aws / aws-toolkit-eclipse

(End of life: May 31, 2023) AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
Apache License 2.0
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Support Eclipse 2020-09 (and Java 11) #217

Open twasink opened 3 years ago

twasink commented 3 years ago

There is no profile to build against 2020-09 (or 2020-06, for that matter). In addition, 2020-09 no longer supports Java 8, but must use a Java 11 or higher runtime – yet the project doesn't compile against Java 11 (due to the absence of the javax.annotation module)

twasink commented 3 years ago

I'm going to see if I can make a 2020-09 compatible version; no promises though.

Making it compatible with Java 11 may also solve a number of other issues (for example, the SimpleDB explorer doesn't work when running under a Java 11 runtime)

eschulma commented 3 years ago

The CodeDeploy plugin also fails under Java 11, again an S3 issue, because it relies under the hood on javax.xml.bind which is no longer in Java 11. You either need to include the JAXB jar explicitly or remove references to those classes.

eschulma commented 3 years ago

The other option, and probably better: upgrade the AWS Java SDK, which got rid of all the deprecated Java 11 code.