Closed mtgnoah closed 3 years ago
Hey @mtgnoah, Image typed Lambda Functions do not support Lambda Layers.
Lambda functions packaged as container images do not support adding Lambda layers to the function configuration.
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I am trying to transfer an existing project to the lambda infastructure. I have simplified lots of the code here to make it a working example but I have to import many files inside of the shared layer and folders inside of it. I want to use a layer because to help simplify the structure because their is so many packages almost 800mb worth so I don't even know if lambda is the best option or if I should use a different aws service.
The project structure is:
The template.yml file is:
I placed everything into one template file because that is how the template came.
Here is the Dockerfile
I have to run sam build --use-container or I get errors when I am trying to get the python requirements for the layer. To run a test I run sam local invoke InferenceFunction --event events/event.json I get the following output
the is
System Info: Windows 10 sam 1.31.0 python 3.9
I'm not sure where the problem is: if it is my folder structure, the number of packages, or even sam itself. I have looked at issue #2335 but it still did not help fix my issues Any help or advice is very appreciated.