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Deserialisation of array values in Cognito events custom UserAttributes not working correctly #532

Closed DanielHoffmann closed 7 months ago

DanielHoffmann commented 7 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

It seems that the Cognito Events can not properly handle UserAttributes values that are arrays, the serialisation doesn't seem to be working correctly and I only get the first value from the list as a plain string.

According to Microsoft Azure AD documentation:

Custom UserAttributes can be a list of strings

For example, in my Identity provider I have a mapping of "custom:ad-groups" (which is a list of strings) to get groups from Azure AD

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 16 38 07

however the UserAttributes["custom:ad-groups"] field only ever has a single value, no matter how many different values I assign in Azure AD for a user. For example this is the event I am getting for my user (sensitive values replaced with "a"s):

        CognitoEventUserPoolsHeader: events.CognitoEventUserPoolsHeader{
            Version:       "1",
            TriggerSource: "PreAuthentication_Authentication",
            Region:        "eu-west-1",
            UserPoolID:    "eu-west-1_aaaaaaaaa",
            CallerContext: events.CognitoEventUserPoolsCallerContext{
                AWSSDKVersion: "aws-sdk-unknown-unknown",
                ClientID:      "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
            UserName: "",
        Request: events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPreAuthenticationRequest{
            UserAttributes: map[string]string{
                "cognito:user_status": "EXTERNAL_PROVIDER",
                "custom:ad-groups":    "6e52aaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaa",
                "email":               "",
                "email_verified":      "false",
                "family_name":         "aaaaa",
                "given_name":          "aaaaa",
                "identities":          "[{\"userId\":\"\",\"providerName\":\"Aaaaaa\",\"providerType\":\"SAML\",\"issuer\":\"\",\"primary\":true,\"dateCreated\":1697630727679}]", "name": "", "sub": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
            ValidationData: map[string]string{},
        Response: events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPreAuthenticationResponse{},

as you can see event.Request.UserAttributes["custom:ad-groups"] is a single value instead of a list of values

Describe the solution you'd like

It seems there is no standard way of encoding arrays for custom UserAttributes, so if the value is not a plain string it seems the serialisation should be handled like UserAttributes["identities"] (a string with JSON inside), so like this:

 "custom:ad-groups":    "[\"6e52aaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaa\", \"81edaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaa\"]",

Additional context

I replaced my golang lambda with a javascript lambda and in Javascript I get a proper array inside userAttributes["custom:ad-groups"]:

         "userAttributes": {
            "custom:ad-groups": ["6e52aaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaa", "81edaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaa"],

so it seems there is nothing wrong in the Azure AD side, only on the golang deserialisation of the values.

DanielHoffmann commented 7 months ago

Turns out the problem was that the user I was testing with had only one AD Groups when I first logged in, then added more groups after the login.

So if the user has only one value the data gets serialized as this:

"custom:whatever": "value"

if the user has multiple values the data gets serialised as this:

"custom:whatever": "[value1, value2]"

note no quotes around the values inside the array which is a bit weird I suppose