca
@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/aws-appconfig: > @aws-cdk/aws-appconfig@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-appconfig
@aws-cdk/aws-appconfig: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/alexa-ask: > @aws-cdk/alexa-ask@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/alexa-ask
@aws-cdk/alexa-ask: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2: > @aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2
@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq: > @aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq
@aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/aws-amplify: > @aws-cdk/aws-amplify@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-amplify
@aws-cdk/aws-amplify: > cdk-build
@aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer: > @aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer@1.25.0 build /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer
@aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer: > cdk-build
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: ts-jest[versions] (WARN) Version 24.9.0 of jest installed has not been tested with ts-jest. If you're experiencing issues, consider using a supported version (>=25.0.0 <26.0.0). Please do not report issues in ts-jest if you are using unsupported versions.
aws-cdk: Applying project template lib for typescript
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command                           | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs)           | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init)           | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list)           | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize)    | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff)           | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy)       | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy)     | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor)       | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Foo
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk:         account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Bar
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk:         account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Baz
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk:         account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Before creating a change set, `cdk deploy` will compare the template of the
aws-cdk: currently deployed stack to the template that is about to be deployed and will
aws-cdk: skip deployment if they are identical. Use `--force` to override this behavior
aws-cdk: and always deploy the stack.
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk:   - AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = 1
aws-cdk:   - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk:     "app": "node bin/main.js",        // Command to start the CDK app     (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk:     "context": {                      // Context entries                  (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk:         "key": "value",
aws-cdk:     },
aws-cdk:     "toolkitStackName": "foo",        // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk:     "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk:     "versionReporting": false,        // Opt-out of version reporting     (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for typescript
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command                           | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs)           | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init)           | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list)           | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize)    | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff)           | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy)       | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy)     | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor)       | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Foo
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk:         account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Bar
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk:         account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Baz
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk:         account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Before creating a change set, `cdk deploy` will compare the template of the
aws-cdk: currently deployed stack to the template that is about to be deployed and will
aws-cdk: skip deployment if they are identical. Use `--force` to override this behavior
aws-cdk: and always deploy the stack.
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk:   - AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = 1
aws-cdk:   - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk:     "app": "node bin/main.js",        // Command to start the CDK app     (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk:     "context": {                      // Context entries                  (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk:         "key": "value",
aws-cdk:     },
aws-cdk:     "toolkitStackName": "foo",        // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk:     "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk:     "versionReporting": false,        // Opt-out of version reporting     (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for javascript
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command                           | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs)           | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init)           | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list)           | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize)    | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff)           | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy)       | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy)     | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor)       | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Foo
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk:         account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Bar
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk:         account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Baz
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk:         account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Before creating a change set, `cdk deploy` will compare the template of the
aws-cdk: currently deployed stack to the template that is about to be deployed and will
aws-cdk: skip deployment if they are identical. Use `--force` to override this behavior
aws-cdk: and always deploy the stack.
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk:   - AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = 1
aws-cdk:   - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk:     "app": "node bin/main.js",        // Command to start the CDK app     (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk:     "context": {                      // Context entries                  (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk:         "key": "value",
aws-cdk:     },
aws-cdk:     "toolkitStackName": "foo",        // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk:     "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk:     "versionReporting": false,        // Opt-out of version reporting     (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for javascript
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command                           | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs)           | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init)           | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list)           | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize)    | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff)           | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy)       | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy)     | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor)       | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Foo
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk:         account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Bar
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk:         account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Baz
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk:         account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Before creating a change set, `cdk deploy` will compare the template of the
aws-cdk: currently deployed stack to the template that is about to be deployed and will
aws-cdk: skip deployment if they are identical. Use `--force` to override this behavior
aws-cdk: and always deploy the stack.
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk:   - AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = 1
