aws / aws-toolkit-jetbrains

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains - a plugin for interacting with AWS from JetBrains IDEs
Apache License 2.0
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AWS Step Function #584

Open asyba opened 5 years ago

asyba commented 5 years ago

Nothing to do with Run/Debug, this request is for a new tool: A tool to create json model of a AWS Step Function.

asyba commented 5 years ago

More info: Here is something that can be base on a plugin for

m-radzikowski commented 4 years ago

Recently AWS Toolkit for VS Code received this functionality, I hope it will come to this toolkit soon as well. See:

wong-a commented 4 years ago

@asyba As mentioned already, Step Functions is supported in the AWS Toolkit for VS Code. Is this the same kind of functionality you'd like to see in the JetBrains plugin?

More info:

Fall1ngStar commented 3 years ago

Not the author, but I would like the same kind of functionality than in the VS Code version !

sliedig commented 3 years ago

+1 to this functionality. Intellisense support, validation and graph rendering a must!

rfadams commented 3 years ago

Big +1

ManuelTS commented 3 years ago

+1, would be of great value!

andrey-batutin-da commented 3 years ago


BStenfors9119 commented 3 years ago


lvignals commented 3 years ago

+1 (how about a drag and drop graphical editor with right click context menu to edit steps directly with pick-lists values linked to the AWS account data)

s-stefanov commented 2 years ago


steve-a-jones commented 2 years ago

Can you share any updates on prioritization of this request? Would love to see support for this -- the vscode plugin has been available for quite some time already.

weichongjco commented 2 years ago


spdaly commented 2 years ago


ayush-appscrip commented 2 years ago

+1 Eagerly waiting for the Step function support in IntelliJ IDE.

Forensor commented 2 years ago

+1 I would love to have this feature!

emondal1026 commented 2 years ago

+1 both json editor and flow visualizer (latter would be nice but former is primary).

ghost commented 2 years ago

+1 | wondering why the Toolkit in PyCharm is still lacking this functionality.

klub-ayush commented 2 years ago

+1 I would love having step function support in Webstorm

agjones commented 2 years ago

+1, this would be killer

chillbirdo commented 2 years ago


demenr commented 2 years ago


mlabuda2 commented 2 years ago


dsvensson commented 2 years ago

I'm going to take all of these +1's and construct a really good number. Thanks to every one of you for taking the time to contribute such immense value. I'm good for the a few years, no need to add more. Instead a :+1: on the issue will be just fine moving forward.

klub-ayush commented 1 year ago

Is there any update on this? 🥺

goeb86 commented 1 year ago

Please add this ass running Step Functions in CLI is painful

stefanmo commented 1 year ago

Any plans for this? It's been 4 years and this is most upvoted feature request 😞

jerland commented 1 year ago

Any Updates?

Flysmallsheep commented 1 year ago


klub-ayush commented 1 year ago

We need this please 🥺

balazssandor commented 1 year ago

+1 for Step Functions Visualisation/Preview in PyCharm (same as VS Code feature)

TimDommett commented 1 year ago

+1 Step Function visualisation in PyCharm would be amazing for our workflows

ZMarouani commented 1 year ago

Issue opened on Nov 21, 2018 ... we are in Feb 17, 2023 .. five years and no updates for this ?? : (

klub-ayush commented 1 year ago

I wish I was good at Java or Dart to develop this feature. :(

cnwobi commented 1 year ago

Issue opened on Nov 21, 2018 ... we are in Feb 17, 2023 .. five years and no updates for this ?? : (


ayush-appscrip commented 1 year ago

please please give this

boazav commented 9 months ago


ismail-icanovic commented 9 months ago


chernetsov commented 8 months ago


PatiHox commented 8 months ago


aazbeltran commented 6 months ago


allstream commented 6 months ago


roegi commented 3 months ago


hojabri commented 3 months ago


masakaya commented 2 months ago


elyhess commented 1 month ago
