aws / karpenter-provider-aws

Karpenter is a Kubernetes Node Autoscaler built for flexibility, performance, and simplicity.
Apache License 2.0
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Grafana dashboard reflects inconsistent value where node memory utilization is different with exact usage in kube-state-metrics #6408

Closed chaijunkin closed 6 days ago

chaijunkin commented 6 days ago


Observed Behavior: The dashboard


Expected Behavior: Dashboard metrics should be same with kube-state-metrics reported metrics

Reproduction Steps (Please include YAML):

Dashboard JSON below

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jonathan-innis commented 6 days ago

Can you describe the exact metrics from kube-state that you are using for monitoring and expecting to match Karpenter's metrics?

chaijunkin commented 6 days ago

From the left side which is kube-state-metrics dashboard, it shows node (ip-10-4-105-63.ec2.internal, 16GB assigned) is using around 18.39% RAM Usage, around 3GB as Memory Usage.

From the right side, Node Summary node ip-10-4-105-63.ec2.internal is using 85.8% memory utilization which is not the same.

Grafana expression: ((karpenter_nodes_total_daemon_requests{resource_type="memory",arch="$arch",capacity_type="$capacity_type",instance_type="$instance_type",nodepool="$nodepool",zone="$zone"} or karpenter_nodes_allocatable0) + \n(karpenter_nodes_total_pod_requests{resource_type="memory",arch="$arch",capacity_type="$capacity_type",instance_type="$instance_type",nodepool="$nodepool",zone=~"$zone"} or karpenter_nodes_allocatable0)) / \nkarpenter_nodes_allocatable{resource_type="memory",arch="$arch",capacity_type="$capacity_type",instance_type="$instance_type",nodepool="$nodepool",zone="$zone", cluster="$cluster"}"

I tried the expression karpenter_nodes_total_daemon_requests + karpenter_nodes_total_pod_requests with proper filter, and it shows huge gap than kube-state-metrics usage. Not sure other have similar issue or not.

chaijunkin commented 6 days ago

I think I have wrong impression on the metrics...

This metrics is the total daemonset + pod requested memory inside karpenter node, and the metrics is not indiciating current memory usage.
