aws / ec2-image-builder-roadmap

Public Roadmap for EC2 Image Builder.
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Source DistributionConfiguration inputs #61

Open taylorbartley opened 3 years ago

taylorbartley commented 3 years ago

Community Note

Tell us about your request The ability to source the DistributionConfiguration parameters from an outside source, i.e., S3 file or SSM ParameterStore Parameter.

Tell us about the problem you're trying to solve. What are you trying to do, and why is it hard? My team maintains dozens of accounts. We would like to operationalize golden image distribution. But we create and decomission accounts regularly. Needing to routinely update the DistributionConfiguration when we add or remove accounts will likely result in errors.

Are you currently working around this issue? We are hardcoding the accounts as a list in CloudFormation, and updating that list as part of our onboarding/decom process.

Additional context That issue is related, but so far, working with RAM to fill this need isn't quite appropriate, since RAM itself would likely need to be updated after each new AMI is built. Another possible approach would be to allow sharing the AMIs with an Organization or OU in the DistributionConfiguration, similarly to RAM's capabilities.

Attachments n/a

Jjlgo commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your input. The Image Builder team is planning to add support for sharing AMIs with AWS Organizations, as part of roadmap item at

sirsurya commented 3 years ago


bigfoot6uk commented 2 years ago


bigfoot6uk commented 2 years ago

Any update on this? I was informed by support nearly a year ago that RAM was going to support AMI distribution and image builder could use that as an org distribution mechanism.