aws / aws-toolkit-jetbrains

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains - a plugin for interacting with AWS from JetBrains IDEs
Apache License 2.0
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Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Support #1195

Open sjschmidt44 opened 4 years ago

sjschmidt44 commented 4 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like

Since this package is already tied into credentialed access to AWS and has some CFN support, it would be a nice fit for this tool to provide support for CDK; starting a new project, synthesizing, deployment, et. al.

Describe alternatives you've considered

CDK is still relatively new to the community, so there are no alternatives other than running CDK commands in the CLI.

fulghum commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feature request Scott! Glad to hear you're using the CDK. We have done some initial brainstorming around an IDE experience for CDK.

How would you rank the most important/impactful features? (e.g. Creating new projects, running CDK deploy, visualizing your CDK app construct tree structure, visualizing CDK diff results, tighter integration with CDK documentation/API ref, etc)

kiiadi commented 4 years ago

Referencing so that we can use this as a single 'feature-request' tracking ticket for both.

sjschmidt44 commented 4 years ago

Great question!

I would envision a similar workflow to starting a new Lambda function, providing options for the cdk init functionality; name, runtime, etc. As a secondary priority, being able to synth/deploy/destroy stacks via command palette options would be super helpful. Once deployed, we'd have visibility to the stack via the AWS Explorer tab, so it seems to fit well with the existing functionality of the extension.

hoegertn commented 4 years ago

I would love to have the ability to use "Update Function Code" to modify a lambda's code using the CDK asset system for quick deployments in test setups

ajohn-wick commented 3 years ago

Hello and I hope you are doing well!

Any update on such feature-request? Thank you very much for your feedback!

misterjoshua commented 2 years ago

When you implement this, I'd love it if the plugin supported deploying entire stages. i.e., cdk deploy MyStage/*