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Amazon Polly for Unity #627

Closed hasanbayatme closed 5 years ago

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

How do i use Amazon Polly in Unity?

gokarnm commented 7 years ago

Amazon Polly is currently not supported on the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity.

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

How do i use the .NET version in Unity? because Unity is in .Net so it should work well on it.

EDIT: Why we can't use .NET version in Unity?

gokarnm commented 7 years ago

If you are asking if the SDK DLLs for .NET 3.5 or 4.5 can be used for Unity, you cannot, because Unity targets Mono which is equivalent to .NET Framework 2.0. Also, the APIs exposed in SDK that targets 3.5 are quite different from the async APIs available in the Unity SDK.

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

Thanks @gokarnm.. So i can't use SDK DLLs in Unity because Unity uses mono that uses older .NET versions.

OlafLablike commented 7 years ago

Hi @gokarnm, are there any plans to support Polly in Unity?

Logodaedalus commented 7 years ago

Given that the new Unity 2017 has the 3.5 Runtime, or the experimental one that says it's 4.6 equivalent, are there plans to make Polly available on it? Seems like it would be a well-used plugin if so!

Dunnbar commented 7 years ago

+1, I would like to know if it's planned to make Polly available for Unity 2017.

olomorolo commented 7 years ago

+1, Polly for Unity 2017 would be great!

whipsmartgames commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to find out from Amazon if using this in Unity 2017 will work? or when support for it will happen/

hasanbayatme commented 7 years ago

Can we make an Amazon Polly SDK for Unity using Amazon Polly REST API?

arun02139 commented 6 years ago

Bump also hopefully that the plugin will get support in the new Unity. I have budget to pay for this upgrade, any interested parties please email me at (will give back to community to use as well ^^)

azinicus commented 6 years ago

Double bump... this would be pretty awesome for VR applications we're creating

whipsmartgames commented 6 years ago

Yes being able to add voices around the player in BR is exactly what I want this for

normj commented 6 years ago

I can see how this would be a really cool service to use with Unity. Unfortunately our team resources are consumed right now on other tasks for our upcoming AWS re:Invent conference. It is an easy flag to set in our code generators to produce a Unity Polly assembly the problem is we just don't have the bandwidth to test it right now.

I really don't like blocking users though, so if you folks are willing to test it here is a one off build I did that enabled Polly in the Unity code generator.

For anybody that uses it I'd appreciate feedback on any issues you have with it.

olomorolo commented 6 years ago

Hi, has anyone got this package linked by normj working and could give us a quick guide how to use it in Unity? :) Thanks!

azinicus commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately we haven't tried yet... it might need the newer experimental .NET 4.6 option in player settings in Unity 2017.1+ but not 100% sure. Also, it's not quite asset plug n play ready, it would take some hacking to make it work with a game. Let us know if you get to it!

diegodias commented 6 years ago

I have used it with Unity 2017.2.1 (latest right now), and it works. Going to try with the 2017.3.0 which just launched. @normj Probably not the correct place to ask... but can you provide a similar build one off build to enabled Lex in the Unity code generator?

azinicus commented 6 years ago

@diegodias Awesome, any chance you could share on how you got it to work? orrrr pretty please a unity package to share with the community???

olomorolo commented 6 years ago

@diegodias +1 to @azinicus request :) any chances for sharing some guide on how to setup Unity with AWS to get it work with Polly? Would appreciate it very much! Thanks!

diegodias commented 6 years ago

@olomorolo @azinicus Sure, will do, just give me a couple days.

olomorolo commented 6 years ago

@diegodias many many thanks! I look forward to it, but of course - take your time :) Cheers!

IanPhilips commented 6 years ago

@diegodias Hi, just joining the conversation, any possibility of a unity package for this? thanks!

diegodias commented 6 years ago

@azinicus @olomorolo @IanPhilips (and any others that may be interested) package is attached... (you just need to create a cognito identity and use it). Sorry for taking too long to post here. I also had to change the code a bit to support Unity 2017.3.0 . Code is by no means supposed to be optimized or the best implementation. Hope it helps you.

azinicus commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thank you @diegodias !! Will let you know how it goes

IanPhilips commented 6 years ago

@diegodias thanks for the package! With a fresh unity 2017.3.0.f3 project and loading the scene I'm getting: Errors during import of AudioClip Assets/Audios/Generated/1517014938.mp3: FSBTool ERROR: Failed decoding audio clip. The file is there but it looks like it's empty. My IAM role for my user has "AmazonPollyFullAccess"

ahh-for those who are getting the same error, make sure all of your regions match your user's region. Now it works! Thanks again, Diegodias

olomorolo commented 6 years ago

thanks so much @diegodias ! I'll give it a try 👍

NawarRajab commented 6 years ago

@IanPhilips I'm getting the same error. I've set the region to USWest2 in AWSPolly. It seems responseObject.Response is null.

olomorolo commented 6 years ago

@normj, @diegodias it's been a while but I finally gave it a try :) It works great on Desktop mode and in Editor (thanks a lot for sharing the package!) but I can't get it work when building on iOS or Android.

