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The InitiateMultipartUploadInput input partSize is required #634

Open candouss opened 8 months ago

candouss commented 8 months ago

Describe the issue

Just tried to call the InitiateMultipartUploadCommand without the property 'partSize' and got an exception saying it is mandatory, which does not reflect the documentation.


aBurmeseDev commented 8 months ago

Hi @candouss - thanks for reaching out.

I was able to confirm that this field is required from service as mentioned in Glacier service docs. However, the change is not reflected on our SDK side as you can see here.

This needs to be fixed upstream by service teams in order to reflected in SDK side and I'm reaching out to service team to update their models. I'll also be transferring this to our cross-sdk repo since it affects other SDK as well.

Thank you again for reporting this! John P104325452