aws / aws-sam-cli

CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
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SAM Pipeline Bootstrap without IAMUser for CodePipeline setup #3147

Open eruvanos opened 2 years ago

eruvanos commented 2 years ago

Describe your idea/feature/enhancement

In our corporate environment the creation of IAM users is not permitted. For that reason I looked out for an option to skip the creation of it. In a CodePipeline setup, the user should not be required, also I did not find any reference within the pipeline templates.


Introduce option to skip IAM user creation while sam pipeline bootstrap.

c2tarun commented 2 years ago

Thanks @eruvanos for this feature request. We initially didn't do it because during bootstrap we don't know what CICD system will be chosen at the time of init. However, this is a valid request and we'll certainly look into it.

Thanks Tarun

francisoud commented 1 year ago

Same thing as @eruvanos when running sam pipeline bootstrap

$ sam --version
SAM CLI, version 1.76.0
$ sam pipeline bootstrap

sam pipeline bootstrap generates the required AWS infrastructure resources to connect
to your CI/CD system. This step must be run for each deployment stage in your pipeline,
prior to running the sam pipeline init command.

We will ask for [1] stage definition, [2] account details, and
[3] references to existing resources in order to bootstrap these pipeline resources.

[1] Stage definition
Enter a configuration name for this stage. This will be referenced later when you use the sam pipeline init command:
Stage configuration name: project

[2] Account details
The following AWS credential sources are available to use.
To know more about configuration AWS credentials, visit the link below:                
        1 - Environment variables (not available)
        2 - default (named profile)
        3 - (named profile)
        4 - nonprod-role-administratorAccess (named profile)
        5 - xxxxxx (named profile)
        6 - xxxxxx (named profile)
        q - Quit and configure AWS credentials
Select a credential source to associate with this stage: 4
Associated account 999999999999 with configuration project.

Select a user permissions provider:
        1 - IAM (default)
        2 - OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Choice (1, 2): 1
Enter the pipeline IAM user ARN if you have previously created one, or we will create one for you []: 

[3] Reference application build resources
Enter the pipeline execution role ARN if you have previously created one, or we will create one for you []: 
Enter the CloudFormation execution role ARN if you have previously created one, or we will create one for you []: 
Please enter the artifact bucket ARN for your Lambda function. If you do not have a bucket, we will create one for you []: arn:aws:s3:::aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-abcdefgh123
Does your application contain any IMAGE type Lambda functions? [y/N]: 

[4] Summary
Below is the summary of the answers:
        1 - Account: 999999999999
        2 - Stage configuration name: project
        3 - Region: eu-west-1
        4 - Pipeline user: [to be created]
        5 - Pipeline execution role: [to be created]
        6 - CloudFormation execution role: [to be created]
        7 - Artifacts bucket ARN: arn:aws:s3:::aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-abcdefgh123
        8 - ECR image repository: [skipped]
Press enter to confirm the values above, or select an item to edit the value: 

This will create the following required resources for the 'project' configuration: 
        - Pipeline IAM user
        - Pipeline execution role
        - CloudFormation execution role
Should we proceed with the creation? [y/N]: y
        Creating the required resources...
Error: Failed to create managed resources: Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state: For expression "Stacks[].StackStatus" we matched expected path: "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" at least once

CloudFormation stack creation fails during event with Logical ID: PipelineUser Status: CREATE_FAILED

API: iam:CreateUser User: arn:aws:sts::999999999999:assumed-role/role-administratorAccess/botocore-session-1679063532 
is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateUser on resource: 
with an explicit deny in a service control policy

User are not allowed because IAM> Identity providers is use with a SAML provider define (in my case OnPremise)

Any workaround ?

boyersnet commented 2 months ago

Plus 1 here for enterprise SSO capability.

djulian2001 commented 1 month ago

Plus 1 here for enterprise SSO / AWS control tower capability.