aws-cdk:   - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk:     "app": "node bin/main.js",        // Command to start the CDK app     (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk:     "context": {                      // Context entries                  (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk:         "key": "value",
aws-cdk:     },
aws-cdk:     "toolkitStackName": "foo",        // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk:     "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk:     "versionReporting": false,        // Opt-out of version reporting     (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for typescript
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command                           | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs)           | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init)           | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list)           | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize)    | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff)           | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy)       | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy)     | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor)       | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk:    └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Foo
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk:         account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Bar
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk:         account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk:     name: Baz
aws-cdk:     environment:
aws-cdk:         name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk:         account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk:         region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Before creating a change set, `cdk deploy` will compare the template of the
aws-cdk: currently deployed stack to the template that is about to be deployed and will
aws-cdk: skip deployment if they are identical. Use `--force` to override this behavior
aws-cdk: and always deploy the stack.
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk:   - AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED = 1
aws-cdk:   - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk:     "app": "node bin/main.js",        // Command to start the CDK app     (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk:     "context": {                      // Context entries                  (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk:         "key": "value",
aws-cdk:     },
aws-cdk:     "toolkitStackName": "foo",        // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk:     "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk:     "versionReporting": false,        // Opt-out of version reporting     (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for csharp
aws-cdk: /bin/sh: dotnet: command not found
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts (5.862s)
aws-cdk:   ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk:     Could not add project AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.csproj to solution AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk:       at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testJoNE0F/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/vpcs.test.ts (7.339s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker.test.ts (7.683s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/asymmetric-vpcs.test.ts (8.085s)
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/stacks.test.ts (10.316s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/account-cache.test.ts (10.634s)
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/bootstrap.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/version.test.ts (11.516s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/generic.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/archive.test.ts
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: PASS test/diff.test.ts (6.695s)
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: PASS test/context.test.ts
aws-cdk:   ● Console
aws-cdk:     console.log test/context.test.ts:15
aws-cdk:       Temporary working directory: /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testnyKrx6
aws-cdk:     console.log test/context.test.ts:22
aws-cdk:       Switching back to /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk cleaning up /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testnyKrx6
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/bootstrap2.test.ts
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk:  ✅  undefined
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-A
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk:  ✅  undefined
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-B
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk:  ✅  undefined
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-A
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk:  ✅  undefined
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-B
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-A/MockedOut
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-B/MockedOut
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-A/MockedOut
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-B/MockedOut
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-toolkit.test.ts
aws-cdk: Context value foo reset. It will be refreshed on next synthesis
aws-cdk: PASS test/commands/context-command.test.ts
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/deploy-stack.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/settings.test.ts
aws-cdk: Updated: test/assets.test.ts (file)
aws-cdk: PASS test/assets.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/arrays.test.ts
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.25.0 (build 764eddd)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ No AWS environment variables
aws-cdk: ℹ️ No CDK environment variables
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-doctor.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/serialize.test.ts
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/applydefaults.test.ts
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/objects.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-docs.test.ts
aws-cdk:   ● Console
aws-cdk:     console.warn ../../node_modules/mockery/mockery.js:232
aws-cdk:       WARNING: Replacing existing mock for module: ../../lib/logging
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/amis.test.ts (5.036s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/console-formatters.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/yaml.test.ts
aws-cdk: some-name:some-tag: image already exists, skipping build and push
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker-new.test.ts
aws-cdk: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
aws-cdk: Statements   : 65.31% ( 1414/2165 )
aws-cdk: Branches     : 50.33% ( 528/1049 )
aws-cdk: Functions    : 66.67% ( 272/408 )
aws-cdk: Lines        : 65.95% ( 1346/2041 )
aws-cdk: ================================================================================
aws-cdk: Summary of all failing tests
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts (5.862s)
aws-cdk:   ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk:     Could not add project AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.csproj to solution AwsCdkTestJoNe0F.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk:       at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testJoNE0F/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)
aws-cdk: Test Suites: 1 failed, 27 passed, 28 total
aws-cdk: Tests:       1 failed, 124 passed, 125 total
aws-cdk: Snapshots:   0 total
aws-cdk: Time:        17.618s
aws-cdk: Ran all test suites.
aws-cdk: Error: /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --config jest.config.gen.json exited with error code 1
aws-cdk: Tests failed. Total time (19.4s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (19.4s)
aws-cdk: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aws-cdk: npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.
aws-cdk: error Command failed with exit code 1.
aws-cdk: info Visit for documentation about this command.
lerna ERR! yarn run build+test exited 1 in 'aws-cdk'
lerna WARN complete Waiting for 8 child processes to exit. CTRL-C to exit immediately.

real    1m38.154s
user    4m26.910s
sys 0m26.743s
❌  Last command failed. Scroll up to see errors in log (search for '!!!!!!!!').
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

This is :bug: Bug Report

eladb commented 4 years ago

Can you please try the full docker build workflow and let us know if you still see these issues?

robertd commented 4 years ago

Yes, I'm getting the same error. Sorry I didn't make this clear enough in my original post.

robertd commented 4 years ago

Hmm... I've ran these commands: git clean -fdx, docker container prune and docker image prune -a and aws-cdk docker container is building properly now 👍. Local build still fails though.

Thanks for chiming in @eladb.