aws / aws-sam-cli

CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
Apache License 2.0
6.5k stars 1.17k forks source link

SAM local api - VSCode launch.json - Debugger not starting #5932

Open SilvioSilvaCvT opened 1 year ago

SilvioSilvaCvT commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to start an APIUnable to start/attach to the debugger on VSCode.

Steps to reproduce:

Run VSCode debugger: image

With the folowing config:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "debugServer": 60000,
            "type": "aws-sam",
            "request": "direct-invoke",
            "name": "AWS-SAM",
            "invokeTarget": {
                "target": "api",
                "templatePath": "template.yaml",
                "logicalId": "LambdaFunctionApp"
            "api": {
                "httpMethod": "get",
                "path": "/test",
            "sam": {
                "localArguments": [
            "aws": {}

Observed result:

Requests to local endpoint: OK Debugger attached: NOK Debugger not attached

2023-09-13 18:29:51 [INFO]: Cache is invalid, running build and copying resources for following functions (LambdaFunctionApp)
Building codeuri: /LambdaFunctionApp runtime: dotnet6 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: LambdaFunctionApp

2023-09-13 18:29:51 [INFO]: Running DotnetCliPackageBuilder:GlobalToolInstall

2023-09-13 18:29:51 [INFO]: 

2023-09-13 18:29:54 [INFO]: Tool '' was reinstalled with the latest stable version (version '5.8.0').
Running DotnetCliPackageBuilder:RunPackageAction

2023-09-13 18:30:37 [INFO]: Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.8.0)
Project Home:,

Executing publish command
Deleted previous publish folder
... invoking 'dotnet publish', working folder '/LambdaFunctionApp/bin/Debug/net6.0/publish'
... dotnet publish "/LambdaFunctionApp" --output "/LambdaFunctionApp/bin/Debug/net6.0/publish" --configuration "Debug" --framework "net6.0" --runtime linux-x64 /p:GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFiles=true --self-contained False 
... publish: Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.1+b177f8fa7 for .NET
... publish: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
... publish:   Determining projects to restore...
... publish:   All projects are up-to-date for restore.
Created publish archive (/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp/
Lambda project successfully packaged: /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp/

2023-09-13 18:30:47 [INFO]: 
Build Succeeded

2023-09-13 18:30:47 [INFO]: 
Built Artifacts  : ../../../../tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output
Built Template   : ../../../../tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml

Commands you can use next
[*] Validate SAM template: sam validate
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke -t ../../../../tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided --template-file ../../../../tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml

