aws / aws-sam-cli

CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
Apache License 2.0
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Bug: Fn::GetAtt fails to resolve correctly #6868

Open morgan-dgk opened 4 months ago

morgan-dgk commented 4 months ago


I am trying to use the GetAtt intrinsic function to retrieve the UserPoolId and ClientId from a UserPoolClient and UserPool resource respectively.

Debug output shows

Unable to resolve property UserPoolId: OrderedDict([('Fn::GetAtt', ['UserPool', 'UserPoolId'])]). Leaving as is.        

Is this a supported feature currently or an area where Intrinsic Function support is limited?

If the latter, it would be great to document these limitations somewhere (unless I have missed them!)

Steps to reproduce:

Run sam local invoke my_func where some properties in template.yaml rely on Fn::GetAtt.

Observed result:

Expected result:

!GetAtt should return the specified attribute for the given resource.

Additional environment details (Ex: Windows, Mac, Amazon Linux etc)

  1. OS: Linux
  2. sam --version: SAM CLI, version 1.113.0
  3. AWS region: us-east-2
# Paste the output of `sam --info` here
  "version": "1.113.0",
  "system": {
    "python": "3.11.8",
    "os": "Linux-6.8.1-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.39"
  "additional_dependencies": {
    "docker_engine": "25.0.4",
    "aws_cdk": "Not available",
    "terraform": "Not available"
  "available_beta_feature_env_vars": [

Add --debug flag to command you are running

mildaniel commented 4 months ago

Hey @morgan-dgk, like you mentioned, resolving that intrinsic isn't something currently supported. It is probably a good idea to document which cases are/aren't supported like you mentioned. Let me bring this to the team to see what we can do.

morgan-dgk commented 2 months ago

Just wondering if there are any suggested workarounds for this currently?

In my example, I would like to attach a Lambda Authorizer to a HTTP api using a lambda function defined in the SAM template like so:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: src/layers/custom_auth/custom_auth.authorize
      Runtime: nodejs20.x
        - x86_64
      MemorySize: 128
      Timeout: 100

    Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
            AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion: 2.0
                - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
                - ARN
                - "context" 

However, as !GetAtt does not correctly resolve, this fails.

mildaniel commented 2 months ago

This case should already be supported. Can you try changing the

   - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
   - ARN


   - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
   - Arn
morgan-dgk commented 2 months ago

This case should already be supported. Can you try changing the

   - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
   - ARN


   - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
   - Arn

Duh, apologies on my oversight. Debug log still shows this failing after correcting attribute name:

2024-05-01 14:37:15,549 | This Integration URI format is not supported: {'Fn::GetAtt:': ['LambdaAuthorizerFunc', 'Arn']}                                                                                             
2024-05-01 14:37:15,550 | Extracted Function ARN: None                                                                                                                                                               
2024-05-01 14:37:15,550 | Unable to parse the Lambda ARN for Authorizer 'LambdaAuthorizer', skipping   
mildaniel commented 2 months ago

There also shouldn't be the colon after the !GetAtt (I missed that the first time). So it should be

   - LambdaAuthorizerFunc
   - Arn
morgan-dgk commented 2 months ago

Ok, that seems to have fixed it. Thank you very much for your help.