aws / ec2-image-builder-roadmap

Public Roadmap for EC2 Image Builder.
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AWS Image Builder resources doesn't get the stack level tags from CFN. #94

Open srcndogan opened 9 months ago

srcndogan commented 9 months ago

Name of the resource AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline

Description Created a stack for resource type AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline

ImagePipelineAllParameters: Type: 'AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline' Properties: Name: 'image-pipeline-name-2' Description: 'description' ImageRecipeArn: arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-east-1:12345678:image-recipe/amazon-linux-2-with-latest-ssm-agent/0.0.1 InfrastructureConfigurationArn: arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-east-1:12345678:infrastructure-configuration/amazon-linux-2-with-latest-ssm-agent-infrastructure-configuration ImageTestsConfiguration: ImageTestsEnabled: false TimeoutMinutes: 90 Schedule: ScheduleExpression: 'cron(0 0 ? *)' PipelineExecutionStartCondition: 'EXPRESSION_MATCH_ONLY' Status: 'DISABLED' Tags: Key: Name

Value: test

    # test1: value1

Applied stack level tags as 'test1: value1' while creating the stack. Resource got created and no tags being applied to resource. Commented out the above Tags part and updated my stack, Tags got applied. So stack level tags are not being applied during the CREATE nor UPDATE operation.

I have tested this behavior for other resource types for Image Builder and none of them applying the stack level tags. List of resource types for CFN as below.

AWS::ImageBuilder::Component AWS::ImageBuilder::Image AWS::ImageBuilder::ImageRecipe AWS::ImageBuilder::InfrastructureConfiguration AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration AWS::ImageBuilder::ImagePipeline AWS::ImageBuilder::ContainerRecipe Other Details Types for Tags in the Image Builder resource are Map of String where usually Tags would be a List of string. Workaround at the moment applying tags at resource level. However, expecting to apply stack level tags to resources above.

rajbir1982 commented 8 months ago

Thank you Sercan for post this issue. And yes, tags applied to CFN are not populating to ImageBuilder resource created in that CFN

maintain3r commented 1 month ago

Any solution to fix the issue? Im trying to get may AMIs tagged withing img builder distribution config object. Example: BuilderDistributionConfig: Type: AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration Properties: Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-proxy-img-builder-distribution" Distributions:

The tags I put above don't get applied to my AMI. The pipeline works well with no issue and generates an AMI that I can use to create an ec2. The problem is how to add image Tags so that I can control better my ami fleet. Thanks!