Discussion on appending my- in the name during curated packages generation?
Include orchestration tests for generate.
We can leave this for a separate PR but should think about injecting some kind of "logger" so we can test this
If this method is using the factory, I would advice against putting it in the curatedpackages package. The dependency direction should be "ports" (like cmd or controllers) -> factory -> "packages with business logic" If we break that, we will eventually find a cyclic dependency
If we are running apply, this method name doesn't make a lot of sense anymore (CreateYaml method in kubectlrunner). This comes back to using the existing apply method
Ensure error handling occurs before GA (Regarding whether to fail or succeed all operations for curated packages in import and download images commands)
nit: let's create another method that doesn't need the context and leave this just to implement the interface from download/import
this needs to be injected as a dependency.
We should be using Reader and Writer interfaces here. This is going to load the entire thing into memory. That might work for now, when run on someone's laptop or whatever, but it isn't hard to imagine us eventually having packages large enough that this would fail (like if run on a resource constrained VM).
Under the circumstances, I think we can go out with this, but this should be tracked in an issue for later fixing.
All the issues in this list have been completed except:
We should be using Reader and Writer interfaces here. This is going to load the entire thing into memory. That might work for now, when run on someone's laptop or whatever, but it isn't hard to imagine us eventually having packages large enough that this would fail (like if run on a resource constrained VM).