Can someone please tell if FluentBit Forward Output plugin is supported in any version of EKS.
I get this error.
Disabled logging for pod due to invalid configmap. forward is not a supported output plugin. Please fix the logging configmap
This is my ConfigMap
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: aws-logging
namespace: aws-observability
flb_log_cw: "false" # Set to true to ship Fluent Bit process logs to CloudWatch.
output.conf: |
Name forward
Match kube.*
Host fluentd-aggregator.default.svc.cluster.local
Port 24224
filters.conf: |
Name parser
Key_name log
Parser crio
Name kubernetes
Match kube.
Merge_Log On
Keep_Log Off
Buffer_Size 0
Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 300s
parsers.conf: |
Name crio
Format Regex
Regex ^(?
Can someone please tell if FluentBit Forward Output plugin is supported in any version of EKS.
I get this error. Disabled logging for pod due to invalid configmap. forward is not a supported output plugin. Please fix the logging configmap
This is my ConfigMap kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: aws-logging namespace: aws-observability data: flb_log_cw: "false" # Set to true to ship Fluent Bit process logs to CloudWatch. output.conf: | [OUTPUT] Name forward Match kube.* Host fluentd-aggregator.default.svc.cluster.local Port 24224
filters.conf: | [FILTER] Name parser Match Key_name log Parser crio [FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube. Merge_Log On Keep_Log Off Buffer_Size 0 Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 300s
parsers.conf: | [PARSER] Name crio Format Regex Regex ^(?