aws / awsui-documentation

Information on how to get started using AWS UI components
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Missing Visual & Usability Overview #7

Open anthumchris opened 3 years ago

anthumchris commented 3 years ago

I think it would really help to provide a top-level link that exemplifies the design system in action. A page that immediately lists the component with links to instantly test and play with components could go a long way for evaluation, adoption, and understanding. Examples:

gethinwebster commented 3 years ago

Hi Chris,

Thanks for opening this issue. Publishing complete documentation for the design system is something that we definitely want to do, and which we're actively working on at the moment. This will include similar functionality to what you describe.

I'll leave this issue open for now for future reference, and please feel free to open another issue if you have any other questions about the design system in general or any of its components.