Add Support for Java Spring Boot in Industry Toolkit
We need to extend the Industry Toolkit to support Java Spring Boot for API-first development. This feature will include a template for a Java Spring Boot service along with the necessary CDK configuration to deploy it on AWS. The template should follow best practices for Spring Boot applications and include deployment infrastructure using AWS CDK.
Feature Requirements:
Create a template for Java Spring Boot that fits into the Industry Toolkit.
Add CDK infrastructure to deploy the Spring Boot service (e.g., ECS Fargate, Lambda, or EC2).
Ensure compatibility with existing API-first development workflows supported by the Industry Toolkit.
Write comprehensive tests to validate the service template and deployment.
Provide clear documentation and a README file for users to understand how to use the template.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] A template for Java Spring Boot and CDK to deploy the service is completed.
[ ] Tests are written and passing.
[ ] README is completed with instructions on using the template.
[ ] Documentation explaining how to deploy the service using CDK is included.
Add Support for Java Spring Boot in Industry Toolkit
We need to extend the Industry Toolkit to support Java Spring Boot for API-first development. This feature will include a template for a Java Spring Boot service along with the necessary CDK configuration to deploy it on AWS. The template should follow best practices for Spring Boot applications and include deployment infrastructure using AWS CDK.
Feature Requirements:
Acceptance Criteria: