aws / aws-encryption-sdk-python

AWS Encryption SDK
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raise a better error when decryption of a message with an uncompressed EC point is attempted #21

Open mattsb42-aws opened 7 years ago

mattsb42-aws commented 7 years ago


In testing to verify what happens if a caller attempts to decrypt a file created by mrcrypt, I realized that if you attempt to decrypt a message that was written with an uncompressed EC point (note: this is not supported under the AWS Encryption SDK spec), you get a very unhelpful error.

$ mrcrypt encrypt alias/exampleKey test_plaintext -r us-west-2 
$ python
>>> import aws_encryption_sdk
>>> mkp = aws_encryption_sdk.KMSMasterKeyProvider()
>>> with open('test_plaintext.encrypted', 'rb') as f:
...     ct =
>>> aws_encryption_sdk.decrypt(source=ct, key_provider=mkp)
No handlers could be found for logger "aws_encryption_sdk.streaming_client"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/", line 121, in decrypt
    plaintext =
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/", line 201, in read
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/", line 687, in _prep_message
    self._header, self.header_auth = self._read_header()
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/", line 719, in _read_header
    decryption_materials = self.config.materials_manager.decrypt_materials(request=decrypt_materials_request)
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/materials_managers/", line 149, in decrypt_materials
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/materials_managers/", line 129, in _load_verification_key_from_encryption_context
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/internal/crypto/", line 159, in from_encoded_point
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/internal/crypto/", line 182, in _ecc_public_numbers_from_compressed_point
    x, y = _ecc_decode_compressed_point(curve, compressed_point)
  File "/Users/bullocm/tmp/mrt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/aws_encryption_sdk/internal/crypto/", line 140, in _ecc_decode_compressed_point
    y_order = y_order_map[raw_y]
KeyError: '\x04'


Catch appropriate errors in internal.crypto.elliptic_curve._ecc_decode_compressed_point and raise NotSupportedError('Uncompressed points are not supported')

austinmoore- commented 6 years ago

Would you consider throwing a subtype of NotSupportedError/AWSEncryptionSDKClientError for this exception? Maybe something like UncompressedKeyError? Instead of checking for the string "Uncompressed points are not supported" I could handle that specific exception, and just let the other exceptions bubble up, keeping things a little neater:

    return super(MrcryptLegacyCompatibilityCryptoMaterialsManager, self).decrypt_materials(request)
except UncompressedKeyError:
    # Uncompressed key handling logic (all other exceptions will just bubble up)
    # ...
mattsb42-aws commented 6 years ago

That sounds reasonable, yes. Likely it'll be raising an error that "we couldn't load a compressed key", as that's really the only thing we can reliably state.