We are looking at options to prefix UserAgent for s3 client from sdk's. One possible option is change every code like below. This option works but it comes with the risk and time consumption of changing every microservice connecting to s3.
AWSCredentials credentials;
ClientConfiguration conf = new ClientConfiguration()
.withUserAgentPrefix("APN/1.0 PARTNER/1.0 PRODUCT/1.0");
AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, conf);
Recently, environment variable based user agent setting is introduced in python and ruby SDK's https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/2955
It would be helpful to implement similar feature in the Java sdk as well.
Use Case
Flexibility to inject User Agent in the existing apps through environment variable, and sync the feature with other language sdk's.
Describe the feature
We are looking at options to prefix UserAgent for s3 client from sdk's. One possible option is change every code like below. This option works but it comes with the risk and time consumption of changing every microservice connecting to s3.
Recently, environment variable based user agent setting is introduced in python and ruby SDK's https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/2955 It would be helpful to implement similar feature in the Java sdk as well.
Use Case
Flexibility to inject User Agent in the existing apps through environment variable, and sync the feature with other language sdk's.
Proposed Solution
Other Information
No response
AWS Java SDK version used
latest 2.20.98
JDK version used
Operating System and version
alpine 3.18 (latest)