An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes.
MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes.
MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes.
MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
I'll let you know logs on my process.
MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
A clean MQTT connection is established. Cleaning up all the stored outgoing publishes.
SUBSCRIBE sent for topic resp/xxx/init_connection to broker.
Sending Publish to the MQTT topic cmd/xxx/init_connection.
PUBLISH sent for topic cmd/xxx/init_connection to broker with packet ID 2.
I faced continuously messages.
An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes. MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes. MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes. MQTT connection successfully established with broker.
I'll let you know logs on my process.
I don't know why the handlePublishResend function is running. In this situation, how can I connect a new session?