aws / aws-sdk-cpp

AWS SDK for C++
Apache License 2.0
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Improvement to build, install, and distribution mechanisms #1888

Open sdavtaker opened 2 years ago

sdavtaker commented 2 years ago

Describe the issue

Feedback from our customers show that AWS SDK for C++ complexity to build is high. Our customers come from very diverse disciplines and backgrounds, that requires AWS SDK for C++ to build under a vast set of constraints. These constraints usually come from using different operating systems, toolchains, memory management processes, and domain specific practices to mention a few.

Since AWS SDK for C++ was first released, we extended our cmake scripts to fulfill needs from new platforms, new uses cases we identified, and new tooling mostly as a collection of small individual changes with no significant impact on the build as a whole. However, as the collection of them grew, the build as a whole became a very complex piece of code to work with. This building complexity many times translates in time spent for developers who want to install the AWS SDK for C++ to work in their projects, for contributors and reviewers wanting to implement changes to fix issues with it, for package managers to release distributions, for release managers to distribute it as a dependency of their projects.

We are working in a redesign of our cmake scripts to be released at v1.10. We expect to provide a simpler and idiomatic modern cmake experience based in standard industry patterns. Here is a list of some of the changes we will introduce:

We will develop these changes in branch build-dev-1.10 until ready for release. We are going to publish PRs in each step of the way and link them to this Issue. We encourage everyone interested to participate in this Issue discussion thread, and the PRs.

Steps to Reproduce

No response

Current behavior

No response

AWS CPP SDK version used


compiler and version used


Operating System and version


sdavtaker commented 2 years ago

First preparation PR:

kaihirota commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to use DynamoDB Streams and Kinesis within Unreal Engine, and the process is extremely complex and painful. Of course, part of it is also due to UE's fault, but that's another story. Anyway, to use a third party library within Unreal Engine, I have to package the library as a Unreal Engine "plugin" that contains a "third party library" folder which includes compiled and source code for Windows, Mac, etc. Like many people, I could not figure out how to make this work. Fortunately, I was able to purchase a plugin for a fee from the UE marketplace, and the plugin's sole value proposition is enabling users to use the AWS SDK (but only dynamodb submodule) within UE.

While I'm sure this represents a niche and rare use case of AWS SDK, this is one area which would benefit largely from easier integration of AWS.

glaubitz commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if the build system was sticking to commonly used CMake directories and avoid using custom scripts.

Packaging aws-sdk-cpp for Linux distributions has become very complicated which is why the latest version of the SDK in openSUSE is still stuck at 1.8.142.

sdavtaker commented 1 year ago

@glaubitz totoally agree, are you contributing to packaging for openSuse? What would be your expected directory structure? How will it differ from the one here: About scripts, we are trying to reduce as much as possible, and moving mutating changes to build changes.

sdavtaker commented 1 year ago

Update on the version number, a recent feature took the 1.10 version tag, this is now targeted as 1.11.

sdavtaker commented 1 year ago

Status update

1.11 was released this week. It's initial release includes code structure adjustments. This is only breaking change if you have your own building scripts or some CI automation that relays on the src file old structure. CMake requirement was changed to 3.13. The new one is pretty intuitive: /cmake : cmake helper scripts /src : c++ code hand mantained /tests : tests /docs : docs /generated : generated src and tests for service clients and endpoints /tools : scripts used for code generation, and common development/build tasks /toolchains : cmake toolchain files /crt : embeded CRT dependency as submodule (to be extracted out in 1.12)

In the next few days the changes to cmake will start to be gradually applied to follow modern cmake practices and be able to build redistributable packages. This changes will be behind a cmake flag as experimental feature to allow opt-in to try and provide public feedback. At 1.12 release, the new build will be the default, and the legacy one removed.

Mike4Online commented 10 months ago

I run into two difficulties with building and linking to the AWS SDK for C++:


I need to build past and current versions of my software product, as well as current and past versions of the AWS SDK for C++ on which it depends. My build PC runs on older version of Ubuntu (18.04 Bionic) intentionally to ensure my customers can run my program on their older Linux systems.

