aws / aws-tools-for-powershell

The AWS Tools for PowerShell lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the PowerShell scripting environment.
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ci: setup CI for PR validation #242

Closed ganeshnj closed 2 years ago

ganeshnj commented 2 years ago

Motivation and Context

Traditionally, AWS Tools for PowerShell has been built in Jenkins CI which limits developers to run build on PRs. Having no PR checks allowed developers to pushed untested code in release branch.

Containerizing PS build

AWS Tools for PowerShell has been challenging to build locally due to specific dependencies such as .NET Core 2.1, PowerShell 6.1.3 and Pester 4.8.1. There is separate work item for switching to from .NET Core 2.1. There are number of fixes introduced to allow PS in a container.

Goal 1: Migrating to PowerShell 7

Following tests verifies the working of the credential chain when no AWS credentials are provided. The tests are setup by mocking the readonly field/properties in AWS .NET using PowerShell 6.1.3, which is not supported in newer versions of .NET Core and PowerShell.

It "should fail with no credentials set" {
    # unfortunately, this takes 15 seconds...
    { Get-EC2Instance } | Should Throw "No credentials specified or obtained from persisted/shell defaults."
It "should fail with no credentials set" {
    # unfortunately, this takes 15 seconds...
    { Get-S3Bucket } | Should Throw "No credentials specified or obtained from persisted/shell defaults."

Goal 2: Supporting temporary credentials for testing

Fixing/removing tests which don't support temporary AWS credentials

AWS Tools for PowerShell tests are designed to run against permanent AWS credentials. Depending on permanent credentials is bad practices and comes with rotation maintenance.

TestHelper.ps1 is updated to incorporate temporary AWS credentials.

Why are following tests skipped?

It "Can list jobs and get job status" {
    # Get-IEJob can't be used here because it requires permanent credentials
    if ($helper.Token -ne $null) {
It "Can get temporary credentials" {
    # Get-STSSecurityToken can't be used here because it requires permanent credentials
    if ($helper.Token -ne $null) {

Above tests verifies the operations which are only supported by permanent credentials.

Goal 3: Migrating to Pester 5.0

This has been put hold for now, it requires major re-structuring of tests which isn't feasible at the moment.

Setting AWS CodeBuild CI for PR validation

AWS CodeBuild CI (ci.codebuild.yml) allows developers to build and test their PRs on GitHub using AWS CodeBuild. It has three parts

1. AWS CodeBuild CI GitHub action

On every PR request to master and dev branch and merge to master and dev branch, it executes CodeBuild project. It uses repository secrets to store role ARN. OpenID authentication is used to setup AWS credentials.

2. Dockerfile and CodeBuild project

CodeBuild project uses custom buildtools/Dockerfile container which has all the required tools installed to build and test the PRs.

Pester tests use test-runner AWS profile for running the tests. Therefore, the codebuild job, assumes TEST_RUNNER_ROLE_ARN role and sets up the test-runner profile and executes the tests.

CodeBuild job must have permission to assume TEST_RUNNER_ROLE_ARN role.

3. Template for infra generation

ci.template.yml is responsible for creating infra in AWS that includes creating role for OIDC and CodeBuild project.

Screenshots (if appropriate)

Types of changes

