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AWS DynamoDB update operation on Lambda Node.js works extremely slow #1918

Closed IhostVlad closed 5 years ago

IhostVlad commented 6 years ago

Given AWS Lambda on NodeJS 6-th version, which performs very simple test-purposes CRUD interaction with DynamoDB table. Measured performance is extremely slow, independent to selected Lambda RAM memory or RCU/WCU units for Dynamodb.

There was performed benchmark, and results are unsatisfied. Event MySQL database in micro container has performance, which is better compare to DynamoDB with some times.

Update operations        1000            10000             20000            100000

RCU=1000/WCU=1000      104708 ms       176109 ms         276689 ms         N/A >5min
                        942 MB          707 MB            896 MB         

RCU=2000/WCU=2000      45953 ms        167686 ms         245937 ms         N/A >5min
                        646 MB          829 MB            896 MB       

RCU=3000/WCU=3000      74205 ms        151072 ms         253800 ms         N/A >5min
                        657 MB          840 MB            854 MB      

RCU=4000/WCU=4000      76636 ms        175258 ms         257238 ms         N/A >5min
                        896 MB          896 MB            896 MB     

After fast research reason of such behavior was found: DynamoDB performs new HTTP(S) request on each CRUD operation! ( It's extremely slow, event in TLS connection, which has relatively big establishment time, including key exchanges. Also, it's extremely big overhead for HTTP headers, which some times bigger than CRUD payload.

So question: is there available method to communicate with DynamoDB in persistent connection in NodeJS Labmda? Batch operations is not apropriate solution, since they does not support UPDATE operations.

chrisradek commented 6 years ago

@IhostVlad In your lambda functions, are you calling DynamoDB multiple times during a single lambda invocation? If so, you can turn on connection keep-alive so that connections are reused. You can enable keep-alive by passing a custom agent to a service client:


const DynamoDB = require('aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb');
const https = require('https');
const agent = new https.Agent({
  keepAlive: true

const dynamodb = new DynamoDB({
  httpOptions: {

There were some issues reported using keep-alive in Lambda with older versions on node.js that looked like a race condition when a connection was reused across multiple lambda invocations. I haven't looked into whether this still happens using 6.x, but you can also call agent.destroy() before you lambda function ends to make sure there are no connections open to be reused in another invocation.

IhostVlad commented 6 years ago

@chrisradek Thanks for the response! Yes, invoking DynamoDB performs multiple times in single lambda invocation. In fact, there are a lot of sequential serial update queries for DynamoDB in that process.

For detailed research aws-sdk and supposed solution, LocalStack DynamoDB emulator was used on local machine. Following code is used for create dynamodb and docClient objects:

const agent = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({ httpOptions: { agent } })
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({ httpOptions: { agent } })

After, for research purposes, Wireshark had been launched to trace, which HTTP requests actually are performed. Of course, localstack is not the complete local replacement for Dynamodb, but redundant HTTP queries are initialized by aws-sdk library, and localstack cannot affect it since it only accepts requests.

So, the sample contains about 80000 update queries with about 100 byte-sized document difference per update operation. Result measurement was terrible: even with using custom keep-alived agent, aws-sdk perform creating tons of new http responses.

After measuring with Wireshark it's seen, that about 800 MB traffic was exchanged between DynamoDB localstack and application server. Although stored data volume as about 80k entries x ~100 byte = 8 MB, traffic was in HUNDRED times greater.

Maybe something is wrong configured, but current aws-sdk behavior is unsatisfying.


srchase commented 5 years ago


Is the docClient being re-used? Another issue was opened recently where that was not the case and they had similar performance issues:

IhostVlad commented 5 years ago

@srchase Thanks for response! Yes, docClient is being reused. There is simplified code to show issue - table for stories had been created and one million dummy-stories had been exported into Dynamodb. To avoid latency within generation content, all documents are extremely simple

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const configDynamo = {
  /* AWS config */
  rcu: 10,
  wcu: 10


const agent = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({ httpOptions: { agent } })
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({ httpOptions: { agent } })

const checkTableExists = async (tableName) => {
  try {
    const tableInfo = await dynamodb
      .describeTable({ TableName: tableName })

    const tableStatus = tableInfo.Table.TableStatus
    if (tableStatus === 'ACTIVE') return true

    return await checkTableExists(dynamodb, tableName)
  } catch (err) {}

  return false

const InitTable = async () => {
    if (await checkTableExists(dynamodb, 'stories')) {
      await dynamodb.deleteTable({ TableName: 'stories' }).promise()
      while (await checkTableExists(dynamodb, 'stories')) {}

    await dynamodb
        TableName: 'stories',
        KeySchema: [{ AttributeName: 'id', KeyType: 'HASH' }],
        AttributeDefinitions: [
          { AttributeName: 'id', AttributeType: 'S' },
          { AttributeName: 'ratingSurrogate', AttributeType: 'S' },
          { AttributeName: 'rating', AttributeType: 'N' },
          { AttributeName: 'content', AttributeType: 'S' }
        ProvisionedThroughput: {
          ReadCapacityUnits: configDynamo.rcu,
          WriteCapacityUnits: configDynamo.wcu
        GlobalSecondaryIndexes: [
            IndexName: 'rating_idx',
            KeySchema: [
              { AttributeName: 'ratingSurrogate', KeyType: 'HASH' },
              { AttributeName: 'rating', KeyType: 'RANGE' }
            Projection: {
              ProjectionType: 'INCLUDE',
              NonKeyAttributes: ['id', 'rating', 'content']
            ProvisionedThroughput: {
              ReadCapacityUnits: configDynamo.rcu,
              WriteCapacityUnits: configDynamo.wcu
          }        ]

    while (!await checkTableExists(dynamodb, 'stories')) {}

const CreateStory = async ({ id, timestamp, payload }) =>
    await docClient
        TableName: 'stories',
        Item: {
          id: aggregateId,
          ratingSurrogate: 'SURROGATE',
          rating: timestamp,

(async () => {
  await InitTable()

  for(let idx=0; idx<10000000; idx++) {
     await CreateStory({
       id: `id${idx}`,
       rating: idx % 100,
       content: 'Test content'
srchase commented 5 years ago


Did you compare against batchWriteItem?

IhostVlad commented 5 years ago

@srchase Thanks for response! Of cource, using batch write function instead multiple single writes will be some times faster, buf unfortunely code above is extremely simplified example. In real application there is much more different CRUD operations, multiple inserts/updates, content of which is refer on previous find calls and external environment. When using SQL-based RDBMS there is no problems since one TCP connection is established and series of CRUD operations are addressed to SQL server. But in Dynamodb there is no stable connection, and HTTPS connection had been disconnected ever time after SINGLE database operation, hovewer Keep-Alive mode is supposed. So question is how to keep alive connection with endpoint for send multiple series operations, but not predefined batch with same bulk list.

srchase commented 5 years ago


Does 8.10 behave the same way? I see that this was originally opened before 8.10 was introduced. I'm curious if the newer runtime makes a difference for you.

no-response[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information from the original author. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further.

lock[bot] commented 4 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs and link to relevant comments in this thread.