Issue 1: CMake builds don't let you specify paths for all dependencies

So I cannot ever rely on system LIB and INCLUDE paths for transitive dependencies such as OpenSSL, zlib, libCURL, liblzma, libuuid, etc. These would all be too old in the Ubuntu 18 system directories.

Version 1.11 of the AWS SDK for C++ allows you to explicitly specify the path to the CURL library, i.e. by defining CURL_LIBRARY='/path/to/curl/libcurl.a'. But have not not found similar support for explicitly defining paths to libraries or headers for other dependencies (OPENSSL, ZLIB, LIBUUID, LIBLZMA, etc.). Adding such support would facilitate CMake builds of the AWS SDK for C++, when they need to depend on specific versions of dependencies. Until then, I have to rely on building with vcpkg, which somehow manages to keep the dependencies straight and contained within the vcpkg build tree.

Issue 2: AWS SDK for C++ header include files are spread across multiple subdirectories

I have built the AWS SDK for C++ libraries successfully multiple times, only to find that when I run the S3-Crt demo project I get SEGFAULTS. Turns out I had not copied all of the header include files from the CMake build tree to my own header include directory. So there was a mix of AWS SDK headers from a previous build as well as updated headers from the latest build.

While this is a novice mistake to make, the AWS SDK for C++ makes it easier to mess this up, specifically:

The AWS SDK for C++ often includes API changes between two tags, even when the major and minor version number have not changed. This should be highlighted in build documentation, as some libraries follow semantic versioning practices and will bump the minor version if there is an API change.

The CMake and vcpkg builds of the AWS SDK for C++ place header include files in several directories. vcpkg does a decent job of this:

cp -r ${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/aws/*             /my_include_path/aws/aws/
cp -r ${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/s2n/*             /my_include_path/aws/s2n/
cp -r ${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/smithy/*          /my_include_path/aws/smithy/
cp    ${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/z*                /my_include_path/aws/
cp    ${VCPKG_ROOT}/installed/x64-linux/include/s2n.h             /my_include_path/aws/

But the CMake build places headers is many far-flung directories. And these directories can change from tag to tag:

cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/include/*                                  /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/src/aws-cpp-sdk-core/include/aws/*                          /my_include_path/aws/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/src/aws-cpp-sdk-core/include/smithy/*                       /my_include_path/aws/smithy/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/*                                    /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3-crt/include/*                                /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/include/*                                   /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-common/include/*                  /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/sdk_build_debug/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-common/generated/include/*    /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-auth/include/*                    /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-cal/include/*                     /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-compression/include/*             /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-event-stream/include/*            /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-checksums/include/*                 /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-http/include/*                    /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-io/include/*                      /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-mqtt/include/*                    /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-s3/include/*                      /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-sdkutils/include/*                /my_include_path/aws/
cp -R /CodeRepos/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-lc/include/*                        /my_include_path/aws/

Enhancing the CMake build so it prepares a consolidated set of header directories (similar to what vcpkg does) would be a handy way to ensure the entire set of headers could be easily found and copied elsewhere.

The S3 Crt demo project will log an API version mismatch error if it detects that the version in <aws/core/VersionConfig.h> does not correspond with the version within the linked or loaded AWS SDK libraries. If a similar check were to be added early in Aws::InitAPI() and made a runtime error, it might help catch this common mistake, rather allowing execution to continue to a SEGFAULT.

Mike4Online commented 9 months ago

The AWS SDK online documentation still shows that building the AWS SDK for C++ on Linux requires CMake - minimum version 3.13, maximum version 3.21.

Is this maximum CMake version still valid? Ideally the SDK could be built with the latest CMake.

sbiscigl commented 9 months ago

Is this maximum CMake version still valid? Ideally the SDK could be built with the latest CMake.

there is no maximum version and it will buid on latest, i routinely use latest. let me see if i can track down the documentation to update that wording to remove maximum.

Mike4Online commented 9 months ago

There is another documentation page stating that the CMake maximum version is 3.21. This one is for Windows:

Build the AWS SDK for C++ on Windows

ahmedyarub commented 8 months ago

Any updates?