aws / git-remote-codecommit

An implementation of Git Remote Helper that makes it easier to interact with AWS CodeCommit
Apache License 2.0
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Using credential_process results in a 404 error #7

Open benbridts opened 4 years ago

benbridts commented 4 years ago

When using an external credential process get-remote-codecommit always returns a 404.

I'm using aws-vault to test this, but your credential_process could be a cat of a json file.

I'm using aws-vault to handle my credentials, this is my configuration:

# .aws/config

[profile codecommit]
credential_process = aws-vault exec sandbox-profile --json

[profile tmp]

I verified that aws-vault was working and the credentials where correct by using sts get-caller-identity and testing the aws-vault credential output in a temporary profile:

aws --profile codecommit sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROAIR7P4ZLYKGYCEVD6M:1583408935234570000",
    "Account": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::XXXXXXXXXXX:assumed-role/ROLE_NAME/1583408935234570000"

aws-vault exec sandbox-profile --json

cat >> ~/.aws/credentails <<EOF
aws_access_key_id = ASIAUBJLRPEKAZ2K7YC4
aws_secret_access_key = XXX
aws_session_token = YYY

git clone codecommit::eu-west-1://tmp@dns-test dns-test-test
Cloning into 'dns-test-test'...
remote: Counting objects: 19, done.
Unpacking objects: 100% (19/19), done.

However, when I try to use the codecommit profile, I get the following error:

rm -rf dns-test-test/
git clone codecommit::eu-west-1://codecommit@dns-test dns-test-test
Cloning into 'dns-test-test'...
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
aashwinkumaar commented 4 years ago

Can you test this with the latest version (1.13) ?

benbridts commented 4 years ago

I've tested this with version1.13 and I still have issues. I added some debugging and got strange behavior.

Test 1: CLI only

I created a script "" that looks like this (edit the paths if your tempdir is somewhere else) (+ make it executable and put it somewhere in your path)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
date >> /tmp/credentials.log
aws-vault exec PROFILE --json > /tmp/credentals.json

cat /tmp/credentals.json >> /tmp/credentials.log
echo '' >> /tmp/credentials.log
cat /tmp/credentals.json

I configured that script as the credential process:

[profile codecommit]
credential_process =

Executing that with the CLI already gives me a strange output in the log (I get 2 calls logged instead of 1):

aws --profile codecommit sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROAJHGZ6YFDCSP67K3AE:1583681636663673000",
    "Account": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::XXXXXXSXXXXX:assumed-role/REDACTED/1583681636663673000"

cat /tmp/credentials.log
Sun Mar  8 16:33:55 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:33:56 CET 2020

Test 2: Via git

I edited git_remote_codecommit/ and added the following code to the top of the sign method to get some debug output:

    'access_key': credentials.access_key,
    'secret_key': credentials.secret_key,
    'token': credentials.token

If I keep the same configuration and a git command I get even more log lines:

> /tmp/credentials.log
git pull --ff-only
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
{'access_key': 'ASIAVYZ4FOHHJCVKUZWK', 'secret_key': 'REDACTED', 'token': 'FwoGZXIvYXdzEPn//////////wEaDKTgcD/Mw/cTLi+BNCK7AdBmhuGumGrDWMOMppCP4ihQT2Y0jV6CdpuUM04gMTEY4O4+abUdxSmgRg1kPqvhzXCoWvOfPEA4uKCz8PNZ5E/lSZNX2goTBQuS79pYjZAFiEFGdD/fbFVOmcLc+2wBsOITiV9fe6v0rMMFcWJpNMozq6Ag0Ur2IDZh4a2ZFcStDviNKn60MU+9L2WTAH8UlJ6DiDVT5oOAXqCSInxJSotBJAH01ukXmN8Seiv9FGyjHanwWnr0v6EuErIok6OU8wUyLWZXpVQeb5F2YCLrmYXaGI5Z6Feqmb7THSqupmuFCCusfafnsIyDnDkMtRrqHw=='}

cat /tmp/credentials.log
Sun Mar  8 16:38:54 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:55 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:55 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:56 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:57 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:58 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:58 CET 2020
Sun Mar  8 16:38:59 CET 2020

You'll notice that the session token used by git-remote-codecommit (from the call at 16:38:58) does not match the AccessKey (from the call at 16:38:57). The secret access key did match the session token in my test.

benbridts commented 4 years ago

Kyle did an investigation in It looks like it's related to the refreshing of the credentials, as the problem goes completely away if the session is more than 15 minutes in the future.


aws-vault exec PROFILE --json > /tmp/credentals.json


aws-vault exec PROFILE --json --assume-role-ttl=30m > /tmp/credentals.json

makes the problem go away