aws / aws-toolkit-eclipse

(End of life: May 31, 2023) AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
Apache License 2.0
275 stars 179 forks source link

Deploying the AWS eclipse plugin web app to EBS .. ALWAYS fails for ubuntu1804/ new eclipse versions.. OK on 1604. UBUNTU #205

Open johnda98 opened 3 years ago

johnda98 commented 3 years ago

see images .. simple deploy of the sample App from AWS to EBS .. got same region, keys etc.. works ok from 1604 and eclipse ver 4.13

this also occurs on 2 separate AWS accounts .. so its not an account config either.

BUT EXACT same deploy and simple sample results in the attached (occurs on 2 separate 1804 machines with separated environments.. w/eclipse ver 4.15, so its not an eclipse setup.. both professionally operated systems.

Screenshot from 2020-08-03 13-09-08 Screenshot from 2020-08-03 12-43-55 Screenshot from 2020-08-03 12-44-18

No obvious notes on a google up of any known issues