aws / aws-sdk-cpp

AWS SDK for C++
Apache License 2.0
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Generate pkg-config contains spurious cflags #2673

Open NewbiZ opened 11 months ago

NewbiZ commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug


pkg-config is a Unix tool that allows easy retrieval of compiler and linker flags of dependencies. It relies on .pc files installed in a standard location, and a utility to query flags from your build system.


The currently generated pkg-config file contains spurious compiler and linker flags that are not meant for users of the library, but rather are a dump of what was used to build the SDK itself.

Expected Behavior

I would expect the following compiler flags for e.g. an S3-only build:

$ pkg-config --cflags aws-cpp-sdk-s3
-I<installation prefix>/include

And the following linker flags:

$ pkg-config --libs aws-cpp-sdk-s3
-L<installation prefix>/lib -laws-cpp-sdk-s3 -laws-cpp-sdk-core

Current Behavior

It seems the current build toolchain just dumps its own build flags in the pkg-config file, instead of the build flags that users of the SDK should use, which means we end up with: 1) Build-relative paths, which are useless (if not straight up dangerous) for users of the library 2) Internal compiler flags used to build the AWS C++ SDK itself, which incorrectly leak to the users of the library

More precisly, after an S3-only build, here is the output of pkg-config:

$ pkg-config --cflags aws-cpp-sdk-s3
-fno-exceptions -std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -std=c++11 -Iinclude

Reproduction Steps

Any regular build will showcase the incorrect behavior:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DBUILD_ONLY=s3
$ make
$ make install
$ cat /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/aws-cpp-sdk-s3.pc

Name: aws-cpp-sdk-s3
Version: 1.11.165
Cflags: -I${includedir} -fno-exceptions -std=c++11
Libs: -L${libdir} -laws-cpp-sdk-s3 
Requires:  aws-cpp-sdk-core 
$ cat /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/aws-cpp-sdk-core.pc 

Name: aws-cpp-sdk-core
Version: 1.11.165
Cflags: -I${includedir} -fno-exceptions -std=c++11
Libs: -L${libdir} -laws-cpp-sdk-core 
Libs.private: -laws-crt-cpp -laws-c-auth -laws-c-cal -laws-c-common -laws-c-compression -laws-c-event-stream -laws-c-http -laws-c-io -laws-c-mqtt -laws-c-s3 -laws-checksums -laws-c-sdkutils -lpthread -lcurl -lcrypto -lssl -lz

Possible Solution

Additional Information/Context

No response

AWS CPP SDK version used


Compiler and Version used


Operating System and version

Any linux

NewbiZ commented 11 months ago

Also, since the AWS C++ SDK depends internally on libcurl, and defines Libs.private, it seems incoherent to not have libcurl in Requires.private.

NewbiZ commented 11 months ago

Reading again the CMake macro that generates variables for the pkg-config file, I think the whole part that sets GCC flags should be removed. All these flags are for builds of the SDK itself and do not make sense for users depending on the SDK, and the pkg-config template already hard-code the only useful flag (-I).

NewbiZ commented 11 months ago

I would propose the following changes:

1) Currently, no compiler flag used by the SDK make sense to be propagated to the users. Still, the behavior of filtering this list of flags can be retained. We can then just explicitely remove the flags that should not be propagated:

 function(set_compiler_flags target)
     if(NOT MSVC)
+        # Generate a list of GCC compilation flags
         target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE "${AWS_COMPILER_FLAGS}")
+        # Exception support do not affect the ABI
+        list(REMOVE_ITEM AWS_COMPILER_FLAGS "-fno-exceptions")
+        # Language standard do not affect the ABI
+        list(REMOVE_ITEM AWS_COMPILER_FLAGS "-std=c++11")
+        # Optimizations do not affect the ABI
+        # Flatten the list of compilation options to a string for use in pkgconfig
         string(REPLACE ";" " " _TMP "${AWS_COMPILER_FLAGS}")
         set(PKG_CONFIG_CFLAGS "${_TMP}" CACHE INTERNAL "C++ compiler flags which affect the ABI")

2) The paths can be trivially fixed by prepending them with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. As a side bonus, it is quite common to define prefix in the pkg-config file and have includedir and libdir use it. It then simply becomes:


With these two changes, the build and installation of a fresh AWS CPP SDK now generate a proper pkg-config file, as showcased:

$ cat /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/aws-cpp-sdk-s3.pc 

Name: aws-cpp-sdk-s3
Version: 1.11.165
Cflags: -I${includedir} 
Libs: -L${libdir} -laws-cpp-sdk-s3 
Requires:  aws-cpp-sdk-core

$ cat /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/aws-cpp-sdk-core.pc 

Name: aws-cpp-sdk-core
Version: 1.11.165
Cflags: -I${includedir} 
Libs: -L${libdir} -laws-cpp-sdk-core 
Libs.private: -laws-crt-cpp -laws-c-auth -laws-c-cal -laws-c-common -laws-c-compression -laws-c-event-stream -laws-c-http -laws-c-io -laws-c-mqtt -laws-c-s3 -laws-checksums -laws-c-sdkutils -lpthread -lcurl -lcrypto -lssl -lz

$ pkg-config --cflags aws-cpp-sdk-s3

$ pkg-config --libs aws-cpp-sdk-s3
-L/usr/local/lib -laws-cpp-sdk-s3 -laws-cpp-sdk-core

$ pkg-config --cflags aws-cpp-sdk-core 

$ pkg-config --libs aws-cpp-sdk-core 
-L/usr/local/lib -laws-cpp-sdk-core
yasminetalby commented 11 months ago

Hello @NewbiZ ,

Thank you very much for your detailed submission. We really appreciate your feedback and contribution.

This request falls under the Improvement to build, install, and distribution mechanisms project. We will discuss it as a team as part of this project and decide on implementation and prioritization based on user impact and benefits.

Thank you very much again for your collaboration and for all the details provided.



intelfx commented 5 months ago

@jmklix @yasminetalby I believe this to be a bug rather than a feature request as it breaks dependent projects if they happen to use exceptions. Please review the tags if possible and consider re-prioritizing.