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chore(credential-provider-node): fix readme typo #6180

Closed mxxk closed 1 week ago

mxxk commented 3 weeks ago


The README of credential-provider-node currently refers to fromEnv (which does not exist in the package). This change fixes README to instead refer to defaultProvider.



Additional context

Since the initial introduction of packages/credential-provider-node/ in, the README referred to fromEnv, which did not exist then, nor does it exist now.

Later sections of README refer to the same factory function as defaultProvider:

This change fixes the inconsistency.


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mxxk commented 2 weeks ago

This is a very trivial PR which fixes a confusing typo in the README of a package, but it sat for 5 days without any activity. @jgrigg @kuhe @siddsriv @trivikr are you the right people to ping to get the ball rolling here?

kuhe commented 1 week ago

This is a welcome change. We have a large backlog and it may take a long time to get to individual PRs.

mxxk commented 1 week ago

Thank you for clarifying, reviewing, and merging @kuhe!