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LakeFormation listPermissions returns abnormal result #4583

Closed HagunKim closed 4 months ago

HagunKim commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

According to the document [1], I tried to get list of LF-tag expression permissions.

let result = [];
let params = {
    CatalogId: CatalogId,
    MaxResults: 1000,
    ResourceType: "LF_TAG_POLICY"
do {
    let response = await lakeformation.listPermissions(params).promise();
} while (response.PrincipalResourcePermissions.length > 0 && response.NextToken !== null);

Expected : The result has whose resource type is both DATABASE and TABLE. Actual : The result only has values whose resource type is DATABASE.

aws-sdk js version : aws-sdk@2.1557.0


Expected Behavior

The response has whose resource type is both DATABASE and TABLE.

Current Behavior

The response only has values whose resource type is DATABASE.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create LF-tag expression permissions for tables and databases
  2. run this code
    let result = [];
    let params = {
    CatalogId: CatalogId,
    MaxResults: 1000,
    ResourceType: "LF_TAG_POLICY"
    do {
    let response = await lakeformation.listPermissions(params).promise();
    } while (response.PrincipalResourcePermissions.length > 0 && response.NextToken !== null);
  3. check the result

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

No response

SDK version used


Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)

Ubuntu 20.04