aws / aws-codedeploy-agent

Host Agent for AWS CodeDeploy
Apache License 2.0
329 stars 187 forks source link

rake test-integration fails: Amazon Linux, ruby 2.2.5p319 #76

Closed naul1 closed 8 years ago

naul1 commented 8 years ago

rake test-integration /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.5/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber features -t ~@Ignore @codedeploy-agent Feature: Deploy using AWS CodeDeploy Agent

Using keypair : codedeploy-agent-integ-test-key Scenario: Doing a sample deployment # features/agent.feature:5 Given I have an application # features/step_definitions.rb:46 It is going to take a few minutes to spin up an ec2 instance... And I have a deployment group containing a single EC2 AMI with preinstalled new instance agent # features/step_definitions.rb:52 When I create a deployment for the application and deployment group with the test S3 revision # features/step_definitions.rb:61 Then the overall deployment should eventually be in progress # features/step_definitions.rb:76 And the deployment should contain all the instances I tagged # features/step_definitions.rb:80

And the overall deployment should eventually succeed                                           # features/step_definitions.rb:85

  expected: "Succeeded"
       got: "Failed"

  (compared using ==)
  ./features/step_definitions.rb:231:in `block in assert_deployment_status'
  ./features/step_definitions.rb:20:in `eventually'
  ./features/step_definitions.rb:229:in `assert_deployment_status'
  ./features/step_definitions.rb:86:in `/^the overall deployment should eventually succeed$/'
  features/agent.feature:11:in `And the overall deployment should eventually succeed'

Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/agent.feature:5 # Scenario: Doing a sample deployment

1 scenario (1 failed) 6 steps (1 failed, 5 passed) 6m5.668s

Jmcfar commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the bug report. This should now be fixed!