aws / aws-lc-rs

aws-lc-rs is a cryptographic library using AWS-LC for its cryptographic operations. The library strives to be API-compatible with the popular Rust library named ring.
236 stars 40 forks source link

vcvarsall.bat can make very large env #435

Closed justinwsmith closed 3 weeks ago

justinwsmith commented 4 weeks ago

Description of changes:


warning: aws-lc-fips-sys@0.12.8: Generating bindings - internal bindgen. Platform: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

error: failed to run custom build command for aws-lc-fips-sys v0.12.8 (C:\Users\justi\repos\aws-lc-rs\aws-lc-fips-sys) ... --- stderr VS Installation: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional" FOUND in Installation: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\"

Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.8.9 Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation

[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64' Visual Studio environment variables set for x64. ... HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\justi HOST=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:4 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. ... thread 'main' panicked at C:\Users\justi.cargo\registry\src\\cmake-0.1.50\src\

command did not execute successfully, got: exit code: 1

build script failed, must exit now note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

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