aws / glide-for-redis

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Added check if tag include rc init, if so release as @next #1407

Closed avifenesh closed 1 week ago

avifenesh commented 2 weeks ago

Added option of release candidate to the CI. If a tag including 'rc' in it it will set the publish tag to next, so it won't be install without specific direction.

To my understanding from pypi automatically set version with -rc in their version as prerelease version. @barshaul @shohamazon please check if i got it right.

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avifenesh commented 1 week ago

If we set all RCs with the same next tag, how can we release a new RC if there's one already exist?

@barshaul Every time you release with next you override. Same of what happen with latest, every time there is new latest, the previous loses its tag.

barshaul commented 1 week ago

If we set all RCs with the same next tag, how can we release a new RC if there's one already exist?

@barshaul Every time you release with next you override. Same of what happen with latest, every time there is new latest, the previous loses its tag.

So in your solution the user passes the version with the RC number, right? and if the user passes an existing RC it would fail the workflow? Have you though of using npm's preid field? so running: npm version prerelease --preid=rc would add a suffix of the right "rc-X" to the package version