2023-09-13 18:30:48 [INFO]: Build complete.
2023-09-13 18:30:48 [INFO]: Installing .NET Core Debugger to /LambdaFunctionApp/.vsdbg...
Info: Last installed version of vsdbg is '17.7.10808.2'
Info: VsDbg is up-to-date
Info: Using vsdbg version '17.7.10808.2'
Using arguments
    Version                    : 'latest'
    Location                   : '/LambdaFunctionApp/.vsdbg'
    SkipDownloads              : 'true'
    LaunchVsDbgAfter           : 'false'
    RemoveExistingOnUpgrade    : 'false'
Info: Skipping downloads
2023-09-13 18:30:49 [INFO]: Sending request to local API:
2023-09-13 18:30:49 [INFO]: Starting SAM application locally
2023-09-13 18:30:50 [INFO]: AWS.running.command
2023-09-13 18:30:50,941 | No config file found in this directory.
2023-09-13 18:30:50,941 | OSError occurred while reading TOML file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/samconfig.toml'
2023-09-13 18:30:50,941 | Config file location: /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/samconfig.toml
2023-09-13 18:30:50,941 | Config file '/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/samconfig.toml' does not exist
2023-09-13 18:30:50,981 | Using config file: samconfig.toml, config environment: default
2023-09-13 18:30:50,981 | Expand command line arguments to:
2023-09-13 18:30:50,981 | --template_file=/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml --port=5858 --debug_port=(5859, 60000) --debugger_path=/tmp --debug_function=LambdaFunctionApp --warm_containers=EAGER --host= --static_dir=public --layer_cache_basedir=/home/silvio/.aws-sam/layers-pkg --container_host=localhost --container_host_interface= 
2023-09-13 18:30:51,126 | local start-api command is called
2023-09-13 18:30:51,131 | No Parameters detected in the template
2023-09-13 18:30:51,157 | Sam customer defined id is more priority than other IDs. Customer defined id for resource LambdaFunctionApp is LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:51,157 | There is no customer defined id or cdk path defined for resource ServerlessHttpApi, so we will use the resource logical id as the resource id
2023-09-13 18:30:51,159 | 0 stacks found in the template
2023-09-13 18:30:51,161 | No Parameters detected in the template
2023-09-13 18:30:51,182 | Sam customer defined id is more priority than other IDs. Customer defined id for resource LambdaFunctionApp is LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:51,182 | There is no customer defined id or cdk path defined for resource ServerlessHttpApi, so we will use the resource logical id as the resource id
2023-09-13 18:30:51,183 | 2 resources found in the stack 
2023-09-13 18:30:51,183 | Found Serverless function with name='LambdaFunctionApp' and CodeUri='LambdaFunctionApp'
2023-09-13 18:30:51,183 | --base-dir is not presented, adjusting uri LambdaFunctionApp relative to /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml
2023-09-13 18:30:51,184 | watch resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml
2023-09-13 18:30:51,184 | Create Observer for resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml with recursive True
2023-09-13 18:30:51,186 | watch resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/template.yaml's parent /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output
2023-09-13 18:30:51,186 | Create Observer for resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output with recursive False
2023-09-13 18:30:51,192 | Initializing the lambda functions containers.
2023-09-13 18:30:51,192 | Async execution started
2023-09-13 18:30:51,193 | Invoking function functools.partial(<function InvokeContext._initialize_all_functions_containers.<locals>.initialize_function_container at 0x7f4fb5528ae0>, Function(function_id='LambdaFunctionApp', name='LambdaFunctionApp', functionname='LambdaFunctionApp', runtime='dotnet6', memory=1024, timeout=100, handler='Integration.Main', imageuri=None, packagetype='Zip', imageconfig=None, codeuri='/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp', environment={'Variables': {'SAMPLE_TABLE': 'SampleTable'}}, rolearn=None, layers=[], events={'ProxyResource': {'Type': 'HttpApi', 'Properties': {'PayloadFormatVersion': '2.0', 'Path': '/test', 'Method': 'ANY', 'ApiId': 'ServerlessHttpApi'}}}, metadata={'SamResourceId': 'LambdaFunctionApp'}, inlinecode=None, codesign_config_arn=None, architectures=None, function_url_config=None, function_build_info=<FunctionBuildInfo.BuildableZip: ('BuildableZip', 'Regular ZIP function which can be build with SAM CLI')>, stack_path='', runtime_management_config=None))
2023-09-13 18:30:51,194 | Waiting for async results
2023-09-13 18:30:51,198 | Loading AWS credentials from session with profile 'None'
2023-09-13 18:30:51,220 | Resolving code path. Cwd=/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output, CodeUri=/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:51,220 | Resolved absolute path to code is /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:51,441 | watch resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:51,441 | Create Observer for resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp with recursive True
2023-09-13 18:30:51,443 | watch resource /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp's parent /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output
2023-09-13 18:30:51,445 | Code /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp is not a zip/jar file
2023-09-13 18:30:55,363 | Local image is up-to-date
2023-09-13 18:30:55,371 | Using local image:

