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local CodeBuild does not seem to perform caching #694

Open mvpjava opened 7 months ago

mvpjava commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug I am running local CodeBuild container on my arm64 EC2 instance to validate buidspec.yml and build a simple Java application using maven, I noticed that the maven dependencies always get re-downloaded on each build instead of using my cache setting specified in buildspec.yml. I am only generating a zip file as an artefact (no container images built).

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download official build image from AWS git repo $ git clone $ cd aws-codebuild-docker-images $ cd al2/aarch64/standard/3.0 $ docker build -t aws/codebuild/amzlinux2/arm64/standard/3.0 .

2 . Download ARM version of CodeBuild Agent $ docker pull

  1. Download & Run Code CodeBuild agent $ curl -O $ chmod +x $ ./ -i aws/codebuild/amzlinux2/arm64/standard/3.0 -a /tmp/codebuild_local -l

Expected behavior I expected for CodeBuild to perform local host maven caching of downloaded artefacts. It re-downloads maven dependenies on each build as you can cleary see on output to console on all runs.

Logs No indication of errors. Is this expected behaviour for local builds? Here are my buildspec.yml contents (not the double star is not showing up in - '/root/.m2//*' but its there (just not shown in formated version of this file)...

version: 0.2

phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto17 pre_build: commands:

reports: springboot-junit-iterations-demo-reports: files:

Platform (please complete the following information):

Additional context I tried performing a docker volume mount by modifying to attempt to use my local directoryat $HOME/.m2 as the cache source once maven artifacts were downloaded in AWS CodeBuild container /root/.m2 I added thet volume mount line at position (line number 104 in .sh) but this had no effect.


if isOSWindows then docker_command+="-v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e " else docker_command+="-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 " docker_command+="-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e " fi


I also tried passing in "-d" option to for privileged mode in case special persmission were needed but still nothing. Also logged into the conatiner via "docker run -it --entrypoint sh aws/codebuild/amzlinux2/arm64/standard/3.0 -c bash" command. Noticed thet /root/.m2 was empty which surprised me. I then did a search for .jar files and found that they were mostly in "opt/maven/lib and /root/.gradle I ended up re-edited my buildspec.yml file and added those paths for cache as well but no changes (also for docker -v volume mounts)