Should I add some additional libraries manually maybe? I tried to additionally import regular AWS packages for Unity (that ones: but it didn't help. I'm still getting this error when deploying on mobile:

NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required. at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.UnityMainThreadDispatcher.ProcessRequests () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.UnityMainThreadDispatcher.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

If you would have any ideas how to fix the issue I would appreciate your help very much :) Thanks!

KieranK6 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I tried implementing this but keep on getting error when importing audio clips. They are failing to decode. Any ideas why this is? Another user said they had this because of having the wrong region set but as far as I know my regions are set correctly. Thanks

Edit: Solved

lukker234 commented 6 years ago

@KieranK6 How did you solve this problem? i've got the same problem but i don't know how to fix it.

KieranK6 commented 6 years ago

@lukker234 I set up an IAM role on AWS as IanPhilips said above. I also uncommented two lines that flushed and then closed the fileStream. Let me know if it works or not I can try to give more detail

RigosaaCL commented 6 years ago

@IanPhilips Hi, what you exactly mean with "make sure all of your regions match your user's region". I have created a "us-west-2:xxxx" and a "us-east-1:xxxx" Cognito credentials and changed AWSPolly.cs to make the 'RegionEndpoint' variable match the credential, but still getting the zero length mp3 file and the 'Failed decoding audio clip' error. Don't know what to do next.

Could someone explain what needs to be done?


IanPhilips commented 6 years ago

@RigosaaCL @NawarRajab It's been too long and I don't have that computer anymore but from what I remember there was a spot in the unity code to specify which region I was in, and in the AWS console for the polly service I had to specify a region and in the IAM role I had to specify a region. Only when all (three) of these matched (including the region specified in the Unity C# code) did the example work for me.

willt commented 5 years ago

I see this issue is still opened. Is Polly working now in unity or not?

easchimidt commented 5 years ago

I'm using Amazon Polly with recent versions of Unity with .Net 4x Equivalent, and it's working perfectly. I'm using this DLL . Didn't need to do anything else but import inside my Unity project (of course, you will need also AWSSDK.Core, available here.

klaytaybai commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update. This seems to be available now, so I'm closing this issue.

renanmgs commented 4 years ago

@RigosaaCL @NawarRajab It's been too long and I don't have that computer anymore but from what I remember there was a spot in the unity code to specify which region I was in, and in the AWS console for the polly service I had to specify a region and in the IAM role I had to specify a region. Only when all (three) of these matched (including the region specified in the Unity C# code) did the example work for me.

Hey @RigosaaCL , have you managed to get around this problem? Im getting the 0kb files as well, and everything is set. In the script and my Cognito server are on the same region, as @IanPhilips told!

RigosaaCL commented 4 years ago

@RigosaaCL @NawarRajab It's been too long and I don't have that computer anymore but from what I remember there was a spot in the unity code to specify which region I was in, and in the AWS console for the polly service I had to specify a region and in the IAM role I had to specify a region. Only when all (three) of these matched (including the region specified in the Unity C# code) did the example work for me.

Hey @RigosaaCL , have you managed to get around this problem? Im getting the 0kb files as well, and everything is set. In the script and my Cognito server are on the same region, as @IanPhilips told!

Hi @renanmgs, yes I did, I finally managed to connect to any AWS service from Unity by using my own compiled DLL. That process is the same I'm currently using, as the compiled DLLs are still working, though I don't know if the official AWS SDK for .NET is working.

I used this GIT Fork to compile every DLL I needed, using Visual Studio:

Hope it works for you.

Regards, Rigo.

zerozinczero commented 4 years ago

@RigosaaCL I'm trying to get Amazon Polly working in my editor too, but so far I've had no luck. I've followed all the instructions listed on this page, except for the DLLs. I was wondering what files you used to compile your own DLLs? Looking at Unity I think i should have everything I need in this project, but something must be missing if it isn't working.


zerozinczero commented 4 years ago

Nevermind, I got it working! I had not attached the AmazonPollyFullAccess to my unauthorized IAM

yosun commented 4 years ago

available here

I'm using Amazon Polly with recent versions of Unity with .Net 4x Equivalent, and it's working perfectly. I'm using this DLL . Didn't need to do anything else but import inside my Unity project (of course, you will need also AWSSDK.Core, available here.

Hey, @easchimidt which version and for iOS/Android or just editor/desktop?

DcoltGaming commented 4 years ago

Hi @renanmgs @zerozinczero @RigosaaCL

I am having a issue where it myAccountId and authrole is null, any idea how to get round this?
