aws / chalice

Python Serverless Microframework for AWS
Apache License 2.0
10.55k stars 1.01k forks source link

project health - its time to fix, archive, or fork. #2067

Open kapilt opened 11 months ago

kapilt commented 11 months ago

as this point the time commit to chalice appears to be closer to 1 hr every few month of maintainer time, at which point it does seems worthwhile to raise archiving the project to prevent more pain to innocent adopters. alternatively given aws doesn't allow external contributors/maintainers on repos in its org, an actual community fork, that doesn't have to be limited to 1hr of attention every few months. either way.. the current situation is pretty sad. I doubt the time commit is getting better, so archive or let's encourage a fork that can leverage the extant community of adopters.

kapilt commented 11 months ago

re no movement, on my previous observations on project health from two years ago

kapilt commented 11 months ago

I say this, having contributed significant functionality to chalice

and adopting it for several projects, I wouldn't recommend it at this point to a new user, due to its overall health, and lack of updates.

RogerWebb commented 10 months ago

I have been discussing this with our AWS reps and they just assured me they talked to the team and that work is being done here, so I come to look at the PRs and Issues and see a dumpster fire. I also have a contribution pending on one of those issues that hasn't received a response. The 50MB Zip File limit cripples functionality and I have a working patch that deploys via Docker and ECR.

This is an AWS branded project. I get that this project itself isn't being charged for, but it was put out as a way to adopt paid AWS services and many of us have invested significant time in adoption as well as contributing our time and work back to a for-profit company and all we ask is that you work with us, accept the feedback and free code/consulting we're giving you, and do your due diligence maintaining a project/framework that you put out. You're leaving a lot of hanging here, and after 3 previous attempts at adopting Lambda, if this one gets hosed, I'm not coming back. It has been a bumpy ride over the last several years with Lambda to say the least and you owe it to those of us that have paid with our time, effort and money to finally deliver something that works as it was promised.

RogerWebb commented 10 months ago

And if you're going to abandon this project you at least owe us a heads up so that we can decide whether to abandon as well, or fork it and go our own way.

mangled-data commented 10 months ago

I worry this is being abandoned. Can anyone recommend a similar alternative which is close to chalice's simplicity (python centric) ? I so love chalice as others are so heavy, but if it can't keep up, it's time to grudgingly move on.

pkit commented 10 months ago

This project was understaffed since the inception. I've forked it in 2021 to have at least some features merged, unfortunately, that code was closed source. It looks like nothing changed....

jamesls commented 10 months ago

Hey Kapil and everyone,

Just wanted to say I hear you and understand the frustration. I'm having discussions internally about this, and I'll update as soon as I have anything to share.

Also, please feel free to continue the comments, this is really helpful feedback.

joaopaulosilvasimoes commented 10 months ago

Hello everybody.

I always follow this project and have great affection for it, for its simplicity and robustness.

However, what always prevented me from adopting it commercially was this aspect of lack of engagement, and lack of evolution.

I did academic work using it, but I was afraid to adopt it commercially and ended up opting for Spring Boot.

But I still follow it, and I hope it becomes a viable competitor, since I've never found this ease and level of integration in a framework.

But that last effort is missing, and some additional integrations and configurations such as: RDS Proxy, OpenAPI, improvements in the configuration and management of the API Gateway and other improvements.

henryivesjones commented 9 months ago

This project feels dead, many new useful Lambda features have been introduced, but cannot be leveraged with chalice because of a lack of maintenance.

To name a few...

Adding these configuration options to chalice is not a very large lift, and could even be done (and have been) by the community, but they will probably never make it to main because PRs are just sitting there with no engagement from the maintainers.

RogerWebb commented 9 months ago

@henryivesjones I feel the same way about the ability to use Docker-based Lambda Functions. The size limit for Zip files is painfully small and I've used the SAM package generation capability, with a process to modify it, to make Chalice deploy via Docker and they can, and very much should, incorporate this functionality into the Chalice main. There are a litany of these minor lift feature requests and maintenance issues that need to be addressed. I don't want to see the project die, but as the Issue Title says, it's time to "fix, archive or fork".

bobcolner commented 9 months ago

checkout aws copilot, if your forced to use AWS that seems to be the best they offer at this time..

pkit commented 9 months ago

@bobcolner unfortunately copilot is even worse, and less documentation

postmart commented 8 months ago

It feels like, in this case no news means bad news 😢

kapilt commented 8 months ago

It feels like, in this case no news means bad news 😢

Out of curtesy I'm waiting to post reinvent, most AWS teams are pretty busy atm.

RogerWebb commented 8 months ago

I've been talking to my AWS rep about this during our calls. He had me write up a message to share with the team about what we're getting out of Chalice and why we'd like it to stick around. I gather it's future is uncertain and I think having folks make some noise might help at this stage. If you have a business AWS account, I'd encourage you to reach out to your reps. From what I gather, that's the only place we're going to get traction on this as this Github "Issues" is considered "external communicaton" of sorts. If we want this project to stick around, and I do, we are going to have to make sure that the maintainers know we're here.

westonplatter commented 5 months ago

Thanks @kapilt for kicking the conversation and your contributions to the project

I don't see any project activity, therefore choosing to use another framework. The lack support/activity by AWS and lack of docker image support were my core needs. Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10 56 45

twhateley commented 5 months ago

Hi @jamesls I would really like to use Chalice for a new project, however we need support for HTTP APIs and JWT Authorizers, both of these features would seem to fit well with the ethos of chalice. If you (or anyone) has any info you could share on if Chalice is going to get AWS support for new features, that would be fantastic moving into 2024.

martasd commented 3 months ago

I was just about to suggest to my team to start using this framework when I stumbled on this issue. I would appreciate if there was a warning in the README that this project is not being maintained, so that new adopters are forewarned and don't waste time trying to use it. Thanks!

henryivesjones commented 3 months ago

We have migrated off of chalice after utilizing a forked version and on to a framework we built specifically for our needs. It doesn't cover everything that chalice does, but it provides the functionality we need and some new functionality that we find extremely useful.

v3ss0n commented 3 months ago

do you have a fork chalice version?

v3ss0n commented 3 months ago

It seems aws focus is now at