aws / aws-sdk-js-v3

Modularized AWS SDK for JavaScript.
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Integrate DynamoDB Mapper to SDK v3 #6194

Open cmwd opened 2 weeks ago

cmwd commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the feature

I kindly request reconsideration of implementing the previously rejected feature discussed in Issue #1085. The original feature request was declined due to plans to integrate a Data Mapper in TypeORM, which have since been abandoned by the TypeORM team. This decision leaves current Data Mapper users without a viable alternative.

Use Case

In my project, we're using the awslabs dynamodb data mapper across multiple services. However, its lack of support for AWS SDK v3 is problematic, especially considering that alternative solutions are either not widely adopted, have bloated dependency trees making maintenance challenging, or are unsuitable for specific runtimes such as AWS Lambda.

DDM Is a light, purpose-built solution that works extremely well and we didn't have any issues using it for many years already. if it would be only possible we would love to continue using it.

Proposed Solution

I propose incorporating DynamoDB Data Mapper into the AWS SDK, similar to the Java version. This integration would provide a stable, well-maintained solution for the JavaScript/TypeScript community, aligning with the needs of many developers currently using the awslabs DynamoDB Data Mapper.

Other Information


SDK version used


Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)


kuhe commented 2 weeks ago

What about

cmwd commented 1 week ago

I see two main issues with typeorm-dynamodb compared to the dynamodb data mapper

The DynamoDB Data Mapper remains popular and widely used. It is battle-tested and has a smaller dependency tree, making it easier to maintain and more suitable for certain runtimes such as lambda.