On November 12, 2024, Visual Studio 17.12.0 was released. Upgrading to this version causes Amazon Q features to stop working:
Amazon Q inline coding suggestions do not appear, and the Output pane titled "Amazon Q Language Client" contains messages textDocument [file:xxxxx] not found
Amazon Q security scans fail with the message "Amazon Q security scan failed: Error: Text document for given file is missing."
Chatting with Amazon Q Chat about selected code or the currently open file results in responses like "I don't see any code provided to explain."
On November 12, 2024, Visual Studio 17.12.0 was released. Upgrading to this version causes Amazon Q features to stop working:
textDocument [file:xxxxx] not found
This has been observed when working with files that automatically open when you load a solution. An issue has been filed with the Visual Studio developer community: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/VS-1712-not-emitting-document-related-m/10789428
A possible workaround is to close the code file, then re-open it. The Amazon Q features listed above should resume working.