2023-09-13 18:30:55,371 | Mounting /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp as /var/task:ro,delegated, inside runtime container
2023-09-13 18:30:55,907 | Async execution completed
2023-09-13 18:30:55,908 | Containers Initialization is done.
2023-09-13 18:30:55,908 | Found '1' API Events in Serverless function with name 'LambdaFunctionApp'
2023-09-13 18:30:55,908 | Detected Inline Swagger definition
2023-09-13 18:30:55,908 | Parsing Swagger document using 3.0 specification
2023-09-13 18:30:55,908 | Lambda function integration not found in Swagger document at path='/test' method='x-amazon-apigateway-any-method'
2023-09-13 18:30:55,909 | Found '0' APIs in resource 'ServerlessHttpApi'
2023-09-13 18:30:55,909 | Found '0' authorizers in resource 'ServerlessHttpApi'
2023-09-13 18:30:55,909 | Removed duplicates from '0' Explicit APIs and '1' Implicit APIs to produce '1' APIs
2023-09-13 18:30:55,909 | 1 APIs found in the template
2023-09-13 18:30:55,912 | Mounting LambdaFunctionApp at [DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT]
2023-09-13 18:30:55,912 | You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions. You do not need to restart/reload SAM CLI while working on your functions, changes will be reflected instantly/automatically. If you used sam build before running local commands, you will need to re-run sam build for the changes to be picked up. You only need to restart SAM CLI if you update your AWS SAM template
2023-09-13 18:30:55,912 | Localhost server is starting up. Multi-threading = False
2023-09-13 18:30:55 WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
2023-09-13 18:30:55 Press CTRL+C to quit
2023-09-13 18:30:56,073 | Constructed Event Version 2.0 to invoke Lambda. Event: {'version': '2.0', 'routeKey': 'GET /test', 'rawPath': '/test', 'rawQueryString': '', 'cookies': [], 'headers': {'User-Agent': 'got (', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Host': '', 'Connection': 'close', 'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'http', 'X-Forwarded-Port': '5858'}, 'requestContext': {'accountId': '123456789012', 'apiId': '1234567890', 'http': {'method': 'GET', 'path': '/test', 'protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'sourceIp': '', 'userAgent': 'Custom User Agent String'}, 'requestId': '3a4480e4-7779-4b5c-9a4b-cd6f296b3207', 'routeKey': 'GET /test', 'stage': '$default', 'time': '13/Sep/2023:17:30:51 +0000', 'timeEpoch': 1694626251, 'domainName': 'localhost', 'domainPrefix': 'localhost'}, 'body': '', 'pathParameters': {}, 'stageVariables': None, 'isBase64Encoded': False}
2023-09-13 18:30:56,074 | Found one Lambda function with name 'LambdaFunctionApp'
2023-09-13 18:30:56,074 | Invoking Integration.Main (dotnet6)
2023-09-13 18:30:56,074 | Resolving code path. Cwd=/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output, CodeUri=/tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:56,074 | Resolved absolute path to code is /tmp/aws-toolkit-vscode/vsctkx3as5F/output/LambdaFunctionApp
2023-09-13 18:30:56,079 | Reuse the created warm container for Lambda function 'LambdaFunctionApp'
2023-09-13 18:30:56,082 | Lambda function 'LambdaFunctionApp' is already running
2023-09-13 18:30:56,082 | Setting up SIGTERM interrupt handler
START RequestId: 364bbcba-686f-4a98-b92e-03aced915308 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 364bbcba-686f-4a98-b92e-03aced915308
REPORT RequestId: 364bbcba-686f-4a98-b92e-03aced915308  Init Duration: 0.29 ms  Duration: 640.81 ms Billed Duration: 641 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB    Max Memory Used: 1024 MB    
2023-09-13 18:30:57 - - [13/Sep/2023 18:30:57] "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Expected result:

Expecting the VSCode Debuger to attach to the .NET app running inside the container.

Additional environment details (Ex: Windows, Mac, Amazon Linux etc)

OS: Ubuntu 22.04 IDE: VSCode 1.82.1

  "version": "1.95.0",
  "system": {
    "python": "3.11.3",
    "os": "Linux-"
  "additional_dependencies": {
    "docker_engine": "24.0.6",
    "aws_cdk": "Not available",
    "terraform": "1.5.2"
  "available_beta_feature_env_vars": [
sriram-mv commented 1 year ago

Do the criteria mentioned here match for debugging to start: