aws / aws-sdk-js-v3

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RequestTimeTooSkewed due to cached responses. #6202

Open lromor opened 1 week ago

lromor commented 1 week ago

Checkboxes for prior research

Describe the bug

From the browser the s3 client changes the X-Amz-Date based on the Date header.

Sometimes the responses are cached, and so their Date header. This introduces a drift in the systemClockOffset which eventually turns into the server returning time skew too large errors in successive requests.

SDK version number


Which JavaScript Runtime is this issue in?


Details of the browser/Node.js/ReactNative version

Browsers: Chrome: 125.0.6422.142 Safari: 17.5

Reproduction Steps

Request cacheable content using the "Cache-Control" headers. After a while, the server will return errors as the date of the sever and the client is too skewed.

Observed Behavior

After a while, X-Amz-Date used during requests is calculated with an offset that is very large. The server then responds with an error RequestTimeTooSkewed.

Expected Behavior

The client shouldn't try to compute an offset over cached responses.

Possible Solution

Either adjust the offset on requests that the client is certain are not cached.

Additional Information/Context

No response

aBurmeseDev commented 1 week ago

Hi @lromor - thanks for reaching out.

As you're probably aware, this RequestTimeTooSkewed error is due to the mismatch between the server time and current time. In order for us to understand your use case better, can you share a minimal repro code?